"MMmMmm~!... Oh yeah, that was nice..." Solis released a small moan as he stretched his body which even shook a little as he did so, truly an amazing feeling to wake up to, "Hm?"
With a raised brow, he looked out the window and realised it was snowing, "To be fair, it's almost the 25th... I wonder if this world celebrates Christmas as well?" Solis muttered to himself as he rubbed his chin questioningly.
Eventually, the winged boy headed downstairs and instantly noticed the absence of the guild's usual rowdiness, 'It's quiet... it's not that early in the morning, is it?' He asked Celeste who answered, [No... the silence is quite nice though]
As Solis trotted down each step one at a time, a feminine voice which sounded like a mother telling off her child soon entered his ears, "-nd Natsu!" He heard the pink-haired boy squeal in fear, coming to an end on the flight of stairs not too long after as he peeked his head out of the corner to look at the guild hall where he could see a beat up Natsu hiding behind a table
Surprised by the dragon boy's cowardness, Solis averted his gaze toward what seemed to be freaking the boy out of so much to see a relatively tall, long, scarlet-haired girl with a pretty yet scolding look on her face, her brown eyes piercing Natsu's shaking body, "If you're out on a job, try not to break so many things!" She criticized, Natsu's head dropping as he inaudibly mumbled to himself
Well, inaudible to everyone else but Solis who had enhanced hearing, "You're one to talk..." Thankfully, the red-haired girl hadn't heard it - or maybe she did, and purposefully ignored it as she proceeded to lecture each member of Fairy Tail one by one for things they do - either way, Happy made sure to not let Natsu get too big for his boots by giving him a smack on the top of his head which he sat on
"And you" With her back to Solis, the armoured woman spoke words which were aimed at him, slowly turning her head to look at the lavender-eyed pretty boy with curious eyes, "..." She looked him up and down, her gaze staying particularly longer on his wings as her eyes lit up a little before they went back to normal as she got a good look of his unfamiliar face,
"You must be a new member of the guild..." She concluded once she saw the white guild mark on the side of his neck, the corners of her mouth raised as she showed a kind smile to the boy, "My name's Erza. Nice to meet you"
Solis nodded, acknowledging her words kindly, "Solis, nice to meet you too..." He then looked around the guild and noticed the defeated looks of everyone present, including Levy and Team Shadow Gear as they returned from their job earlier today, yet excluding Gray (Who wasn't at the guild currently, fortunately for him) and Mira (Who casually kept serving the customers who wanted drinks or food with a smile on her face) and Makarov (Who calmly drank his alcohol while sitting cross-legged on a table, an amused smile on his face)
"The last problem I have..." Erza uttered, a dark expression on her face which petrified the already-scared guild members. On the other hand, Solis, who took a seat on the closest table which was completely empty, carried on watching with a blank expression in relief, 'Remind me to not get on her bad side, will ya?' [I don't think I need to... unless you want to get yourself killed, which we both don't want to happen]
The red-haired woman raised both her hands, everyone raising their guards. "You guys..." A light appeared from them, soon revealing a pair of Santa Hats, "Aren't in the Christmas Spirit, even when it's two days away!" She began to propel a hat at each member of the guild, some being pushed off their seats from the force. Even Solis himself couldn't help from having to hold on to the table while catching hit so he didn't go flying, 'That was close!'
At least his previous question was now answered, even if it meant almost getting knocked out by a fluffy hat. Looking around the guild once more, he noticed everyone place the hats on their head which seemed to brighten the mood within the guild, 'At least the red and white goes with my outfit' He thought with a smile, joining the guild in adorning the Santa hat on top of his head.
Unlike yesterday (Where he was wearing pyjamas), Solis wore a proper outfit which consisted of loose, light red joggers, an oversized white hoodie with a penguin on it, a black shirt underneath and light red jacket over the hoodie, and a clear white scarf wrapped around his neck which hid his mouth behind it, the light-coloured outfit compliment his light cyan hair and lavender eyes [Images]
Once Erza was finished with reprimanding the guild, everyone went back to having fun in their own ways which, for Natsu, meant stupidly challenging Erza to a fight just to get punched to the other side of the guild. As for Solis, he walked over to the lone Levy's table, surprised that Jet and Droy weren't pestering her today, "Yo, Levy!" He greeted with a raised hand, the girl looking up from her book with an illuminated look on her face, "Hey, Solis!" Solis sat beside her once they smoothly dapped each other up, a warm smile on his face as he asked, "How'd your job go?"
