Inner City Walk

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The mage wove around the cart before disappearing in the ocean of heads and bodies, the urban chose consuming all visual cues of his existent despite the distance between the crowd and him. My gaze lingered in the direction he left until the cart bucked upwards and almost sent me falling, my hands grasping the rain-proof cover of the wagon to stabilize myself. We continued rolling down the street until we slowly ambled towards a more business centred part of the city, shops and storefronts becoming much more common.

One feature that gobsmacked me as I watched out was the fact that the section we had entered was just the beginning of the city, a large bridge leading from this embankment of the city to the opposite side where there were hundreds, possibly thousands of stone towers. The river's water was a speckled with algae that turned the colour a dull green with spots of light cerulean blue poking out. Scents filled the streets more prominently as we started to stop near to the bridge, at a tavern that had a sign with two sword crossed in front of a stein. Fish, flowing water and mead filled the air as the wagon came to a stop to the side of the Tavern/Inn. Indra conversed with some stable boys and got the wagon put into the stable as several staff of the Tavern came out followed by a manager or maybe even the owner. 

I was not included in the talks but I got the gist of what was happening. The tavern owner was buying goods from him and they were bargaining and haggling the price for whatever it was they wanted. Indra's kids helped the stable boys get the horses settled in pens with fresh food and water before setting to work on the saddles and the hooves. Finding myself with fuck all to do and very little idea of what my future held in this city, I plopped down onto my feet at the back of the wagon and started looking around. 

The city itself was rather clean for the amount of people walking through the streets and across the bridges. No homeless could be seen in this part of Iriaebor itself as mostly everyone looked like plain commoners. Nobles weren't present and those that would usually be misunderstood as nobility were in enclosed carts with drivers on the front. The architecture itself was that of a medieval European nation but with small influences of other forms of construction that left me curious; I hadn't seen this style of architecture at all before. River-faring birds swarmed up above the city's spires as distant caws echoed amidst the din of the people. Speaking of the river, there were many vessels that traversed the river. Cog ships with a singular square sail, crewed by an undeterminable amount of crew and carrying unknown goods up and down the river. 

With a bridge one would think that it would impede the ships, but, this was already figured out. Rope pully systems and some magic I was probably unaware of, pulling up sections of the bridges as the ships passed by. Distracted by the sights around me I jumped as a hand dropped onto my shoulder. Turning with as much alacrity as I could muster I dropped my right hand down to the side of my leggings where a knife sat. Much to my distress however, it was just Indra smiling, enjoying the sight of me squirming and worrying.

"Woah, calm ye self. I just be comin to wish ye good luck with what'e'er ye gonna be doin."

Breathing in somewhat deeply as the adrenaline spiked and waned for a small time. Smiling at his consideration and friendliness I sheathed the knife on my side once more, taking him more seriously as I responded in kind.

"Thanks Indra. You are a good man, I hope you have a good day and future. Including your sons, although they are a handful..."

"Hahaha! Ye be considerate for givin such compliments lass. Now, be off with ye, I be sure that you wish to settle down long before it turns to night."

Anxiety sparked in my chest as I considered how I was going to afford to spend a night in the city. No coin graced my pockets and id didn't know anyone that was based in the city to gain work and shelter from. Indra was from some place called Soubar and apparently he was going to be going to Elturel and Baldurs Gate first. Tempting as the journey could be, I needed to spend some time learning and finishing quests.

"Ah! That do be reminding me..."

Indra suddenly interrupted me as I was close to responding, and deep in thought. He rummaged around in the back of his cart for a time as I stood in the stable yard, people filtering past into the tavern or past it. 

"Aha! Found it."

He pulled a small coin purse out, the contents clinking and slinking against one another. Eyes widening and confusion sprouting from me his chuckles resounded. It seemed after our small time of travelling together he was starting to like teasing me and joking with me, or at me.

"Here be ye pay for protection on the road."

"But, i didn't do anything?"

"Nonsense! I said ye be guardin me and me kids, you be guardin me and my kids. Now, truly, be off with ye. See you when'e'er ye come to meet in Soubar."

He turned and walked over towards the tavern, his boots slopping in the muck of the stables as his boys ran over to him and waved back at me whilst trying not to fall over.

"Thank you!" 

Indra simply waved as he walked forwards, dropping his hand a second later as he opened the Tavern's doors and guiding his sons in. Panning my view back to the coin purse he handed to me, I gripped the top of the purse and looked within. Thirty Silver coins were sitting in the purse along with five gold pieces, more than I should have gotten in the first place. Gulping down my emotions I looked around me, finding that the sun's light was slowly slipping down the horizon, the water reflecting less and less of its' hues. 

Before I set down for sleep though I decided to walk across the bridge, getting over to the other embankment. The bridge itself was made of perfectly carved and moulded stone blocks mixed with cobbled stones for the path and sconces that were kept behind iron cages. Hundreds of people walked the span of the bridge and stopped every now and then for ships that wished to pass. There was a designated spot for the ships to pass it seemed as only a certain part of the bridges opened.

I was stopped in my walk for a vessel, a Cog passing by. The woods were finally looked after and polished on the ship, the name set on the prow of the ship. Its name was the Resplendent Jewel and it was decked out with multiple crewmen and seemed to be filled to the brim with cargo. Passing by, on the other side of the bridge now, the segments lowered and the bridge was now accessible to walking once more. In future I would have to figure out how the draw-bridge worked, because it too was made of stone.

{Added Mission}

Reaching the other side of the bridge, as the small waves and current of the river smacked lightly into the side of the supporting beams, I was met with an equally busy and vibrant display of civilisation. This time however, there were many fancily robed women and men walking around, their garments those of wealthy merchants or minor nobles. Poor people were a scarcity here and the city guards, that were more present here, flagged any of them down and started asking questions. The oddity though was the fact that I was left alone, my presence seemingly ignored despite the travel-worn gear I wore, the smell of my sweat and my general appearance. It seemed I still had a lot to learn and another one would have to be the etiquette and rules of this city...

{Added Mission}

Walking through the better maintained streets and multi-storied houses and shops I soon found an inn, or something close to it. In contrast to the last one, this one had an attendant out the front that was dressed in beautifully bright green gause-like material. Almost see-through it made me think that the establishment itself was more inclined towards the 'night-life' element of the city. The one thing I could say though was that the woman was utterly hot. Warmth even gathered in my stomach a little just looking at her, but I shook it off and decided to go up and ask how much it cost to stay a night; other services excluded of course.

"E-excuse me..."

The elven lady turned her head towards me as a smile crept up her face and manoeuvred her expression in such a way that it accentuated her beauty to a greater degree.

"Yes sweetie?"

 "Um... I- I was just wondering how much it was to stay a night without any 'extra' services..."

She turned her head lightly before a melodically delicate chuckle escaped her pertly feminine lips. Her chest heaved a little as he tried to stifle the laugh, but in doing so just made her breasts press more fully against the thin material of her dress. I swear I could see the nipples gliding along the inner layers of her dress.

"Oh, sweetie, no. This is a lavish inn, I am merely here taking my break."

"OH... Oh, god, I am so sorry...!"

She laughed even deeper as she slowly turned back and opened the door, as if inviting me in. I was flushed at this moment as embarrassment flooded my very soul as well as my cheeks.

"It's fine, it's fine. Come in, we'll discuss the prices inside."

I followed her inside like a small child following their mother. So embarrassed was I that my entire body was beat red.

'God, that was such a stupid assumption! Why the fuck did I think that?'


God I am tired, I am going to sleep now. You all enjoyed again, don't deny it... Tsunderes...