
After fleshing out details for Ashlynn's proposed mission to spy on the summer villa, the group moved on to other topics once Georg's first course arrived. 

It seemed like the cook understood that this would be a working meal. Rather than one of his usual menus of refined dishes, he sent several platters of cured meats, cheeses, dried fruits, and crusty bread that people could nibble on while remaining engaged in conversation. 

"My Lady," Jakob asked, setting aside a plate of vegetables that seemed to have been prepared almost exclusively for him. "With an inquisitor in Lothian, should we begin calling the young ones to arms? We'll need time to form them into a proper army."

"If the Lothians are going to attack us this summer, then we should start calling up all of the able-bodied youths to train," Bassinger agreed. "There aren't many veterans of the last war that are still capable of fighting on the front lines but there are plenty to act as teachers."