and the fight begins pooran uses his magical power known as fire power which the sasuke dodge it and counter attack with the barrier and then he just grab the bat which was lying dfown on the street and hit to the pooran with magic power which just hit his chest and then he just punch through his head which pooran become less power before pooran counter it sasuke put the baarier in which he can't used the magic power and sasuke wins the fight after that sasuke said to pooran i know your leader name amd your motive of coming which was similar to my mission to coming here so without any delay please give me useful information regarding your guild pooran sasid if you even killed me you can't do anything to the guild and the boss and just that he laugh sasuke said that you want from me that i cut through your hand first and sasuke cut his hand without a blink of a hand and pooran screamed like a baby and in loud voice said you freaking idiot how you can cut my hand like that then sasuke laugh and said you really you can survive like that after encounter with me either you give me information or not it really doesn't matter to me in anyway i will kill you you better give answer to my question or die here without any help and just after that sasuke stabbed the sword in pooran's chest and then pooran said ohk ohk i tell you everything first thing is please remove the sword on my chest damn now how the crimson group begins and know about the stones interrogation begins the boss have some kind of demonic power which can observe or manipulate the mass amount of people so they can work under him first he came the bristane town of magnolia and killed the civilians who doesn't listen work under him and one of them is me either i get killed or getten killed by someone i joined their hands and all kind of dirty works for them to survive if i can't they just take another person just like that allthe people work under them but boss only took men no women or kids even middle age people he only wants people who are more active or who can live long untill his work then if you mess their job you can get killled without any thought of mercy and about the stone he gathered every people from town to get the hand of stones to revive the soul king i don't know much about that stuff but i can say that they are very dangerous people and one of them his subordinate is more powerful than boss it's looks like he just reincarnated from another time his aura and power is tremendous even boss can't fight or talk bad about him he is just next level from all of us in that group.Just that his breathing is getting low before sasuke ask more he die on the spot sasuke capture all three bodies in that magical bowl and heading towards the club their he found jihyo and jungkook and said let's go to home they all agreed and jungkook asked bro where do you live sasuke said 34th street of that area and their they saw his house and they drop him and jihyo said here my phone number if you need anything or help just can call it ohk just like that jungkook make a group in we chat and make group name friends forever memories and just they both left to their house and like that sasuke take a sip of a bottle and open the portal of a watch and just communicate the person and tell everything about encounter and crimson group theory to the other person they just nodded and you have to kill everybody who just come in our way and just like that they just ended their conversation and sasuke lied on the bed and thinking how they are in number or howmany powerful people are to the stone to want to revive the soul king and i want to know the real purpose of the boss of the crimson in my real current situation i can an only take thre or four person in one on one or face to face if i just a little bit i'm just died like a rat and laugh said in a little voice let's not think about that and just sleep and after that new message pout on the phone they all chat on the group for a while they all are happy and later sasuke sleep and said let's hangout together for like a good time just like that new day comes and junkook comes in bike to a sasuke's house and bro you can't even ready yet let's go fast we have just 40 minutes before college starts sasuke said ohk and going for clothes change then jungkook take the fridge and said you only eat chocolate or chicken breast in a day your refrigerator is full with only this two items and sasuke laugh i love chocolate or chicken in this life so that i only think and eat all they in a row and say never i can try new things if you show me then jungkook say ohk let's eat tteboeike ohk it's korean snacks you love it and fried chicken with beer how's it sounds fun and then sasuke say ohk anything just taste good i can agree to eat it and then jihyo's call coming on jungkook ohinbe jihyo shhouted and said you both idiots where are you two then jungkook reply i am in sasuke house and we just come in time you don't it to worry about us and jungkook asked where are you now then jihyo say i am on my way to the college just stuck in the traffic and then sasuke come out and said who are you talking with then jungkook reply jihyo and jihyo said come faster before me then sasuke she's very good at shouting isn't then jungkook laugh harder and said you are so funny sasuke and just like that jihyo hear it said do you think i am loud to you and just jungkook cut the phone said let's before she's angry to us and they both sit on the