In a world on the brink of war, Juro, a young hybrid, finds himself at the center of a deadly conspiracy. Accused of assassinating his uncle, the Demon King, Juro must navigate the treacherous landscape of prison politics and ancient rivalries to clear his name and prevent a global catastrophe. With the help of Samura, a mysterious and seasoned old man, Juro embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the Demon King's murder and his own destiny. As they delve deeper into the shadows of the past, Juro must confront his own demons and make impossible choices to save the world from destruction. Will he find redemption, or will the weight of his family's legacy crush him?
This is unique setting where the MC is half demon and human, and he is trapped in the kingdom problem. I'm curious what happened in the next chapter. Cmon author keep update.
You should update more I mean the story is amazing it has a good plot idea and a good start[img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it][img=Loving it]
a good story writing from the heart. try reading it I promise you won't regret it