Aros could not stop laughing as he dried himself off as he walked into his tent. His hands threw the wet rag and moved towards the table where the large scroll was, it covered every area of the table and he circled it, while in thought.
If there was anything he was certain about, he was quicker than any other human, smarter than his peers and that was why it was so easy for him to climb the ranks so easily.
He figured out about the identity of a servant under the name, Theo when he followed up by following wherever that servant went during the day.
His excuse? Curiosity.
And also the voice sounded so similar to his sister. The first time he noticed something off was in his chambers. Theo's movements were too fluid, almost deliberate, as though accustomed to precision. The hands, though hidden under sleeves, weren't rough like those of a laborer. They were lean but strong, the hands of someone who had held a sword or drawn a bow.