Forming Plans

"I've made arrangements," Nyrielle said, instantly drawing the attention of everyone around the table. "They shouldn't discover my darling's presence as long as she's safe within the Vale."

"What kind of arrangements did you make?" Ashlynn asked. 

"Just a little trick, a diversion to keep their attention in their own borders," Nyrielle said cryptically, her face an impassive mask. "Marcell," she said, turning to the young vampire before Ashlynn could ask more questions about her diversion. 

"Your report mentioned that they were sending supplies to the summer villa. Do you think that Owain is planning to hide from the Inquisitor by going there with the woman he's dressed up as my Ashlynn?"

"It's not impossible," Marcell mused. "If Owain Lothian knew that an inquisitor was coming, he might have made moves to see himself out of the city until things blow over. It would help to keep from exposing their fake Lady Blackwell as well."