"Really well, actually!" She replied, her face beaming as she picked up her book and showed it off to him, "I even got this book as a reward for doing a good job completing it" Seeing the blue-haired girl being so excited, Solis couldn't help giggle at the girl's cuteness, "Oh? What's it about?" He asked, Levy giving him an extremely detailed synopsis of the book which he attentively listened to out of respect for her intense passion of books
"How about you? I heard from Mira that you took a few E-Rank Jobs yesterday" Levy questioned, marking the page she was on before closing the book to focus on Solis who answered, "They went good. I was thinking about taking some more jobs today as well - I'd like to get promoted to D-Rank and get the boring jobs over and done with"
"Hoo~" Levy exhaled loudly in contentment, "Trust me, the feeling of becoming a D-Rank Mage and knowing you don't have to do any more E-Rank Jobs is one of the best feelings ever!" She exclaimed, laughing a little
"Apologies if I'm interrupting anything, Levy, Solis..." The two looked up to see an expressionless Erza looking at them, "May I take a seat?" She asked, Levy welcomingly waving at the girl, "Hey Erza! Go ahead" The red-haired girl nodded in appreciation, taking a seat opposite them as she looked at Solis curiously which made the boy slightly uncomfortable as an awkward silence filled the table
"Are those wings... real?" Erza finally spoke up, her eyes shining brightly as she eyed up Solis' fluffy white wings
"Oh" He was caught quite off-guard by the question which followed the silence, but Solis was quick to not make things awkward once again by nodding his head with a comforting smile, "Yeah" He turned his head to look at his wings, moving them on command, "I can make them a little larger which allows me to fly, but this is them on 'standby'" He then looked back at Erza who had her mouth open slightly, her face slightly flushed as her eyes, eyebrows, and mouth twitched eagerly
"C-Can I touch them?" She asked, sitting forward enthusiastically with pumped fists, her nose huffing passionately as her smile grew extremely wide. Levy chuckled seeing this and turned her head to Solis where she saw him jump back a little in surprise, "Although she doesn't look or act it, Erza really loves cute and fluffy things like most girls" She whispered to him, Solis glancing at her from the corner of his eye, "I gathered that, thank you"
Realising her actions, Erza's demeanour calmed down and her eyes widened, "Eh-Ehem!" She cleared her throat, now blushing in embarrassment as she moved backwards and sat properly, "F-Forgive me... I don't know what went over me..." She crossed her arms, and took a few seconds to return to her usual strict and intimidating look
"It's all good" Solis reassured with a wave of his hand, brushing it aside, 'Although I watched the anime ages ago, it's really weird but nice seeing her like this in person with my own two eyes' [Let her touch your wings...] Celeste commented, her voice shaky as if... 'Oi, stop getting turned on by people touching my wings!'
[Awww~... but I want to see you moan, darling] 'Okay, this conversation is heading in a weird direction, so let's stop it here' [Booo~]
"Although I'd be fine with you and most people touching them, the last time someone touched them, well..." He gulped loudly, sweating a little at the embarrassing memory, "Let's just say something that I don't want to speak about or experience again happened"
"Hey! That's not fair" Levy exclaimed with a pout on her face, "That's like giving us a plot twist and then ending the story with a cliff-hanger, just for years to pass by and there's still no second book!- Now you've made me want to know what happens!"
"Although I respect your wishes, I must agree with Levy" Erza supported, the two of them making Solis feel uneasy as he felt like he's just fell into a trap as prey and is now being cornered by a bunch of predators, "I...'m gonna go do a job, see ya!" He made a run for it to the request board where he hurriedly grabbed 2 E-Rank Jobs, ran to the bar where he informed Mira he would do the jobs back-to-back, got the go ahead from her and Makarov, and finally escaping by flying out of the guild
With 4/30 E-Rank Jobs complete until he was promoted to D-Rank, Solis began flying back to Fairy Tail with an extra 50,000 Jewels to his name, bringing his total money to 110,000 Jewels, "The snow really makes it harder and more annoying to fly, especially 'coz it's dark out since it's winter..." He complained aloud, his body shivering quite a lot due to the combination of high altitude, the winter/night cold, and snow even with all the layers of clothes he was currently wearing
Flying over Magnolia, Solis noticed that the town looked a lot more festive compared to yesterday with the citizens putting up Christmas lights and decorations all over the place, the never-ending snow doing a good job in assisting the holiday vibe, 'I don't know if I'm happy or disappointed that these people put up their decorations a few days before Christmas' Compared to his previous world where most people would decorate around November Time, sometimes even October if not earlier for some odd reason, it was quite underwhelming but still nice to see
Descending from the sky, he retracted his large wings into 'standby mode' as he now unofficially calls it and stood in front of the Fairy Tail guild where, similar to the rest of the town, the building now had lights up and even a few elves and large snowmen inflatables, 'Didn't even know this world had inflatables, but I'm not complaining' He thought to himself as he opened the doors to the guild and, once again, saw the place a lot more decorated compared to how it looked a few hours ago
Some of the guys were even dressed as Santa already, and some girls wore Christmas-related accessories such as evergreen tree earrings and whatnot, 'Seems Erza really nailed the spirit into them, ay?' [Truly]
Walking over to the bar, which had a lacrima playing some festive music, Solis took a seat and called over Mira, handing the completed job posters to her, "Looks like I missed quite a lot, huh?"
