First Day At Work

As today marked Haruto's first day at work, he found himself stationed at the front of the store, tasked with welcoming potential buyers and showcasing their merchandise. 

Since there were no customers yet, Haruto decided to take a moment and explore the system's newest feature: the 'Fornication Shop.' 

Leaning back against the counter, he gazed at the translucent display floating before him, its interface shimmering with a list of items available for purchase. 

The shop was neatly categorized into two sections—one for himself as the host and the other for his target. 

Each section was further divided into "items" and "potions," though Haruto couldn't help but notice how expensive everything was. 

His eyes scanned over the options, his brow furrowing slightly. 

The Pocket Pussy he had earned as a quest reward was listed at a staggering 100,000 Sex Coins, a steep price for something that had come so easily to him. 

Potions weren't much cheaper either—50,000 coins for a single vial.

"Damn, these rewards from the system are no joke," he muttered under his breath, his fingers tapping idly on the counter. 

"I need to be careful with how I use them."

Finished with his browsing, he closed the shop's menu.

The selection was still pretty limited—only a handful of items and potions were available at his current level. 

According to the system, he'd need to level up more to unlock the higher-tier merchandise.


His eyes then moved to the surroundings. The mall was unusually packed, with parents preparing their children for the new school year, and students milling about to waste time shopping. 

Not long after that, customers kept coming, making Haruto busy. He moved smoothly from one customer to the next, never letting his attention waver. 

He prided himself on treating everyone the same—being judged by appearances was something he despised.

He even forgot that he works here to take Mrs. Inoue's heart and not become a diligent employee. 

Before long, he'd served so many customers that he hardly had time to rest. Just as his energy began to wane, he felt a firm tap on his shoulder. 

Turning, he saw the manager leaning in to whisper.

"You can take a break now. I'll handle things for a bit."

Haruto straightened and offered a grateful bow. "Thank you." 

As Haruto made his way to the back, he caught the disappointed looks of a group of university students. 

A small chuckle escaped him, but he brushed it off and headed into the employee break room.

The room was modest, with a simple kitchen space equipped with a microwave, fridge, and water cooler. To the left, a worn sofa sat beside a couple of chairs and a small table. 

In the center was a dining table with just four chairs, and along the back wall were three doors—one leading to the bathroom, and two others for changing rooms with lockers inside.

Haruto settled down and opened his lunchbox, his expression softening as he took in the contents. 

Haruka had put real effort into the bento: two onigiri shaped like cat faces, sausages cut into little octopus shapes, crispy karaage, and a few florets of broccoli and carrots. 

He noticed a folded note tucked into the corner of the box.

"Good luck on your first day, Brother!" it read, complete with a small cat emoji at the bottom.

Haruto felt a warmth spread through his chest, his lips curling into a soft smile. 

'So cute,' he thought, imagining Haruka's face as she packed it for him.

There was also another box in the bag, inside was a steak and half-cooked eggs on it. He smiled, it was probably from Chiyo. 

Since he gave her money for the monthly expenses, she has been cooking food full of proteins for his muscles. 

He ate his meal with quiet satisfaction, savoring each bite, when the door swung open abruptly. 

Startled, he looked up to see a woman with wavy blonde hair and striking blue eyes like the ocean making her way over. 

She sat down across from him, quickly sweeping her hair back and wiping the sweat from her temple.

"Let's eat lunch together!" she declared, her tone casual but friendly.

Haruto glanced at her with a smile. The woman had a pale complexion and sharp, elegant features. 

Clearly mixed race, but she moved with ease, fluent in the Japanese language and the use of chopsticks.

"Sure, senior Hayazawa," Haruto replied, nodding.

She sighed dramatically, brushing him off with a wave of her hand. "What's with the formality? Don't call me that. We're the same age—just call me Mari!" 

Haruto laughed softly. "But you're my senpai both here and at school. It's only natural to be polite."

Mari rolled her eyes but smiled. "Fine, if you insist. But drop the 'senior' thing, okay? Just Mari is fine."

He chuckled, conceding. "Alright, Mari it is."

Haruto knew Mari had a crush on him. It wasn't hard to figure out—she had probably gone out of her way to find him for lunch. 

He didn't mind. She was beautiful, though it bugged him a bit as she wanted to get closer to him when he was already this handsome. 

