Walk Around The Coastline

As they arrived back at the resort, Haruto was caught off guard by the sight of his sister, Haruka, waiting for him by the entrance. 

She beamed as she quickly wrapped her arm around his, tugging at him playfully.

"Let's walk around the coast, brother!" she chirped, her voice light and filled with excitement.

Haruto's eyes widened in surprise. He had been expecting her to still be upset with him for breaking his earlier promise. 

But here she was, her usual cheerful self. His heart softened, and a smile tugged at his lips.

"Yeah, sure," he agreed, trying to hide his relief as they began to walk together along the soft sands of the beach.

The moonlight bathed the coastline, casting a silver glow over the water, and Haruto's gaze kept returning to Haruka. 

She looked so peaceful, her delicate pink dress swaying in the breeze. Her long white hair flowed like silk, catching the moon's light as it danced gently behind her.

Haruka giggled when the cold water touched her feet, kicking at the waves playfully, and for a moment, all of Haruto's worries seemed to melt away. 

Her laughter was infectious, filling the air with warmth despite the cool night. 

As she splashed in the water, her pale face began to blush under the soft moonlight. She looked up at Haruto, noticing his steady gaze.

"Brother, why are you staring at me like that?" she asked, her voice tinged with embarrassment as a light pink hue crept into her cheeks.

Haruto chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "Nothing... you just look really beautiful tonight."

Haruka's face flushed even deeper, and she playfully punched his chest. "You womanizer!" she teased, laughing, and Haruto joined in, their laughter echoing along the shore.

"Haruka, I'm really sorry about tonight," Haruto said, his voice low and filled with guilt. His brows were furrowed as he looked at her, hoping to make amends. 

"You can ask me for anything, and I'll give it to you."

Haruka looked up at him, her expression softening as she smiled gently. "You don't have to worry, brother. I just want your time."

Haruto let out a light laugh, the tension in his face easing just a bit. "That's a cheeky answer," he teased, shaking his head. 

"For now, I can only give you something material."

Haruka turned away from him dramatically, puffing her cheeks in a playful pout. 

"Hmph! You show-off! Your part-time job doesn't even pay that much," she quipped, crossing her arms. 

"And if you did have any money, it'd be better spent on household needs!"

A smug grin spread across Haruto's face as he gently grabbed her hand, pulling her closer. "I have other money for that," he said, his tone confident. "So tell me what you really want."

Haruka rubbed her chin, pretending to think deeply, then her eyes lit up with excitement as she grinned. "I want more dresses and dessert!"

Haruto nodded, chuckling as he squeezed her hand. "I'll give you all of that," he promised.

Haruka's face lit up, her pout vanishing as she beamed at him, her joy palpable. "You better!" she teased, but her happiness was contagious. 

Haruto smiled back, feeling the weight of his earlier guilt lift, replaced with the warmth of his sister's laughter.

They continued walking, watching the peaceful waves roll in. Haruto's heart grew heavy, knowing how much his sister loved the beach but could never fully enjoy it because of her sensitivity to sunlight. 

He made a silent promise to himself to take her somewhere special for their next vacation—somewhere she could enjoy the beauty of the world without limitation.

"Brother, I have something for you," Haruka suddenly stopped, her hand disappearing into her pocket.

Haruto glanced down, curious, as she pulled out a small stuffed doll keychain. His breath hitched when he saw it—it resembled Haruka herself, with long white hair and striking red eyes.

He carefully took it from her hand, his thumb brushing over its soft fabric. "Thank you, Haruka. It's adorable."

Haruka grinned, hopping on her toes with excitement. "I made it myself! Isn't it cute?"

"Really? You're amazing," Haruto marveled, gently patting her head. 

He put the keychain in his pocket, making sure it was safe there. 

'I'm gonna put it in my school bag so I can see it everyday,' he thought. 

Haruka blushed at the praise, but before he could say anything else, she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek. 

Then, in a burst of embarrassment, she ran off, giggling uncontrollably.

Haruto, momentarily stunned, blinked in surprise. He hadn't expected that. But hearing her laughter, he couldn't help but smile.

"The last one back to the resort has to buy the winner anything they want!" Haruka shouted as she sprinted away.

With a smirk, Haruto chased after her. "You don't stand a chance!" he called out, gaining on her quickly. 

But just as he was about to catch up, Haruka turned around, sticking her tongue out teasingly. She lost her balance, and in an instant, she stumbled.


Haruto lunged forward, trying to catch her, but instead, Haruka grabbed onto his shirt, pulling him down with her. 

They both fell onto the soft sand with a light thud, tumbling together.

Haruto scrambled to sit up, but his sister's hand gently tugged his shirt, keeping him close. 

Their faces were inches apart, and for a moment, everything stilled. Haruka smiled, her expression serene, glowing under the moonlight like a goddess from a dream.

"Brother, I love you," she whispered, wrapping her arms around him in a tight embrace.

Haruto's heart swelled, and he returned her hug, holding her just as tightly. "I love you too," he whispered back.

They stayed like that for a while, wrapped in each other's warmth. Haruto realized how distant they had become since their mother's passing, but now, that needed to change. 

They only had each other, and from now on, he would make sure they stayed close. 

He was grateful for the chance to go back—to a time before all the tragedy. This time, he vowed to protect her, no matter what. 

They would get their happy ending, and he would ensure their future was filled with nothing but happiness.