Another Week of Learning

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After that day where i had started to learn survival I had completed my eighth, ninth and fifth missions, gaining: Strength +1 , Constitution +1, Proficiency in Athletics , Proficiency in Survival , Boots of Elvenkind and a Smoke-Lighter. 

I had gone on a hunt with Lyria and one other Ranger, their hunt a bear that had recently been wounded and was turning mad from infection. The mission itself was a very simple as I simply followed Lyria's prompts as we went near to tracks. She had taught me some of the nearby dens of bears and even pointed out some of the other animal tracks that vivisected our path. By the end of my first hunt, where Lyria killed the bear and the other ranger summoned a hovering board to carry it, my quest was complete and I started to see numerous different tracks and signs of other beasts. My knowledge of these beasts was incomplete but I noticed their existence easily enough.

After said hunt we returned to the camp and I joined some of the cooks in making food for everyone. It was my attempt at helping the camp out and to repay the teachings of Lyria. For the rest of the week I continued this same pattern, only changing it when Lyria wished to teach me something different. By the end of the week I was confident that I could dodge most animals that were present in the forest. Snakes were still an issue for me but I knew what their trails were and could detect their nests, thus I was much better off than previously. 

The most interesting part of my time with these elves however was their political structure and how they interacted with one another. Arahannon was a power unto her own, her presence bringing awe to children and respect to the adults. The soldiers were like police for the tribe, where as the Rangers were more honourable, If i was drawing the right connections. Divides in class didn't really exist in the camp as everyone was just as well off. Wood Elf culture seemed to place community over individual in this case as there were many families sharing food and water when another was in a worse position. Many wives would look after other mothers' children whilst they were busy and all together there was a sense of communal harmony.

It was awkward for me who was used to Human morality and lifestyle but in a way comforting. This was the culture and emotion that allowed me to still draw breath, learn and converse. Oddly enough I was starting to feel comfortable with these wild elves...

Packing up from another day's hunt, mainly cleaning my newly acquired magic boots, I exhaled in relaxation. My days were much more peaceful than in my past life. No need for commuting, no boss breathing down my neck for work to continue... There was just the peace of learning, bettering myself and walking amongst nature...



Fire rained from the sky. Cries of children and adults alike littered the air in a cacophony of chaos. Tents melted alongside the metal barricades that made the majority of the encampment's outer defences. Burning flesh and blood filled my nostrils as the scents were cascading amidst the hubbub.

A gargantuan roar sundered through the camp, red-orange flames dowsing nature in its hues. Magics and spells flew, volley after volley, to no effect. This was only a few hours after I had returned, my day having been bliss up to this point. Lyria was off talking to the Arch Druid and I was awaiting her return. Then this happened.

Stepping further out of my tent I watched as a family struggled to run towards me. I reached out towards them and ran forwards ten feet. Wind buffeted my back and the nearby area within an instant, my body slamming into the ground at the same speed. Looking up a gaseous release from above and the loud WHOOSH of gas being consumed ushered a torrent of fire down onto the family. Screams billowed out horrifically as my vision was soon filled with the melting bodies of the children and adults. Flesh sloughed off their bones until the bones themselves liquified. Buffeting winds disappeared as another roar butchered the screams of anything else going on.

That family was a puddle in front of me. Their lives extinguished in a mere moment, their last seconds in this world filled with unbearable pain. I could do nothing. My powers were non-existent, magic was out of my grasp and my stats were much too low to counter whatever was attacking now. A language roared out, one I hadn't ever heard. It was odd, convoluted and abrasive. The tone however was enough to bring chills to even the mightiest human.

"Vutha darastrixi darthir, wux dargh gethrisj nomeno thaczil vur tirir jaci ve!"

Elemental forces started to emerge from the environment around me, the fire and wind whipping into a frenzy and vanishing into a single direction. Glass scraping sounds emanated from the other half of the camp before a rainbow-adjacent stream of power blasted into the skies. 

A bilious and monstrous yell of pain echoed out, the same voice that had spoken words from above. The action wasn't over however as a torrent of flame, this time blue, washed down in the distance. Vision was restricted in the smog and smoke, a fog setting in amidst the encampment despite all of the tempestuous winds. No sight of the creature was allowed to me but whatever it was soon set fire to the entirety of the encampment. Sounds of combat surged for a minute or so until the flapping of wings and silence was all that resounded. Standing at this stage, my limbs shaking and my brain completely numb, I started to run over towards where Lyria had been meeting the Arch Druid. 

Horror. That is what was present. Charred corpses and slough lay strewn around the battlefield, if it could be called that. Bows and swords were degraded to mere piles of ash-slag as blue fires crackled ominously all around. Arahannon's tent was smoulders with nothing left inside, or if there was It was smothered. The most heartbreaking sight for me however was Lyria, standing in front of the charred corpse of the Arch Druid. I knew it was her because of the single lighter I had given her, dropped at her feet, slightly melted and dissolving. No screams were left, no cries were heard, I was alone amidst the slaughter of an entire people. I dropped to me knees as tears streamed down my face, my black hair cascading down in front of my face as my boots and clothes were sullied by the drifting specks of ash. My hands clasped the burning dirt beneath me in anguish. 

Hard, scorching and rough, the dirt was compounded into my hands with all of my strength. The smell of ash and toxic fumes filled my nostrils as my body stuttered in revulsion. Tears slipped down my cheeks unendingly as the entirety of my new reality started to settle upon my shoulders. Lyria, a friend, had died. The people who had taken me in despite not knowing who I was, were dead. My plans were dashed and there was no one to cry to, or complain to, or even sob over. There would be no burials as the bodies themselves were already drifting on the winds and scattering for miles. I punched the dirt before letting go of the strength in my hands, the previously grasped dirt dropping to join the remnants of nature left in the vicinity. 

'What do i do...? Avenge them?'

'I don't even know what it was.'

'Bring them back?'

'Can't even comprehend the magic or power required to do that...'

'Am i supposed to just continue as if nothing had happened?'

There was no inner answer this time, simply silence, Discordant Silence. 

"What, am, I, to, do...?"


|>Ascendant Soul Framework<|


Name- Lumin'ara'el | Species- Aasimar

Titles- EMPTY  | Religious Connection- Ao, God of Creation

(No Class) LEVEL- 1 |100/1000|


Status Sheet-









Bonus (+2)

Athletics : +3

Acrobatics : +1

Sleight of Hand : +1

Stealth : +1

Arcana : +5

History : +5

Investigation : +5

Nature : +5

Religion : +3

Animal Handling : +3

Insight : +5

Medicine : +3

Perception : +3

Survival : +3

Deception : -3

Intimidation: -3

Performance : -3

Persuasion : -1



1- Find Civilisation | Rewards: Wisdom + 2 , Charisma + 1 , 10XP

2- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

3- Kill a Creature | Proficiency In Stealth , Proficiency in Animal handling

4- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?


Completed Achievements-

Stranger to the Lands



Whew! Hope you enjoyed that.