"Just a bit" Mira replied with a small giggle, handing him a mug of apple juice (His favourite drink - he wasn't much of a drinker, disliking the taste of alcoholic beverages and wondering why people drink it even if it tastes like donkey piss), "That's not all though..." The white-haired woman then crouched down and stood back up, holding a wooden bowl, "Here, pick out a paper" She instructed with a gentle smile, holding the bowl towards him
"Alright...?" With a raised brow, Solis stuck his hand into the bowl and moved his hand around as he felt up multiple pieces of paper. After a few seconds, he grabbed one and took it out and went to open it but Mira quickly stopped him, "Make sure no one sees what's on the paper- it's for Secret Santa, do you know what it is?" She asked
"Oh, you guys do Secret Santa too?!" Solis questioned, slightly excited as he liked the concept of the game, "Just to make sure we're talking about the same thing... you pick out a name, buy gifts, exchange it, and the person has to guess who their 'Santa' is, right?" He asked, Mira nodding her head, "Yup! We do it slightly differently though"
"Hoh~? How so?" Solis wondered, "We don't change anything, but we do add a fun game to it: The person guessing their Santa makes their guess, and if they get it wrong they get a 'challenge', it can be something they have to do or a question they have to answer. On the other hand, if they guess their Santa correctly, it's the same thing but the other way round"
"So Truth or Dare?" Solis corrected, but Mira simply tilted her head in slight confusion, "'Truth or Dare'? What's that?"
'I see. They know the concept of Truth or Dare, but they don't actually call it that' He concluded quite easily, "It works the exact same as you explained, but where I'm from we have an official name for it called 'Truth or Dare'. You basically ask a person 'Truth or Dare', and then if they say 'Truth' you ask them a question that they have to answer truthfully. And if they say 'Dare', then you give them something to do and they have to complete it no matter what - BUT, if they don't complete the Truth or Dare, they have to take a shot of alcohol"
"Huh... 'Truth or Dare', I like that name" Mira mumbled to herself, nodding contently as she decided she would 'borrow' the name and exact concept, including the drinking part, from Solis and his people, "I'll make sure to tell everyone about it, thank you, Solis!"
"No problem" After cleaning his mouth of any apple juice from his mug, Solis stood up and waved goodbye to Mira, heading towards the library but not before stopping by Levy's table which, this time, was accompanied by Jet and Droy, 'Looks like they couldn't go a full day without her' He joked internally, standing in front of Levy, "Hey guys" He greeted the boys who reluctantly greeted him back, "Hey Levy, could I borrow your glasses again? I'm heading to the library"
"Oh, of course!" She placed her bag on the table and began scurrying through it before pulling out her Gale Force Reading Glasses, handing it to Solis, "I don't know how long I'll be there, so if I take ages and you want them back just come to the library and take 'em off of me, alright?"
"Oki-Doki! No problemo!" Levy saluted, going back to reading her new book once Solis thanked her for the glasses and headed to the library where he would train his magic and read the book on Transformation Magic, 'Hopefully I'll be able to use it soon'
Solis had spent the next few hours in the library training and reading, Levy coming by at the end of the day informing him that she was heading home, "Here 'ya go!" He handed her the glasses back, the girl slotting them back in her bag, "Goodnight, Levy. See you tomorrow"
"Goodnight, Solis" After dapping each other one last time today, Levy departed from the guild and headed to Fairy Hills, the female dormitory of the guild that she and most girls of the guild lived in. Meanwhile, Solis spent some more time in the library mainly dedicating his time to training his Time and Illusion Magic as he realised it would be a waste of time to read the Transformation book without the GFRG (Gale Force Reading Glasses).
