Kaden rushed into his father's chambers and was immediately greeted with the smell of a pungent odor. His eyes widened in shock when he looked towards the large bed, where a group of middle-aged healers clustered around his father, the king.
He walked closer and saw that his father had changed since the last time he had seen him, he had lost a lot of weight and his bones were very visible, bulging out when it was supposed to be covered with meat. He let his eyes wander around the skin of his father, it was turning into a shade of dark brown and there were several nodules on his head, face and on his shoulders. Before Kaden could take another step, an healer yelled;
"Do not move any closer. We do not know much about what has happened to your father and we do not want the heir to be in this position so step away, child."
"But, my father…."
"We here, are all capable of making certain that your father's health is restored but we do not know when…"