An Unexpected Gathering

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Me and the figure travelled for a few hours through the forest after we first met. Huffing from the effort of walking for such a long time through rigorous terrain I wiped my brow as I fluffed my clothes out in an attempt to give more ventilation to my body. Lacking constitution or strength sucked as I could literally feel my body draining of energy. Our travels were uneventful for the most part, the only interesting things being the new smaller names appearing underneath the |Snakewood| text. There was a Giant Forest-Spider Nest and some words in a language that I couldn't decipher. 

If I had to make an assumption then I would conclude that the text was Elven due to its flowing nature and structure but it was complete conjecture. The map had shown no new features despite looking at it constantly whilst travelling. Speaking of travelling, we were now slowing down, the figure standing just in front of me unlike before where she walked meters in front of me. As our pace shrivelled to a crawl the vagrant sounds of a fire crackling and sticks snapping before a whoosh of oxygenated flame lightly flowed out. Blinking my eyes several times I eventually noticed three other figures in similar garb to the ranger who had 'saved' me from wandering the wilds alone.

Two of the extra figures were rather buff looking with wider chests and denser muscles despite their still slim and refined form. Cloaks with hoods covered them as well unfortunately so I had no clue who or what they were still. One was tossing kindling into the fire whilst the other cooked skinned rabbits over said campfire. The ranger who had found me first walked closer to the camp and whistled softly, the two figures turning their heads before whistling back. It was likely a signal they were using to identify themselves to one another.

The ranger grasped my arm and pulled me rather roughly, their right hand reached for the scabbard that held the sword. Whilst grabbing me the ranger walked forwards, the movements of the muscles in the ranger's hand leading me to think that they didn't want me to try and escape. I had no options besides cooperation due to my situation, but the pressing of fingers into rather non-existent muscle still made me uncomfortable. 

"Talathir, amin tyar've edan, taa, neria ten' i' taure. Sii' lle quena naa il-edan, nan' amin sen' i' ara n'uma nathel..."

The ranger spoke to one of the people around the campfire, a man that she started her sentence with Talathir... No doubt his name was Talathir. As for the rest of the sentence it was wasted upon me. In nervousness I scanned the two figures, the ranger included, hoping to find some way of understanding them or having them understand me. I had no luck.

"Lyria, saesa lle naa neled. Saes naa ampen' lle tyar've sina sina naa fain... Ara lle quena? Tae naa mellon?"

"Sii' naa mellon ten' ta, ar' haa lelya amin. Amin uuma sen' ta naur, nan' amin uuma rangwa lle quena."

The figure around the campfire tilted their head in an interesting way as he seemingly asked a question to the ranger who had first picked me up. I believe he used her name first in his sentence, thus I engraved the name Lyria into my mind. As I listened more there was a structure coming to mind. Mellon was a constant theme, 'ta' has been as well... Apart from these little clues I couldn't grasp the baser meanings yet but it was only time i needed to understand them.

"Re' amin caele ta ten' i' taurnor ar' tulu ta sina neva i' Arahannon. Lye naa camna, ar' amin san' lye auta neuma yassen otso re' sina lóke-sael taure."

Again I heard 'ta' and it was used while the figure inclined their head towards me. Ta must have meant something like her or she, it was used too often and they did not know my name... Or it could mean it, or thing, but I'd like to think that they were being kind. The ranger in front of me inclined their head before grasping my arm even tighter and placing me up against a tree. One of the rangers around the campfire took out some rope and handed it to my would be capturer. Then, in a flurry of well trained movement I was tied to the tree in multiple places. Sitting there I then watched them scramble the campsite and pack it all up, not skipping any detail as even the mild tracks that were left in the small patches of mud were scraped away by leaves and had torn underbrush left over the top.

Half an hour after they started, they finished, my capturer freeing me soon after and pushing me ahead of their party. At this point my stomach was rumbling terribly. My throat was parched beyond comprehension and my entire body felt disgustingly stained with dirt, muck and sweat. Daylight had long faded as we started but I didn't seem to be affected. It was strikingly amazing to me who had once been human... The dark was a red, green and blue haze of varying colours. Infrared, that is what my vision was at this moment. It was whacky and weird as I noted many small critters running for cover as we passed.

Yet again we moved for over six hours, my body becoming sluggish and worn at this time. My muscles were torn and scorned at this point as adrenaline was the only thing keeping me standing. Rain was dropping from the sky delicately as we odiously walked, the downfall becoming a haze of blurry movement before my eyes as I began to slowly slip into unconsciousness. A hand reached under my right arm as I fell forwards, a groan echoing out from my capturer as they struggled to hold me upright.

"Auta! Lye naa neuma, uuma dela lye sina lúmë, vanya yeldë!"

Rolling my eyes as I struggled to stay awake I said nothing and simply moved my left foot forwards, striving to continue. With the help of my capturer I continued for twenty minutes more before we started seeing braziers alight and covered by intricate metal rain-covers. More of the sing-song voices called from the fiery edge of whatever this place was, but I was already done, my energy sapped to the greatest extent I could bear. The darkness claimed my vision for the second time in the same day.


