The faint torches of fire in the servant courtyard stretched across the cobblestones as Ewan found Lily sitting on an overturned crate, her head bowed, hands trembling. She clutched the hem of her dress tightly, as though it were the only thing holding her to the earth.
Ewan approached slowly, his boots scraping against the ground. "Lily," he began gently, "it's done. There's no turning back now."
She didn't respond. Her knuckles turned white against the fabric as she exhaled shakily.
He crouched in front of her, his hands resting on his knees. "You did what had to be done. There would've been bloodshed and—"
"Don't," she whispered, cutting him off. Her voice was hoarse. "Don't tell me it was right. Don't tell me I'm a hero. I gave him the poison with my own hands,"