Reveal the identity of sasuke

The three of them eating the food then suddenly jungkook asked sasuke about his family members then sasuke reply i have mom and dad and one older brother,sister and cute little sister who everyone adores her you two loved when you meet my all family members i guarantee and laugh then jihyo say then when we're meeting your family members then sasuke reply they don't live here with me when the time come you can all can meet each other and laugh loudly then sasuke eat their chocolate then jihyo say you always eat chocolate or just eating now then sasuke reply when i am kid i always love sweet things that's why i ended up eating chocolates then jungkook reply you surprised jihyo his fridge is full of chocolate and chicken and no other food is there either you laughed at it or say he only eat this things only then jihyo and sasuke laugh and jihyo said you're one of a kind funny guy then the jungkook asked yesterday why you left club in a middle then jihyo also yeah i also think about it why you left in the middle of a fun then sasuke say i got a work so headed out for a while then both nodded their if like then it's okay then jungkook say where we head out today club or bowling then jihyo said no today we go to shopping then jungkook no shopping is boring you only enjoy it while we're just carry you're purse or bag then jihyo reply shut up you idiot no one ask you're opinion here then jihyo ask sasuke where you think we're going then sasuke say i love shopping specially to try new things like make up items or clothes then jihyo shouted loudly and said you're truly my bestie and grab his hands and said let's try new branded and designer clothes together then let's go then jungkook say man who in the world try or do this kind of things i hate it then jihyo if you don't want to come then you can leave or go alone in bowling then Jungkook i don't means to say like that anyway i want to come let's see how it fun to do this type of things and they head towards the mall their they try so many clothes jihyo and sasuke coordination is very good they try so many clothes and clicking pictures and uploaded on Instagram and jungkook on other hand is so exhausted and sat wait a minutes let's eat something otherwise i collapsed in this mall and sasuke and jihyo laugh together then they grab some cold drink and say let's call it a day then they sit on the car headed to the home then suddenly stuck in the traffic then jungkook say next time i don't come with you to try this clothes you both can fun together then suddenly sasuke watch blooming then i realized something is following in the sky then suddenly the two cars collide together and the people are furious and come out from the cars then explosion hit to the other side then sasuke immediately run towards that area and saw their some group of guy fighting for th stones first he surprised why they fight among themselves then one guy say look my new power i am now more stronger than earlier then hit another rock on the mountain then they just playing with stones then sasuke catch the stones and say now this stones belong to me now you can play you're little games among themselves okay buddy and he headed towards the car then suddenly one guy block him and laugh and said you punk you don't know what you're taking with you and you either you don't know we're it's better give us otherwise you can't see tomorrow and they all laugh together then one guy his power to punch sasuke but sasuke block it and twisted his neck and killed him on the spot then all of them are shocked then sasuke uses collapsed magic power and two guy die on the same spot then one guy say who the hell are you how you can used the magic power like us give me the damn answer then sasuke reply i don't think to give answer to damn rats who doesn't know their damn place and just causing troubles here and say either way you all gonna die here because you saw me and it's trouble for me if you gonna survive here and report to the boss that this guy kill our group members it's better they just confused in their own world and laugh in a evil way then they attack and sasuke just fight with them then one guy just comminicated the leader and say one guy here try to take the stones then on other side jihyo and jungkook are wondering where are sasuke go and they just heading to search him then jungkook say i already track the gps on his phone in emergency if something like that can happen and they both headed towards the sasuke's location before they reaching sasuke kill all of them then suddenly from the above the twenty people and their leader come down and block the sasuke way and their and say just give the stone before me and y men cut down your body parts into tiny pieces and they all laugh then sasuke say another lots of damn rats who blocking my way without any proper brain  how you all can work together and sigh then suddenly the team leader say you know my name is sasuke it doesn't matter to me because you neither turning back because now your dying in my hands the leader who's name is Jason holder from crimson group said you talk too much and say let's attack him sasuke who beat one guy and took their swords and in a speed way killed ten guy in a row and say come fast will ya otherwise you only getting in my way comne faster then suddenly jihyo shouted sasuke what are doing here and why are fighting with this guy who are they the Jason who laugh and say looks like i can beat and kill this girl with you then he headed towards her then sasuke sigh and block the barrier towards the jihyo in which Jason attack didn't work then he said damn how much damn power he had and just say to his member attack him altogether then from behind jungkook kick the guy and say look i don't know who your and what problem having with my bro i don't care but you have to go through with me first then go to sasuke just hearing that sasuke laugh and say brother your the best then he just uses his power to take both jihyo and jungkook on their side and say grab any weapon and kill the guy if you can't just don't hurt okay then jihyo say what you take me for i am very good in fighting because i learn martial arts then they killed all the guys then Jason fighting with sasuke and say now you left here you better come and give your head to me then fighting then Jason uses fist magic sasuke block in easy way jihyo and jungkook both shocked by seeing this then sasuke say i