(Lyria's Perspective)

The strange woman who had spoken Celestial had not survived the trek. Her body was weak in comparison to most adventurers and rangers. Not in her entire life had she seen someone like this emerge in a glade like she had. 

Earlier this day she had been hunting game in the outer reaches of the forest, deer primarily, but this all ended when a large thunderclap scared away her hunt. Curious as to the reason for this phenomena Lyria went to check, finding a woman sitting up with a strange smile on her face and speaking odd things that she did not understand. She tapped the air a few times and made strange gestures until she ventured through the outskirts of the forest to the edge of the mountainside.

Her behaviour aside, her actions were completely strange and suicidal. No one got close to the mountain due to the presence of Trolls and the Ancient Red Dragon that had called the mountains his home. Her people had always spread knowledge to the humans and other species that came in contact with them, but it seemed that this woman was none the wiser. She even had a goofy smile as she tested fate. Her luck did succeed it seemed as she came back down without enticing anything, but it was not due to skill at all.

Shaking her head as she carried the strange woman over her shoulder as they entered through the entrance to the encampment. People were strange, this much she had learned in her 100 years of life, but this woman was different and she could smell it.

"Corellon preserve us... Please let her not be a threat to our people..."


|>Ascendant Soul Framework<|


Name- Lumin'ara'el | Species- Aasimar

Titles- EMPTY  | Religious Connection- Ao, God of Creation


Status Sheet-









1- Find Civilisation | Rewards: Wisdom + 2 , Charisma + 1

2- Survive | Rewards: Strength + 2 , Dexterity + 2 , Charisma +1

3- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection


Opening my eyes I was met with the red-black status screen. Nothing had changed, yet and it seemed as if even survival was questionable despite me still being alive as of this moment. Unless, I wasn't...

I shot up and looked around me. A green tent with varying displays of vibrancy and patched sections was the most evident detail to me. There was an opening at the front of the tent that showed the butts of two spears standing outside, most likely guards. Next to my small bed was a wooden cupboard with a wooden cup, water filling it, and some papers with flowery text scribbled over it.

I couldn't understand a lick of what was written but given how I was laying on a bed and not put in some dungeon these were most likely kind people, or at least not evil. Lethargy pulsed ominously through me for a few seconds until I held the sides of my bed and resisted the sickly grasp of my tiredness. My grasping of the bed did make noise however, a man with long elven ears sticking his head inside before receding backwards and talking to the other guard. One then ran off quickly as the original guard stepped into the tent and simply stayed still, his spear almost as tall as the ten foot tall tent. 

'Yeah... everything was pointing to Elves wasn't it?'

Frowning for a few seconds I just decided to wait in an upright position until such a time that they grabbed whoever they were going to tell. It was obvious that I wasn't trusted, a natural response, and I could feel the small amount of scorn that the guard had for his current post. Whether or not it was because I wasn't elven or because it was simply a bad post, I couldn't tell but there was certainly something up his ass that made his face sour. 

The good thing about elves however was their beauty. Even the male guard was as pretty as a woman. His golden hair flowed like a model from Loreal in my past life. Piercing blue eyes and pearl-white teeth gleamed as small sunrays slithered into the tent and dappled across his armour and up to his face.

"Can you understand me?"

"Amin uuma rangwa lle. Á tanya quena ten' i' Arahannon tula."

"Who is this Arahannon?"

"A' i' Arahannon, sii' á tanya quena."

His next words were placative and followed by a finger held to his lips. A baby could understand that sign. Rebellious feelings seethed within me for a minute but I stayed silent as we waited. I could only handle so much and It was starting to become annoying, even if they were good to look at.

I didn't need to wait long however as a wave of sing-song words, what I now knew as Elven, rippled closer to the tent I was contained within. This was most likely a sign of this Arahannon, whoever or whatever that was. Rippling sounds of elvish continued until it ceased, a set of legs emerging in the crack between the entrance to the tent.

'This is a really jarring start to this world Ao... I don't know if you did this to me, but I feel thankful and also a touch spiteful.'

"I' Arahannon tula, ilya nauva nut' ar' lerya tyar'ra. Yassen tyar'ra en' lye atar ar' amil. Ar' yassen tyar'ra en' lye yávë!"

The stern guard shouted out in a sing-song babble of elvish words before finishing in a triumphant tone. Whatever this was, it was important, someone important... To make a guard do this calling in nonsense, they must be influential at the very least. The figure outside began to open the tent as I readjusted myself to greet said figure, little that the gesture may achieve with the language barrier between us.


TELL ME YOU ENJOYED IT! No please, seriously, tell me you did... It took me a while to get it all done to a good standard. PLEASE HAVE EXCITEMENT FROM MY SUFFERING!!!

Anyway, insanity aside, I hope you enjoyed and have a good night/day!