The Gates of Iriaebor

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A few days passed as I took the father's offer. His wagon was rather comfortable and clean, many wears and weapons pressed up against the side of the canvas that draped over the top of semi-circular timber. The kids were rather annoying on the first day and insisted on constantly nagging me for stories or tales of my adventures... Which I promptly supplied some fairy tales from Earth, specifically snow white and some German kid stories. 

Most of the first day was spent as such, wasting my time with tall tales and slightly modified stories. The second day was almost as dreary except for the increasing amount of agricultural activity the further we got towards the city. Most of the rolling hills and plains were consumed by farmland in varying states of toil. Farm hands ploughed whilst others sowed seeds, it was an almost picturesque sight until the smattered remnants of abandoned houses were smouldering. 

Indra, the Merchant who I had taken up on the offer of passage, was rather chipper as we drew ever closer to Iriaebor. Asking him about the city I got some details on what the city was like. It was apparently a very shady city with intense commerce and variable opportunities for someone wishing to enter into trade with other cities. Inquiring with him as to the names of the other cities that Iriaebor exchanged goods with I got some interesting information.

Iriaebor was founded in the sunset vale, west of the continent, which was called Faerûn. The city itself was pressed up against the River Chionthar which apparently flowed from the top of the far hills and flowed into what was called the 'Sword Coast'. Along this river were many cities, some being: Berdusk, Scornubel, Elturel and Baldur's Gate. Baldur's gate was apparently the super power of the kingdom that presided over this section of the sword coast. It lay at the end of the river and was the major trade port for the southern portion of the sword coast. Indra continued explaining that many of the materials that the other cities wanted were related to textiles and food products, a venture that Iriaebor had been focussing on for an extended period of time. 

Prodding him for some smaller details the day slowly crept away, our wagon settling down in a camping spot for the night. I was offered to sleep in the wagon whilst they slept outside. It was the male pride thing where they wished to ensure that the woman was protected and safe. Despite my intent to decline the offer I was sort of forced into it as Indra and his two sons frowned at me and ignored any attempt I made to convince them. By the end of the night I was curled up in the back of the wagon with a relatively thin blanket as outside the sounds of a small campfire made me slowly drift off.


Half way through the next day the sight of Iriaebor presented itself before me. Tall Metallic and stone spires speckled with varying amounts of dilapidation and opulence poked above hundred feet tall fortress walls. Getting closer there were hundreds, thousands of people attempting to get into the city, many guards examining trade carts and wagons for any contraband as walking entrants were taken to the side and asked some questions. All together, this looked like a typical border crossing exercise that would be used in an airport, except it was applied to the individual city. Indra drove his wagon to the merchant section as some guards motioned for him to do so.

"Lumin, ye may want to have ye bow and arrow on your back, it'll make me claim that ye are me guard more appropriate."

"Yeah lady, the guards do be liking adventurers more than normal poor bastards..."

"Language! I will not have me own sons unable to show proper manners."

"Sorry pah..."

Grabbing my bow and arrow as this dialogue played out I started paying attention to the other people in the line up. There were all sorts of people and species. From demon-looking people with long horns extending from their heads and bright glowing eyes of varying colours, to long haired elves with gold hair and bright green eyes... It was utterly diverse and was a melting pot of cultural and racial heritage. 

Scanning the interactions between some groups I easily picked up the dislike some people had for others, the elves distancing themselves from the demon looking people as those people, in turn, cursed towards them. This was only natural as even on Earth there had been divides amongst Humans, let alone different species entirely. It was stupid to think this world would be any different, naïve if one thought that there were no differences between species. Unlike on Earth where Humans were almost all the same, here there were Elves and probably many other species, judging off my own differing species; Aasimar. The horns alone would cause problems as people tended to judge things based off of appearance, let alone any magical or mystical differences that could exist...

"Lumin, the guard be comin. Don't start nothin, the red guard won't be too intrusive."

"You stress too much, I won't do anything so long as they don't do anything to me."

"I just be makin sure ye understand, is all."

I smiled towards the portly father, his boys sitting next to him at the front as I stood in the back just behind them. Our pace had slowed until we halted fully a minute later. Guards walked over as Indra had said they would, red plate amour dully gleaming amidst the mid-day sun. The plate itself was studded and had several joint areas covered in chainmail that was coloured a dim silver. Dusted in red and silver patterns the armour seemed to draw the eyes towards a Coat of Arms that was embroidered on a thin piece of cloth over the front of the armour. The symbol itself consisted of a horse arching its neck upwards with a spear pointing upwards and to the left behind the image of the horse. A golden crown was set before the horse at the bottom of the symbol, carrying a blue gem on its brow.

"Afternoon fair travellers. Where do you hail from?"

A singular guard stood forwards, his armour more resplendent than the other guards, who stood behind him in a deferential manner. Indra smiled warmly and began speaking with as I observed the line to the right of us move ever so slightly forward.

"I be comin from the Heralds' Halls me lord. Supplied them with some of me wares and procured some fine metals for the smiths."