know you tow have lots of queestions for me i just deal with then i can you proper explanation okay then they nodded their head then Jason try his hardest to fight to sasuke but in the end he just lost then jihyo and jungkook come closer to sasuke and said he only talk big but he just down so easily jihyo laugh so loudly then Jason say you idiot how in the world you can look down to me then angry with jihyo hit the balls of the Jason and said who you're calling the bitch you son of a dog he just collapsed at a moments  then sasuke say lady you don't have to kill it that way then he look at him in a angry expression then sasuke say i am sorry your right then later Jason suddenly realized the face of sasuke and say your beckham de beckham of beckham empire aren't you then sasuke say oh now you can recognised me yes i am sasuke de beckham of the beckham empire of Nottingham city and now you are going to die here then Jason say you know after collided and kill all our guy you can escape to the crimson boss and laugh so hard then sasuke say who do you think report them then sasuke uses his scrap magic to disposed the dead body jihyo,jungkook and Jason  all three are shocked for a minute what where are the dead bodies are jihyo say then Jason say damn stupid how many magical powers you have then sasuke say it's just a trick you damn fool then jihyo break it and say don't abuse too much you to of you you both don't see a lady here and hit a Jason so hard and say you idiot how you can talk too much here then Jason just say you witch how can you hit me then jihyo hit his balls again Jason scream in pain trying to say something to her suddenly sasuke seal his lips and put sleeping spells on him to silent him then sasuke open the portal and say jihyo and jungkook you want to konw who i am then just follow me through this portal okay sasuke grab jihyo's hands  and take Jason body then four of them heading towards the another dimension this time they headed towards the sasuke's hometown the kingdom of Nottingham they just landed the kingdom just front of the mansion then sasuke hide the body of the Jason and one of the maid come see jihyo who's wearing a short skirt in the kingdom she's just staring at her then sasuke say they both are my friend just where are the mom and dad i want to introduce them to this two then they three go inside the mansion their they saw the buttler his name is Steve smith who's family serving the beckham family for generation to generation then he say young master his and her majesty come in a while to lunch because they are in the meeting then suddenly the head maid Natasha come and say master you need anything to eat or want to bath then sasuke asked jihyo and jungkook they both said no at a moment then maid are staring to the jungkook and say your so handsome and lady you also so beautiful they both laugh and suddenly the maid came and order all the maids to get back to the works to prepared for the food then they all get going then sasuke came and jihyo asked now you tell me all about your self then sasuke nodded his head and say i am crown princess of this empire and your the kingdom of Nottingham they both are shocked after hearing this then sasuke say i travel through dimension to catch th bad guy who caused th edamaged of the empire they spread all the way to your dimension to collect the power at that time sasuke didin't reveal anything about the stones to them then jungkook say then you also come to that dimension to our country then sasuke reply yes but i am glad that i meet you two guys and he hugged both of them then they say i just to deasl with that guy in that jail so you can roam and see the mansion it took a minutes to reach my parents here before the lunch i need to report the bad guy incident okay they both nodded their head and left and jihyo go to the garden side while jungkook follow the roof area a few minutes later the jihyo roaming the garden suddenly encounter the Marshall the Marshall is a wolf who's petted by the beckham family they played together for a while then Marshall run and she lost it then she encounter the man who's David De Beckham who's the sasuke's dad or the Emperor of the empire first he say are okay my lady while jihyo look at the above she see a very handsome face and very beautiful blue eyes she suddenly feel like she's meet the heaven angel and dreaming in her head and blushing then the secretary came and say majesty then David nodded his hand and say i am okay and secretary gone then emperor say my lady are you okay can i call a doctor for you then jihyo say no no and hit her face say i am okay i am just heading to the dining table then David laugh and say here lend my hand i escort you to the dining table then jihyo happily headed her head to his shoulder and ask my lady who are you and what's your name oh i am sorry for a late introduction i am jihyo sasuke's friend i came with him oh then David reply it that's so that be my guest and they headed towards the dining table while jihyo his just staring his face and smiling while on the other side jungkook just follow the path to see some painting to assure anything he like here then suddenly he saw a beautiful and gorgeous lady heading towards her on a second he dreamed the she's angel coming down from the heaven he approached her very confidently then suddenly a stick from above it's falling jungkook run fast and grab the lady body and turn saved the lady head from hitting to her head and jungkook say i am sorry you beautiful angel lady for touching you it's just i am trying to save you from the stick then lady who's Angelina De Beckham the Empress of the Nottingham Empire laugh in a beautiful way and say with a bow thank you gentleman for saving me after hearing and seeing her beautiful smile jungkook is happy like he's in a heaven and dreaming of a angel and he say are you a beautiful angel who come to here to meet me then Angelina laugh so hard and say no i am just a human who live a ordinary life here oh then jungkook say oh nut for me your angel to me then Angelina say your very good with the words gentleman then jungkook laugh then Angelina ask her name and why your here then jungkook reply i am sasuke's friend he say we all eat lunch and gone from there then Angelina grab the jungkook hand and say can you escort me i take you to the dining table jungkook happily said it's my honor my lady grab the lady hand and they headed towards the dining table.