An Unwanted Achievement

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{Achievement Granted- Survivor of the Tyrant of Ash and Ruin, Vermithraxxis}

As i sat there in the ruins of the camp the framework gave me this, a horrible reminder that what I had seen was not just a dream or a nightmare. Tears slid down my face as I looked over what the Achievement Granted.

{Achievement Gives- +4 Constitution , +2 Wisdom , Proficiency in Stealth}


|>Ascendant Soul Framework<|


Name- Lumin'ara'el | Species- Aasimar

Titles- EMPTY  | Religious Connection- Ao, God of Creation

(No Class) LEVEL- 1 |100/1000|


Status Sheet-









Bonus (+2)

Athletics : +3

Acrobatics : +1

Sleight of Hand : +1

Stealth : +3

Arcana : +5

History : +5

Investigation : +5

Nature : +5

Religion : +5

Animal Handling : +4

Insight : +5

Medicine : +4

Perception : +4

Survival : +4

Deception : -3

Intimidation: -3

Performance : -3

Persuasion : -1



1- Find Civilisation | Rewards: Wisdom + 2 , Charisma + 1 , 100XP

2- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

3- Kill a Creature | Proficiency In Stealth , Proficiency in Animal handling

4- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?


Completed Achievements-

Stranger to the Lands

Survivor of the Tyrant of Ash and Ruin, Vermithraxxis


"What am I supposed to make of this...? Ao?"

There was no response to my question. Fire crackles and hissing of water was all that sounded out after my out loud query. Slowly I stood and dusted off my knees and hands on my clothes. These wood elves were no more and whatever had attacked was certainly proficient at ensuring almost all life was gone. Whether my survival was luck or because of Ao, I had no clue, all I knew was that I needed to leave the forest and make way to a nearby settlement.

Moving back to my tent I gathered all the resources I could. Food, water, my boots, the training bow Lyria had given me, all were hastily grabbed and put onto my back using straps and holsters that had been supplied to me. I then stepped out of my tent and took a quick jaunt around the camp, looking for survivors. After half an hour I found no living elves, they were all truly gone. With a pit of disgust and sickness in my stomach I left the smouldering ruins of the encampment, my body feeling heavy despite the lack of weight I actually had on me.

I began to walk through the Snakewood as the light of the day gradually started to disappear. Dodging animal tracks and clear signs of spiders and snake dens I made a decent pace through the forest. By my estimations I had walked several kilometres today. I set up a small camp to rest at for the night, keeping the fire small and contained as Lyria had taught me to when out camping. Grabbing some vegetables that I had taken from my tent I began to chew through some carrots and lettuce. The taste was utterly plain and lacked deliciousness but it would fill the hole in my stomach due to hunger. After eating I snuffed out the campfire and curled up beside some deep roots of an ancient oak. 

My dreams were wracked with fire and melting flesh as the scenes from earlier that day haunted me like a vengeful spirit. Light peeled into my mind every now and then, serving as a focal point for replay as the same images and sights began anew. By the time I awoke I was drenched in sweat and my body was twitching from the frigid cold of the night. As the Arahannon had said, winter was on its way and now I was forced to journey the wilds in an attempt to survive. Standing up I quickly reset the campfire and lightly cooked the exterior of some carrots and jerky. Sitting there and eating my food I began to slowly submerge into my own thoughts.

'I need some way to tell what is what, maybe some way of telling what creatures are what as well... yesterday was horrible and I still don't know what type of creature this Vermithraxxis is.'

{Identification Section Request...}


In a moment my vision was filled with holographic projections, names of various flowers, trees and general foliage now communicated to me. To test this further I looked down at my boots and quickly saw a breakdown of my boot's capabilities. They were silent and gave me a boost to my stealth, making it harder for people or creatures to hear me. Coming to think of it they were probably the reason I wasn't detected by whatever killed the elves. A sombre discovery no doubt.

{6/10 Sections left}

With my new section aiding me I dodged many different parts of the forest that was dangerous, my map outlining more segments of the forest. [The Stone of Clans' Parting] , [Magar's Hill] and [The Vudlur] were all new sections that became highlighted as I travelled. Along with those new discoveries I also found that there was an arrow on the map itself that represented my position, a massively useful feature that stopped me getting lost many times.

Another day passed as the forest slowly changed from Autumn conditions to becoming dappled in snow, winter setting in earlier than even the Arch Druid had said. The wind was frigid and cumbersome as cold oxygen streamed into my lungs. Cold burning stretched throughout my form despite the exercise I was doing. My nose becoming numb and simultaneously sensitive as my venture slowed from the elements. By the time the sun was setting, the light vanishing along with it, I was already set up in a camp and was throwing all the firewood that I could find in my surroundings. I was set up in a recess in the side of a cliff, a rigid path leading to the front of the 'cave' I had bedded down into. This place was the safest I could find and ultimately the only place that had some shielding from winter's wretched winds.

Once again I set down for the night, my sleep sporadic and chaotic as I awoke several time through the night to find the fire snuffed out. Every time I restarted it and ensured it was fuelled properly, yet it always was snuffed when I awoke from my dreams once again. There was magic or something fucking with it, I could swear, and I did. A lot of blinding swear words were uttered by me throughout... Then I woke up once again, this time when I was supposed to. Again, I set off after eating and began to traverse the rest of the forest.

Distant Roars halted me an hour after setting off, screams of a beast that was massive blasting through the entire mountain range of to my right. Avalanches started at the same time as the sound boomed outwards, the entire mountainside moving and vibrating. On my stomach on the top of a large jutting rock I witnessed a gargantuan red creature flapping its wings in the sky as lightning and green liquids streamed past it. To my vantage point the dragon was a large speck in the distance. That fact scared me as if it was large even at this distance it must have meant that it was monstrously frightening in stature and physical power. The sounds started to fade further into the distance as my perception picked up very little other than what I assumed was a Dragon. 

Waiting for a little bit I eventually set off once more, my bag slapping against my lower back as I increased my pace. I did not want to be nearby when the dragon and whatever it was fighting spread their contest into the forest. My speed was unwarranted however as the combat never got close, the only thing telling me of its existence being the blasting roars and explosions that wracked the distant troll mountains. Another day passed as I traversed the forest. This was the day where I ran into a road of packed dirt that had long been forgotten and ill-maintained. Grass and flowers grew in the middle of it and the packed dirt itself was slowly crumbling to grass and weeds. It was a good sign though as it meant that civilisation wasn't that far away.

'Let's hope that I can get to a city before nightfall...'


You enjoyed! That is good. Now, I'll start a ritual to summon the comments and power stones... Just give me a century for the wizard to download...