'She's nice, but I won't waste too much time on her,' he thought, casually popping an octopus-shaped sausage into his mouth.

Across from him, Mari toyed with her chopsticks, stirring her ramen absentmindedly as if she were working up the courage to say something.

"Haruto, do you—"

Her voice was cut off by the door creaking open again. Haruto's eyes flicked to the newcomer, and the wooden chopsticks in his hand snapped in two.

It was Kota. His bowl-cut hair and awkward, nerdy face immediately stirred up irritation in Haruto. Just looking at him made his fists clench with the urge to hit something.

'Be patient… Be patient…' he reminded himself, gritting his teeth.

Kota, oblivious to Haruto, had his eyes locked on Mari. His face flushed red as he approached, holding a bag nervously in his hands.

"Mari, could I... have a moment of your time?" Kota asked, his voice trembling slightly.

Mari sighed, clearly exasperated, before turning to face him. "I'm sorry, Inoue, I don't have much time. Can we talk here?"

Haruto watched silently as the exchange unfolded. It was clear Kota had brought Mari a gift—probably from overseas. 

Mari smiled politely as she accepted the present, thanking him with a slight bow.

But Haruto could see through her forced smile. The corners of her mouth twitched, betraying her discomfort, while Kota stood there awkwardly, his hand clenched tightly on his jeans as he rubbed the back of his neck with the other, eyes fixed on the floor.

'He likes her, but she likes me… Interesting,' Haruto mused, a smirk curling at the edges of his lips.

If they had been alone, Haruto might have laughed at the situation. But for now, he maintained his composure, letting the moment play out with quiet amusement. 

Haruto stood up and strolled over to where Kota and Mari were engaged in their awkward conversation. His presence loomed over them as he casually slipped into the exchange.

"Kota, don't you have anything for me?" he asked with a smirk, stopping just in front of his so-called 'beloved friend.'

Kota, visibly startled, shot Haruto a scowl. His displeasure was palpable, especially since he had probably hoped for some alone time with Mari. 

"Excuse me, but who are you?" Kota's tone was clipped, irritation flashing in his eyes.

Haruto's smile widened as he straightened his posture, making his already imposing figure seem even larger. 

"You don't remember me? I'm your friend—Haruto." His voice was smooth, almost teasing, as if he was daring Kota to deny it.

Kota's eyes widened in shock. For a moment, he was speechless before bursting into a harsh, mocking laugh. 

"Wha… what the hell! You must be joking! There's no way in hell you're that loser Haruto!"

His laughter echoed through the room, his expression twisted with amusement. 

"Haruto was pathetic!" 

"A twig of a guy with a face so forgettable you could pass him by a hundred times and not even notice!"

He slapped Haruto's shoulder as if congratulating him, but his words were laced with condescension. 

"But you, man… you're different. Manly, even… and, uh, handsome."

Haruto felt the muscles in his jaw tighten, veins pulsing at his temple. 'So this is what you've always thought of me,' he fumed silently. 

Kota's words stirred something deep inside him—an anger that simmered beneath the surface. 

He didn't understand why Kota felt the need to mock him or why he'd betray him in the end.

'Did I ever do something to deserve this?'

Before Haruto could respond, Mari stepped in. Her voice was sharp, and she shot Kota a glare. 

"What are you saying, Inoue? This is Haruto—your friend! How can you not recognize him?" 

Her voice had an edge to it, as though she was holding back her own anger.

Haruto's opinion of Mari shifted slightly. Even before he'd introduced himself, she had known who he was even though he changed drastically. 

However, it irritated him how she acted differently as he became handsome now. 

But it didn't change the fact that she was always kind to him even before he changed, always greeting him when they met. 

She also hadn't hesitated to defend him.

'Maybe I misjudged her,' Haruto thought, stealing a glance at her. 

Though he didn't know much about Mari Hayazawa, one thing was certain—she was Kota's childhood friend. That fact alone began to explain Kota's behavior.

'So that's why Kota didn't want me to know her too well.' 

Haruto thought, the pieces falling into place. 

'He's always had a thing for her. What a jerk. Does he really think I'd steal her from him?' 

The thought made him smirk inwardly. Of course, if Kota was going to act this way, then perhaps it wasn't so far-fetched after all. 

Haruto eyed Mari thoughtfully. 'If Kota's that insecure… well, I will take her away from him.'