Addition of New Sections

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{Incorrect, you have 10 choices of what to add to the Ascendant Soul System}

{These could be anything from ways of gaining stats to a crafting section}

"Okay, that is interesting..."

I looked at the screen, its form moving with my head as wind from the heights of the mountains slapped down into the back of my clothes. There was still nothing that I could see within range, my eyes unable to pick up anything more despite my best efforts.

"Perhaps a map? I could use that to pick up information pretty freely..."

{Section is being added. Fetching Information for compilation of the map}


A new tab to the side of the screen emerged, like a bookmark from a book. Taking my finger up to touch it the transparent image flickered to an almost completely grey map. It was like the covers that my past DM had used to cover areas we weren't supposed to see. There was a single patch on this map that showed the name of the mountain range and also the smallest corner of a green name hanging above the forest.

|Troll Mountains|

"That doesn't sound dangerous at all...?"

That was the name of the mountain range behind me as I inspected the map. There was some extra features that were present on said map. A compass, zoom in and out functions, pins that I could use to mark a spot on the map. It was all very convenient and I bet there was more that currently I couldn't use.

'Perhaps if I gain teleportation magic I could use it for ease?'

Nothing was changing in my surroundings, the only inconsistent part of the environment being the wind. Feeling said chill of the wind I started to carefully work my way down the mountain side, erring on the side of exploring the forest instead of the mountainside. Rocks and pebbles slipped beneath the basic shoes I had on my feet, the dust and earth slipping underneath my feet. Uncomfortable as it may be, I was still excited to be doing something other than just surviving through shitty work.

"I need to find some sort of civilisation... And I need some sort of way to get better stats..."

Grass soon met the bottom of my shoes once again as I moved back towards the clearing I had emerged within, moving through and deeper into the forest. Animal noises tussled through canopies of trees as every now and then a distant skittering caused my hair to stand up. There was a deep amount of oxygen here within the forest, the air almost too pure for someone who was used to smog-covered roads and taking breaths of pungent fumes.

"Wait. In DND there were adventures and quests and stuff... Maybe I could use those to gain some stats, items, or special things?"

{It is understood that you wish to add Missions/Quests as a feature of the Ascendant Framework}





|>Ascendant Soul Framework<|


Name- Lumin'ara'el | Species- Aasimar

Titles- EMPTY  | Religious Connection- Ao, God of Creation


Status Sheet-









1- Find Civilisation | Rewards: Wisdom + 2 , Charisma + 1

2- Survive | Rewards: Strength + 2 , Dexterity + 2 , Charisma +1


 "Awesome! This'll help a lot."

The quests were simple and seemed to be completely based off of my own desires. To test this theory I thought of discovering whether there was magic and if I could learn it. Within the next second the quest appeared.



1- Find Civilisation | Rewards: Wisdom + 2 , Charisma + 1

2- Survive | Rewards: Strength + 2 , Dexterity + 2 , Charisma +1

3- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection


As far as a next step went for my framework, this wasn't bad at all, in fact it would give me a clear way of ensuring my survival. The survival mission was no doubt short-term and not long-term as that would be a weak reward for a long term mission such as that. Yet again I had no idea if the entire framework was fair with rewards or simply randomised it all. Shaking my head from those thoughts I continued to move through the forest. Bushes with berries and varying shrubs stood out to me as my stomach started to growl just a few minutes into my journey. 

Looking at these food sources I grimaced. I didn't know what was poisonous or completely healthy to eat, I knew as a general rule from when my dad was still alive that the brighter the plant the more dangerous it could be... But this may not have been implementable as a concept here, where ever here was. I needed to find that out as well. Walking forwards past the food, ignoring my growing hunger, the forest became harder to traverse. Large tree roots and obnoxious valleys were more apparent as I continued and these areas were smothered in brambles, thorns and various annoying plant life. 

My trek continued for multiple hours after it began, the sun slowly sliding down to the west. Before long it was below my eyeline, the temperature dropping sluggishly into a winter-like oppressive coldness. Shivering as I continued, my excitement from earlier had disappeared almost entirely, the seriousness of my situation hammering into my mind like a hammer to an anvil. Survival was still my largest problem, even here in this new place. Only difference was that I lacked the creature comforts of my home or the warmth of a hot meal. In fact, currently, my stomach was growling in dissatisfaction.

Gritting my teeth to resist the stabbing pains of hunger I looked at the screen in my vision. There was a new title above the forest now. |Snakewood| . It was an ominous name, especially for me as I dislike snakes immensely. Australia was full of them and I was full of them also, sick of them, over them, wished they were all sent to another place.

'This is typical for me. I just had to emerge in the one place that was the antithesis of my courage!'

Snapping twigs echoed in front of me as I was cursing my luck. Ducking down in instinct I sunk low to the ground, my head peaking from behind a large root of a tree. I was hunched down onto my knees as I searched my perspective for the source of the snapped twig. Nothing, there was nothing despite my best efforts. My skin was crawling now and my head on a swivel. I wasn't alone and that concerned me. No weapons were available to me, no armour, no shields, only my fists and the basic medieval clothing left to 'protect' myself. Staying in that position for a few minutes I eventually started to try and stealthily move through the forest. Unfortunately for me, as soon as I stepped out of my cover the poke of something cold and hard pressed into my lower back. 

A blade of steel. The prick of its tip made my blood run cold instantly as sweat slowly started to slip down my face and body. Quiet breathing was now heard by me as whoever this was, whatever it was, was not attempting to hide anymore. My heart thumped constantly, my heart rate skyrocketing as my hands went clammy. 

"Mani naa lle, mani naa lle uma tanya taure, edan?"

Whatever it spoke was utter gibberish but from the tone and cadence of the voice it was a woman, most likely. The person's voice was like velvet and silk mixed, a soft sing-song quality to the words that almost distracted you from the gibberish it covered.

"S-sorry, but I don't understand what you are saying."

There was no answer for a few moments until broken speech started to emerge from the figure.

"Human. Why here?"

"U-um... I am not a Human, I am an Aasimar?"

No response was given, it seemed she didn't care and just wanted an answer. At least that is what I grasped as she gave no answer. The blade was still pressed tightly against my back, my ability to turn and meet this person being impossible currently.

"Why here?"

Again her voice reached out as the little light of sunlight started to fade, the night encroaching much faster than I had assumed.

"I don't know, I just appeared here..."

A minute passed as I quietly cursed my own luck and lack of survival knowledge. If i had taken that survival course that the company offered for team building I could have been much better off at this moment. Whether this was true was debatable but it couldn't have hurt.

"Take to fellows. Can't survive alone. We talk. Once there."

The blade was withdrawn as of this moment, my body dropping into relief as my muscles tensed and relaxed all at once. Strained as my body might be after that entire ordeal, I turned myself in the direction of the voice. 

A figure dressed in deep greens and browns with a hooded cloak that covered any facial features I may have been able to see. A longbow was strapped to the figure's back as several daggers were openly worn at the side of leather armour. In the their hand was a short sword of a rather simplistic nature. There was no fancy aspects to this person and honestly they looked like what my DM had explained a ranger would look like.


I responded in the hopes that I would not be rude, regretting a lack of etiquette in the future was not something I wished upon myself. The figure started walking past me, their sword being sheathed to their side as they took their bow off of their back. No words were spoken from that stage onwards, a simple hand gesture egging me onwards, to follow the ranger figure. With no ability to fight back against this person, escape or survive... I simply followed. What was a girl to do in the middle of a forest?


Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Who is the ranger? What will they do? Will they do anything? TUNE IN NEXT TIME FOR THE NEXT EPISODE OF DBZ!!! (I am joking)...