Lily washed her dagger carefully with a bowl of water. She was the first to race towards the small stream where they all had a common bath and run out of it in an instant. A smirk settled on the sharp corner of her lips as she began to ponder once more.
She hid her dagger in her cloak as she began to chop green vegetables. Her hands gripped the wooden handle of the small knife as she cut and cut. Her mind raced as she recollected that time was running out.
Lily noticed that the way the Riveran slaves spoke wasn't as different as the way her people did, in the Navar colony. Lily clicked her tongue, remembering that her breakfast was a hard morsel of bread and water which had particles of sand in it.
"I heard this Kingdom was so blessed after conquering wars. Why can't they feed their slaves?" Lily whispered to herself as she continued cutting with so much vigour.
Her eyes sighted a woman who was kicked on the abdomen by a guard and Lily's hands tightened into a hard fist.
Her hands immediately grabbed the dirty water which was in a small black bucket and she was about to throw it when she remembered that she had to think it through and hide her Identity as a woman. Her hands gripped the Iron handle carefully and she gritted her teeth as she placed it on the floor.
How dare they!
How dare they treat women that way?
Lily looked at the guard and promised within herself that once she was successfully done with her mission of killing the Prince, she would slit his throat and make him beg for mercy.
She watched as the battered woman struggled to rise to her feet but the guard used his boots to push her until the ground, her brown dress smearing with wet sand.
Lily tried to focus on what she was cutting but her eyes kept darting to the abuse that the guard was inflicting on that woman. She looked at everyone else who feigned ignorance to what was happening under their noses.
"Ristos, what are you doing? Isn't it too early to be having fun?" Lily heard the head servant Varick say as he approached with his dirtied boots announcing itself. He had a stick at the side of his mouth and a hand on his hip.
Lily was enraged to see a smile on his face.
"I was just teaching her a lesson, " Lily heard Ristos say, "She pissed me off by being as slow as a snail."
"Is that all? It's too early, my friend. Wait for the night to punish her. " Varick responded and Lily looked at the knife in her hand, if she threw it at an angle and in a single attempt, it would hit Varick's neck and he would slump and die.
"I have romped her so many times that I know her body so well." Ristos licked his lips as he touched the battered woman's face and then he threw her over his shoulders as he patted her bottom while she struggled beneath his grasp while pleading for help.
"I am begging you. Let me go. " she cried.
But Ristos simply laughed as he carried her inside. Lily felt chills running down her spine as her eyes began to grow wet.
These guards violated women and abused them for their own pleasure.
Lily's face scrunched up in disgust when sharp cries and moans of pain and pleasure reached her ears. She dropped the knife and gripped the table tightly.
"Hey, you. " Lily heard Varick speak up and and she continued cutting while not paying any attention to him.
"Theo, I was talking to you." Lily heard him say as she dropped the knife and raced toward him quickly with her hands hidden in her cloak.
"Get some warm water for the Prince. He's having his bath and do not do anything. He's a dangerous man. One slip up and you are dead. Do you understand me?" Lily heard him loud and clear.
She nodded as she watched him turn around with his whip slashing ankles and legs of people whom he wished to torture.
Lily turned around and placed the vegetables she had cut into a small bowl and she carried it in one arm. As she walked, a small smile began to dance around her lips.
Finally, a chance she had been waiting for.
Lily dropped the heavy wooden bucket on the ground as she panted heavily.
This was harder than she thought it would be.
She then picked up the bucket again while gritting her teeth as she walked through the familiar hallways. Her heart thumped against her chest as she reminded herself that this was the final chances to kill the crown prince and get revenge for her parents.
She continued walking as she remembered how Varick led her through that path. Her eyes opened wider when she realized that she was almost at his chambers.
She sighed heavily and she walked past his room, remembering where Varick had told her to go. Her legs moved slowly as her eyes picked up a small body of water in which a familiar figure was inside. Lily moved closer and began to pour the warm water slowly into the body of water. Her eyes darted toward him for a moment and she almost sighed in relief when she notices that he was fast asleep.
Lily then decided to go through with her plan as she dropped the bucket behind him. She bent low and reached to pick out her precious dagger but to her dismay, it wasn't there.
Lily's eyes widened in trepidation as she recollected that she hid it somewhere while she was trying to get the warn water ready. She knew this was no time to remember her losses and mistakes so she decided to go with the last option.
Drowning him.
Lily reached out to grab his black shiny hair but it all fell flat when a large hand reached to grab her arm and pull her straight into the water, making splashing noises.
Lily knew she had been caught.
The Prince wasn't sleeping.
But she decided to fight. Her clenched fist hit him in the torso and she heard him wince in pain as she smirked. She tried to jump out of the water and escape but his big hand reeled her back in.
Lily struggled against his grasp as she kicked her hands and feet against his body mercilessly but it was futile. In one last final attempt, she decided to hit him by the face as she stretched out her hand from the water but his hand grabbed her wrist and then while she screamed, he grabbed the other, pulling her out of the water and into his chest.
Lily struggled once more but her eyes popped wide open when she felt the wind blow on her hair and in that instant,she knew that her cover was blown.
Her breathing hitched when she noticed that he lifted up a hand to touch her face as if she was a new creature. Lily lifted her neck and noticed his eyes were boring straight through hers.