Although neither of his magic were at the Basic level just yet, Solis felt he was extremely close, especially with his Time Magic which he was currently using. He looked at the book in his hand and threw it up in the air, activating his Chrono Accel spell which made the book move at an extremely slow speed. As it fell down, Solis used the falling time to shadow fight the air, throwing kick after punch, practicing his footwork and head movement. He then maximised the output of his magic and looked at the book once more, watching as it moved so slow it almost stopped - just as he wanted, 'I'm almost there...' He thought with a smile.
As for his Illusion Magic, it was much harder to improve as it took quite a lot of mental willpower alongside magic power to get the Illusion to do more than stand still like a mannequin. So far, Solis had managed to get his illusion-self to blink, open its mouth, raise its hand, etc. but it was extremely stiff
When he first received the magic, he started with creating illusionary inanimate object such as cups, tables, and more. After that, he attempted to create an illusion of himself but it was extremely hard to do compared to the small, inanimate object. After he succeeded though, his Innate Rank upgraded to Initiate Rank. This caused Solis to be confident that once he managed to make his illusion-self move casually, it would upgrade to Basic Rank, 'I'm almost there...' he repeated.
After calling it a day, he returned to his temporary room upstairs where he jumped into bed after showering and changing into his pyjamas, taking the piece of paper he drew from Mira's bowl and opening it up to see who he'd have to buy a present or two for, "...Erza, ay?" He smiled, "Should be easy enough" He mumbled to himself, remembering a specific food item that Erza particularly liked-no, loved would be more accurate.
The night passed by quickly, and so did a majority of the next day where it followed a routine similar to the past few days, where in he spoke to some of the guild members after waking up and heading to the guild hall:
Today in particular, he spent some more time with the boys of the guild, a.k.a. Elfman, Natsu, and a bit of Gray as well - there was also the usual Levy and Mira he spoke with, and he even made a bit of small, casual talk with Erza and Cana, who surprisingly wasn't drinking this morning. Instead, she stuffed her face with candy canes and offered one to Solis at the start of their conversation, which he actually accepted and took.
After the conversations, he took another 2 E-Rank Jobs and completed them, making it 6/30 until a promotion was due, and increasing his balance from 110,000 to 145,000 Jewels. After handing in the jobs to Mira however, rather than heading to the library which he tended to do, he had one or two quick stops to make. He left the guild and walked through the guild of Magnolia, entering the best cake shop in town where he purchased a whole strawberry cake for 3,000 Jewels, "Thank you, have a happy Christmas!" With his boxed cake in hand, he waved goodbye to the shop owner and headed to another place
After a bit of casual walking, Solis arrived in front of a rather large shop - probably the largest shop in town, "Heart Kreuz" The sign of the shop read, Solis learning from Mira in their conversation this morning that this is the shop that Erza and most of the girls of the guild get their clothes from, and even Erza's main armour that she wears all the time when walking around comes from here
He entered the shop, and instantly noticed the large quantity of energetic female customers running around the place, picking out clothes. He couldn't help but pity the men, most likely father and boyfriends/husbands who were dragged by their child/partner to accompany them in this shopping hell
Shortly after entering, a female employee walked up to Solis and greeted him with flushed cheeks, asking if there was anything he needed assistance with, "Nothing for now, thank you" He replied with a smile, causing the woman to remind herself she was in a professional environment before walking away and speaking with other customers, occasionally glancing at Solis who walked around the place looking for the right gift
'Considering she has so many clothes in her Requip, hopefully I don't pick out something she already has - that would be embarrassing' He thought to himself, looking around the shop with an intense look on his face as he eventually remembered, 'Hey, CC, you're a woman, help me out will you? Please~' He pleaded, no longer wishing to struggle
[I'm always here to help you, darling...] As he kept walking around, Celeste eventually spoke, [That one... yes, and the black pants there, perfect] In one hand, Solis held up black leather pants, and in the other a woolly knitted black sleeveless jumper with a turtleneck. As he looked at it, he looked up at the ceiling and closed his eyes, imagining Erza wearing it, '...' Something was growing (and it wasn't the shield hero), 'Yep, these are good!' His eyes snapped open and he instantly thought of something else to calm his little brother down, [Naughty boy]
He then looked at the price, "Oof-" He felt like the God of Money had punched him in the gut as he looked at the price, but thankfully he wasn't anywhere near bankruptcy just yet. Finished, he walked over to the self-checkout and purchased the items for 32,000 Jewels, bringing his money back down to 110,000 Jewels, '32,000 for 2 items... I'll never understand overpriced clothes'
Thanks for Reading
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