"Hoh, impressive. Well, i do not wish to stop you for to long, we will scan the wagon for contraband before letting you pass..." He stopped his words and saw me, my neck raising its hackles as I slowly panned my eyes over to him.

"Who is your friend?"

"Ah, she be a woman who I met on ye yonder road from the south. She had a bow and some arrows, so I thought she be good protection for me and me sons. Also, she wished to come to the city."

"I see. Welcome to the city miss, please be careful of treading in dark places. The criminal underbelly likes women who are as, dashing, as yourself."

Frowning at the man's words, I couldn't tell if it was a compliment or an implied threat, his tone being utterly neutral and calm. Blinking a few times I simply nodded, deciding that I would stay out of the shadows as he said. I didn't know what I was going to do whilst I was in the city but I wanted to at least get general knowledge of the region. Getting kidnapped wasn't on my list however.

{New Mission Acquired}



1- Find Civilisation | Rewards: Wisdom + 2 , Charisma + 1 , 100XP

2- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

3- Kill a Creature | Proficiency In Stealth , Proficiency in Animal handling

4- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?

5- Discover Region Info | Intelligence + 2 , Proficiency in History, Spell Book of Cantrips


{It is detected that you have found Civilisation}

{Dispensing Rewards}

|>Ascendant Soul Framework<|


Name- Lumin'ara'el | Species- Aasimar

Titles- EMPTY  | Religious Connection- Ao, God of Creation

(No Class) LEVEL- 1 |200/1000|


Status Sheet-









Bonus (+2)

Athletics : +3

Acrobatics : +1

Sleight of Hand : +1

Stealth : +3

Arcana : +5

History : +5

Investigation : +5

Nature : +5

Religion : +5

Animal Handling : +5

Insight : +5

Medicine : +5

Perception : +5

Survival : +4

Deception : -2

Intimidation: -2

Performance : -2

Persuasion : 0



1- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

2- Kill a Creature | Proficiency In Stealth , Proficiency in Animal handling

3- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?

4- Discover Regional Info | Intelligence + 2 , Proficiency in History, Spell Book of Cantrips


Completed Achievements-

Stranger to the Lands

Survivor of the Tyrant of Ash and Ruin, Vermithraxxis



The man stared at me for a few seconds, expecting a response from me. Indra noticed my disposition however and quickly spoke up for me. His kids staying as quiet as mouses.

"Sorry me lord, she don't speak much since her people got killed..."

Flicking his head to Indra the man showed some shock and then sorrow as his mailed fist tensed for a few moments, the armour clinking under the sheer force that he was putting into his hands. The guards behind him looked at one another before going to opposite sides of the wagon and beginning their search, knowing that the conversation was for their leader to have, not them.

'I need more missions. The more I have, the more likely I am to gain rewards over time.'

The guard captain and Indra spoke some more, their conversation going into what destroyed 'my people'. Looking at me the captain seemed sympathetic but was also concerned about the repercussions of whatever had killed people not that far away from Iriaebor.

'Perhaps I could go to a temple to a god or something? Find out what species I am.'

{New Quest Generated}

'Learning how to use bows and arrows properly could be handy, perhaps even some spear training or sword training.'

{New Quest Generated}

'Maybe learning about Faerûn would be a good idea? Yeah, that works for me.'

{New Quest Generated}



1- Find and Learn Magic | Rewards: Intelligence + 4 , Charisma + 2 , Ring of Protection, 1000 XP

2- Kill a Creature | Proficiency In Stealth , Proficiency in Animal handling

3- Lose Virginity | 1 Level, A happy ending?

4- Discover Regional Info | Intelligence + 2 , Proficiency in History, Spell Book of Cantrips

5- What Am I!? | Unlock Species Features , Possibly Discover Godly Connection, Proficiency in Religion

6- TRAINING MONTAGE | Proficiency in Simple Weapons, Proficiency in Longbows, Quiver of Retrieving

7- Faerûn Knowledge | Map of Faerûn , Compass, Adventurer's Camp Clothes 


After spending a few minutes searching the wagon the guards were happy to let us through, their captain moving on to the next wagon that pulled up, his face a little more grim than before. Moving towards the massive gates of the city, I began to see the inner aspects of the city. Packed, it was filled with throngs of people, colours, species, shops, alleys... It was chaotic and very intimidating. The Wagons and carts moved through the centre of the 20 foot wide roads as people flowed back and forth on either side. 

Indra's kids were gushing over the 'coolness' of it all and the veritable carnival displays of colour amongst the ever increasing number of people. More Demon people, Elves, Humans, smaller Human-like people, Dwarves and even some glowing-skinned people. I was beyond blown away by the uniqueness of it all. This was of course when I noticed pickpockets and other 'shady' types weaving through the crowd skimming some coin off the top of people's coin purses.

'That captain was right, it seems the thieves and criminals are rather active in here.'

Tracking them for a time my attention slowly waned and drifted to a man in the crowd that wore opulent robes and had a five metre distance between him and everyone else. In the crowd that usually pushed into one another, this was strange, utterly bizarre even. 

'Magic? Must be... How can it not be?'


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