Chapter 4

"He's awake. " Lily heard a man say as they all sat in a large courtyard, awaiting instructions and her heart thumped remembering the crowned Prince of Rivera.

"Who?" A petite woman asked with her hands folded by her sides.

"The prince. " he affirmed.

Everyone went into a frenzy as they all wondered what was going on. It began with hushed whispers and developed into loud chatters and suddenly, it was beginning to get calm when that same man hushed everyone with his index finger and it was quiet.

"I saw him touch a woman and she died before my very eyes. His hands are cursed." He thundered and suddenly Lily tilted her head to stare at everyone. They all had one expression on their faces and that was fear. 

"So, he can touch men and they won't die?" Another woman asked as she fiddled with her hands, her milky eyes blazing with trepidation. 

"Yes." The man had his hands on his waist as he rose to his feet. The scar on his naked torso was horrific but somehow he wielded it with pride. He looked like a leader, someone who controlled this multitude of people in the dingly courtyard with his lips and gestures.

"Maybe he was cursed by a woman. " Another man suggested with a raise of his hand. 

Lily was too absorbed in herself as she bent her head as her heart began to race frantically. 

She looked at her hands as she remembered that she touched him and nothing happened to her, neither did she feel anything. It was even stranger that a woman touched him and died.

He was definitely mysterious.

Lily was slightly alarmed when a guard yelled at all of them to go to bed. At first, Lily thought they were going somewhere but she was utterly perplexed when some couple of guards who had a scrowl on their faces threw straw mats at them as each and every one clamoured for it. Someone threw a smaller mat at Lily and she clenched her hands into a fist, sensing that he did it deliberately as he held a smirk on his face. 

Lily gritted her teeth as she wished she could wipe off the smirk on his face with her bare feet but she held herself back by simply laying on the mat. Somehow she was unable to keep her eyes closed because she was frantic and anxious. She looked at the women who settled at one side of the courtyard, some speaking in hushed whispers while the others massaged their feet. 

Her eyes darted to the fire that was supposed to keep them warm as the fresh and windy air kept blowing. She pulled her cloak over her head and somehow In the darkness, she felt more at peace to sleep. With no eyes watching her, she welcomed the darkness that awaited her presence.

It didn't take long before Lily woke up with a jerking start as she started to breathe in and out as she pushed her lower back against the hard brown wall. She placed a hand on her chest as she was unable to understand why she saw her parents dying all over again in her dream.

Lily had her eyes open throughout the night as sweat bathed her brows and neck. Somehow she felt more better being awake than being asleep. 

Kaden fumed as he watched Aros lead him toward his fleet of men. He was further enraged to hear that Aros was now the commander in chief of his fleet.

He was a human. How shameless of him to receive that title.

He noticed that his face was now well defined and his demeanor had changed. He was less confident, the last time he saw him and to top it all, the way he walked with his shoulders straightened was enough to make Kaden run insane.

He wondered how much had changed as he was led in a room where his seventy-two men were standing in their armour, ready to greet him.

They all removed their iron helmets almost at the same time and bowed on one knee. Kaden was not impressed as he looked at the men carefully.

Gavin whom was average heighted the last time he met was now taller and bigger. Diaz who often helped in scraping his sword had a black eye patch on his left eye and his previous black hair was now longer, reaching all the way to his shoulders. Kaden moved closer to Gavin and looked into his eyes. He was able to smell and deduce how afraid he was. Kaden placed his hand on Gavin's shoulder and he could sense the trepidation in his eyes.

"Are you afraid of me?" Kaden asked in a whisper.

"No, your highness. How would I?" He heard Gavin stutter the words out, "I am just glad to see you, awake after all this years. "

Kaden's lips tightened as he knew that Gavin was lying. From the way his left eye kept twitching and his eyes remained on the ground, he knew it all.

Kaden retreated slowly and watched as his entire fleet saluted him once more. But it was different. They weren't as loud and vibrant as before and before he turned, he sighted Diaz bowing slightly not to me but to Aros who was right by his side.

His Insides boiled with so much rage as he clenched his hands into a tight fist. Not wanting to act rash, he walked out of the room, letting his feet take charge until he heard Aros call out to him. Kaden halted on his heels and turned around slowly, trying to let it sink that Aros had called him by his name and not by his title.

"I wasn't aware that we were close enough for you to call me by my name. I'm aware that a lot of things would have changed but know your place, Aros. " Kaden demanded as the sharp contour of his black brows lifted up. 

He watched as Aros walked up to him quickly and he sighed deeply.

"You speak the same. You haven't changed at all, Kaden. " Aros stated firmly.

"I wonder how you became the head of my fleet. You're a human yet you lose your mind and take my place when you're not entitled to. Who do you think you are, Aros?" Blinded by rage, Kaden slammed his right fist against the hard wall as his chest heaved and his lips sloped into a downward smile.

"You were asleep for so long and we needed to do something. I was chosen and I am aware that I'm different from you but I never stole your place. I simply replaced you. I was worried that something may happen. Everyone was frantic and scared. " Aros countered back with an outstretched arm.

"They are still scared of me. My men are scared of me and the only person I never imagined would take my place, did. " Kaden responded as he fought the urge within him not to yell. 

"You have no idea what I have endured in the past two years. You have no idea what wars we have fought for your honor. Do you know how happy I was when I heard you were awake? Do you know that I visited your chambers almost every day, praying for the moon goddess to set you free? Why does it matter if it's me?" Aros countered back as his lips tightened in frustration.

Kaden placed a hand on his head as he couldn't believe the words that was coming out of his subordinate's lips.

Aros had never been this confident. He was always flustered and he spoke less but now he spoke back at him which was odd.

Was he power drunk?

Kaden lifted his head slowly as he felt his heart race faster. Suddenly a bitter chuckle escaped his lips as he tilted his neck to the side while watching Aros's facial expression.

He looked pale and terrified.

"Never till I die did I imagine that you would talk back at me, neither did I know that you were capable of meeting my eye. " Kaden gritted his teeth angrily as his eyes narrowed in on Aros.

"You dislike me, don't you?" Those were the words that fell out of Aros's lips as he looked at the man whom he once admired.

Kaden hesitated and pointed an accusing finger before muttering, "I have always hated you because you were human and your nature was to be greedy. That didn't change and it wouldn't, no matter what you do, Aros. "

And with that, Kaden turned around and began walking leaving Aros dumbfounded and at a loss of words.