The story begins through the dimension when the male lead entered through the dimension in search of a stone to receive the soul king.The male lead name is sasuke de Beckham and he ended up in the modern world currently speaking 21st century 2024 where all the modern technology are running first he surprised when he saw all of this later he thought I come here for the purpose of the stone.Then he saw the man who's currently the person who's also come from another dimension he run to him and ask it about this place and how he can enter here and travel through dimension.Then that person told him if u have the power of a chain gate u can easily pass through any world or dimension after hearing it he captured him and ask why u come here and what your purpose then he tell her story he say I was forced to come here because of the crimeson group they captured the people and forced to work for them to obtain the power of the stone and of we don't work or refused to do they killed our family or destroy our village after hearing the background story of that person that sasuke said I helped you to free from that group but I have to teach me the access root of this dimension world and in return I will free all up your family and country peoples that guy name is Jackson who come from velvet city of mangolia and he nodded and accepted the offer but first he asked who are you and how you can help me to free from that crimeson group.Then sasuke said you and me came from the same world I saw you travel from the mangolia village so I know you and I'm familiar with our world but I'm not familiar with with this world.Then after that Jackson taught all of this world rules how they can travel through cars communicate with cell phones if you want anything you can search on internet with the help of Google after one week he learnt all of this world system and later they both went through a jewellery shop and Jackson sold his diamonds and gold to obtain cash and said to the sasuke now you need to change your looks and you need this type of money to survive in this world unlike our world here currency can work not bags of gold after hearing that sasuke went to barber shop and change his looks and dress and look like a model guy with handsome face and later Jackson said this place is called south Korea there no king and queen only people can elected their king through votes.Then after that Jackson said I taught you all of this world now take this watch this watch can help you to find the stones of soul king.Then Jackson gone to their own world after he searched for few hours sasuke watch signal through a college where the stone is likely to be found now that our second character Jungkook showed up.Sasuke who is walking through a signal of a watch their he saw a lady is been harrassing by a group of thugs man and that lady is our first female character and her name is Jihyo she's alone their sasuke saw it and punched a bad guy and said what are you doing in a broad day light to a beautiful fairy lady and he picked up a rose flower and said to a Jihyo this beautiful flower to a beautiful lady and then after he kicked a another guy stomach who went through a wall and his head is spinning and Jihyo said thanks to the sasuke and she said what's your name and your a new student in this campus just he wants to answer that bad guy grabbed a baseball bat and tried to hit a sasuke and just in time Jungkook appears with a flying kick and said coward how can you weapon from the behind and punched the guy on his face later police came and picked that bad guy.Jungkook who's billionaire in this world but a very good heart said Jihyo are you okay and why this bad guy attacking you and Jihyo who is also a rich woman said I don't know their are some random dudes who is just after my looks and she said look he's new student sasuke and Jungkook grab him anysaid from now we're brothers and we three are now friends ok sasuke. Sasuke who wants to clear up the times between them just received signal that stones are inside this college so he wanted to grab this situation and say of course I'm new student from abroad I'm glad that I'm find some new guy in my first day then the three of that smile and joke together and headed towards the campus sasuke who is come from another world first he go through the principal office and register their name through magical power and control the principal action through his magic called control mangic.And he later discovered that stones signal are inside the building of the basketball court and he found it and open a teleport through the person who he wants to communicate and said I discovered the first stone and now our first mission is completed by just saying this he go to their class and sit next to the Jungkook and Jihyo and joking that I don't know you both are so rich and smart like a perfect combination of a human being and Jihyo laughed and said your so good to make others people laugh by saying some flattering words by this words don't impress me and sasuke reply then which words will attract you she silent for a second and Jungkook said bro let's hangout after the college Jihyo let's go to a cafe or karaoke they both agreed and teacher come and take attendance.