Found the leader name

aftwe thw college ends the three of them sit on the jihyo car and heading to the club inside the car sasuke asked jungkook how you know jihyo and how you meet and become friends then jihyo reply we both go to the same school and our family business work together then sasuke asked so you both came from rich family your parents must be nice and proud of you too then jihyo and jungkook silent for a second then jihyo said my mother and jungkook parents died in a car accident 15 years ago.Then sasuke said i am sorry for asking such a inappropriate topic then jungkook never mind i am glad you this thing earlier before it's late then they arrived at a mall then sasuke asked why we're here we agreed to go to the club then jihyo reply idiot who go club by waering this type of looks and clothes then the three of go to the clothes room and change their looks and jihyo do some make up and come outside and asked how i am looking then jungkook reply always pretty my sweet darling then sasuke said you just need to apply some light make up and do hair dressing and  wear some eyelashes you look more beautiful than earlier jihyo said oh ok i try it then jungkook asked man your some kind expert in beauty field then sasuke said my friend run a beauty parlour so i need this type of things then jungkook said oh then jihyo come out from the room and she look more prettier and beautiful like a princess jungkook shocked a second and said who are you miss i never seen you in here then jihyo reply and said you moron it's me jihyo then jungkook hug and said i never knew you look so beautiful then jihyo blushing and said i know know then she asked sasuke in a little low voice he reply here a rose put in your ear in that you look more beautiful and she said you can put there he put the rose and they headed towards the club then jihyo asked your very good in make up field then jungkook said his friend have beauty shops he can know everything.Then jihyo said from noe onward you can accompany me from every shopping and make up core then sasuke said i agreed but this things usually do with the fiends or group of girls you can hangout with them.Then jungkook said we both don't have friends we only have both because people jealous of jihyo because she is expert in everything specially in study so many girls don't wanna talk to us and same goes for me they think i am arrogant just because i am rich like jihyo and they see us like orphanage kid just because our parents are dead after hearing that sasuje said from now on count on me we make a great memories together and they three hug each other and laughed loudly and finally they reached to the club.Their sasuke hear some music and people drink and dancing first he surprised then later he realised it's same as a bar in my world and the three of them they drink and eat some food and jihyo grabbed sasuke and junkook hands they headed towards the dance floor and jihyo shouted to the DJ operator and said loud the music and three of them dancing for a while.Then suddenly sasuke's watch giving a signal of another stone first he surprised what another stone then he look around and saw a guy with black attire having a stone and talking to another guy he headed to them asked what are you doing the black attire guy say mind your own business u damn fool sasuke who just saw a tattoo on the back side of the hand and asked what is this some kind of group tattoo or guild just hearing his words they both suspicious of sasuke and said let's talk outside for a bit three of them goes outside of the club and one guy grabbed sasuke shirt and said you punk know yor place he just try to hit a blow on his hand then sasuke uses his magic and sasid look you both idiot i know you two are not from this world and i know the stone is inside of your pocket before i killed both of you.ypu both hand over the stone to me then one guy said who the hell are you and he just saw his face and recognised you you are a beckham what beckham and sasuke reply and better shut ur mouth before i killed you and hand over a stone the other guy said why are you giving him a stone you idiot then other guy if we didn't give we both die here anyways u don't know the beckham and shivering from a fear the other guy in angry grab a weapon and try to hit a sasuke just just killed him in instant without any blood spouting and say u better expalin all this crap ok the guy say if you can spare me i told you everything about stone and whatever you want ok then sasuke used sound baarier and invisible magic around him so no one can see them or hear it.Then sasuke said what's with this tattoo or your work he reply it's a tattoo of a crimson guild or group who wants to revive the power of soul king with the help of stone they are more than 500 people like us and leaders who gave orders to do a job if we do not they kill  us and our family without hesitation they come from another world like us we're a small group many come through a gate and their leader is Dietriach ferrin then sasuke said do you mean that ferrin who uses drugs on people for doing mass killing you're taking about that ferrin then he said yes i am taking aboutb that ferrin but he ended up in that crimson group and how they work for them then he reply he come just one year ago and deal with our main boss and from that moment they worked together to obtain that stone.Then sasuke just sense some  magic power through the entrance of the club he just defused the barrier and headed towards the club then suddenly that guy dead instant sasuke shocked for a while then he just hear a voice of a person and that person name is pooran who sasuke followed and ended up in this world then pooran said oh it's you sasuke de beckham and laugh finally i can kill you hear and no one can come to help you then sasuke smirk for a moment and said you just what i just thinking you jackass and they headed towards a fight