bike and jungkook driv e with the full speed and reach to the entrance of the college and they saw jihyo jungkook puts his hand on jihyo's neck and said hello beautiful you waited for us jihyo kick his toe and say who do you think i am you waited for you and then sasuke said ohk ohk don't need to angry from now on we come on time ohk beautiful fairy jihyo blushed and say this time i sorgive you ohk and they headed towards the class they sitted together this time and jun gkook and sasuke joked alot about the girls and talk about the things about the food or cars and weapon then jihyo say idiots pay attention to the class before you get scolded by the teacher jungkook say come on let's bro are talking their bro stuff you then jihyo say bla blah blah and then sasuke say looks like she's become book worm when the class is started and jungkook laugh and said man this class boring let's do something sasuke like just throw this paper to that girl or just bet can hit her then sasuke said now you're talking about something fun let's see i can win in one try and jihyo say don't do this you can trouble because that girl is teacher favourite student and she can frame you easily because all people are from their side then sasuke said then it's makes more fun then junkook throw first paper it didin't her he try second attempt but didn't then sasuke hit he hit her head but she doesn't notice sasuke said i am winner then jungkook said no i try it and just like that he hit her on his palm and the paper go throw the teacher leg junkook and sasuke put their hand down then suddenly teacher asked who throw it everybody silent then one student stand and said jungkook name and all class turn their head towards them laugh like a evil to look down him sasuke just notice it then teacher say you just came here to joke and fun then jungkook reply i didn't throw it then teacher said shut up you theow it or not doesn't matter then jihyo say i warn you no one can take your side and then just sasuke stand up and said teacher i throw it then whole class turn their head up and murmur then teacher said i am joke to you why you're taking blames on you then sasuke said it doesn't matter the person who said because he try to frame him i can sure it and everybody laugh even teacher ohk why you throw it because i solved the equation of the third thermo which you write it wrong then everybody laugh even jungkook or jihyo shocked idiot he's a expert in maths how you can say that then teacher open the paper and saw that thermo and said you can copy it from elsewhere and paste it here then then sauke laugh and said you think like that teacher said come and write here ohk then sasuke come and took the paper and tear it and write the therom then whole class silent for a second then jungkook said he's freaking genius how anyone can wrote the whole threom like it's nothing jihyo also shocked and said i thought he just a average student like you then teacher laugh and said you're wrong it's wrong then one teacher passing through a gate saw a scene and stand for a bit then sasuke said if this is wrong then you're not qualify for a teacher then everybody laugh for a second then that teacher come inside and said who wrote this therom then teacher recognized he's skim seoh whom got gold medalist in math if i impress him i can tarnish his reputation and laugh silently and said these boy said these therom is best and easy than mine and saw their therom the skim said indeed you're good then everybody in class laugh and teacher also smirk but what makes you think therom wrong then teacher last part he didn't take correct solution instead taking of root he substract it from bigger number like a fool and laugh then sir skim ask how many are you think sir therm or this boy therom correct except jihyo and jungkook everybody taske sir side and steacher laugh with proud then sir skim said you all are fool he fooling his theory his wrong you can't take root without rational number either you don't know basic or just like a fool then jungkook and jihyo laugh and sir skim asked sasuke name and said this boy is genius he solved the difficuly theory in a easy way and you three are in a good way to becomne a great teacher and student then the girl who paper is hit they just who are you and how can you said that sir is wrong then everybody murmur then principal came and said he's sir skim who won a gold medal in math and from now one he's your math teacher then everybody shocked then teaher head down his picked his book and leave the room and sir skim asked everybody to clap for this genius boy name sasuke from now on he's my favorite student jungkook and jihyo and all are shocked and just like that sasuke's reputation increase like a stock market shares and that boy who complaint and girl has no place to see their reputation is down in a second just like that the class is over after that jungkook headed towards the sasuke and said when you become a genius and jihyo said you never glance a blackboard even a second how you can write a theory which teacher is solved yeah just jungkook said yeah then sasuke said i planned it just in a case if we caught then we can escape it but i never thought that things out like that and my plan can work but not in my way just another it's works so i am happy anyway now other students don't treat you both horrible now on then jihyo and jungkook hug him and said thanks sasuke then they headed towards the canteen to eat something.