Gacha Chapter 6: Christmas with Fairy Tail Part 2

With his left hand raised, holding up a box with strawberry cake inside, and his right hand by his side holding a bag with a nice outfit in it as well as a roll of wrapping paper, Solis spread his wings and carefully flew to the Guild with his body vertical (standing/upright) rather than horizontal like usual (like Superman) 

Knowing that Fairy Tail had some people with monstrous senses of smell and times when it wasn't needed, like right now, Solis flew round to the back of the guild and quietly entered the guild, running up to his room as silently as he could where he safely secured his presents without getting caught, "Phew..." He exhaled in relief, wiping the drop of sweat on his forehead from the stress. [Good job, you got an S Grade completion from your stealth mission], "That's what we love to hear, CC" Solis replied with a quick chuckle, sitting down on the floor to wrap the gifts when he realised, 'Shit!'

He looked at the wrapped cake and looked around the room, "Oh, nevermind" His smile grew large once he saw the oddly-placed fridge in the room. He walked over to it and opened it to find it empty before placing the cake inside, closing the fridge door shut as he headed back downstairs.

Probably due to it being Christmas Eve, the Guild was quite empty currently with a few predominant figures such as Gray, Levy, Cana, even Natsu, Erz- "Oh fuck sake" He groaned in complaint, having gone through his little stealth side quest for no reason. Either way, he headed to the library and peacefully did the same thing he's been doing for the past few days: Reading and Magic Training

After spending quite a lot of time reading at his normal speed, Solis closed the book and looked at his left hand, concentrating extremely hard as he followed the contents that he's been reading from the book. He closed his eyes and began moving the magic in his body towards his hand.

Once it was there, he pictured the hand of Levy, something he could remember and picture quite clearly due to its cute small size, smoothness, and the slightly crooked index finger which she said was a result of her punching something for the first time a few years ago, and it went horribly wrong and left that damage - he found it quite funny, frankly.

Anyway, after the hand came to mind, the magic that flowed to his hand began to rumble slightly. After a few seconds, a puff of white smoke erupted from his hand. Solis opened his eyes and once the smoke was gone, that's when he saw it: his hand had successfully changed!

"Welllll... kinda..." His hand had indeed changed, but it wasn't quite as he imagined.

[Congratulations!] After weeks of being in this world, this was the first time Solis had heard the robotic, monotonous voice of the system, [After continuous studying and practice, you have successfully learned Transformation Magic (Innate)!] 

[...After how long it's been since last time, that felt very weird] Celeste commented in a creeped out tone, 'Shame, I thought learning a magic by myself would've been enough for one of the tickets' Solis thought quite regretfully, but at least he finally learnt Transformation Magic, [Same, to be honest... looks like you're gonna have to work a lot harder if you want a ticket, darling]

'You know you're startin' to speak more like me, right?' Solis thought with a low chuckle, realising that Celeste was starting to turn into a mini-him, [...I'm sure you'd love that anyway] She argued smugly, 'No comment'

After a bit of back-and-forth with Celeste, Solis turned his attention to his Time and Illusion Magic which he would start heavily focusing on now that he's finally learnt Transformation Magic.

He started with his Time Magic, restlessly training it until his magic power was almost completely drained, then taking some time to rest up and replenish before going back to training it. 

There were 2 goals here that he was trying to achieve: Upgrade his Time Magic to Basic Mastery, and learn one- no, perhaps two spells once he succeeded with what he was currently doing.

Once more, Solis grabbed the fatigued book from the floor, breathing a little heavy from the non-stop training and constant magic exhaustion, "Huuuu-" He inhaled deeply with closed eyes, "Haaaahhh~..." He calmly exhaled, his eyes snapping open as he threw the book up in the air and used his Chrono Accel spell on himself once more

"Ahs-Mhhp!-Ahs ahs ahs-!" He hissed with each swift punch and kick he performed, rolling his body a few times before throwing consecutive uppercuts which performed a perfect circle due to how fast he was moving. As he looked up, his eyes grew bloodshot, outputting his magic to the maximum as the book fell slower... and slower... and much, much, slower, until eventually...

It stopped.

The book remained still in the air for what felt like minutes for Solis (in reality, it was a singular second) before dropping to the floor at its regular speed, "-HAA...!" Solis felt a pang on his chest, his body dropping to the floor weakly. Thankfully, his willpower and perseverance managed to raise a knee to stop himself from flopping, "Haaa... Haa... Haa..." An exhaustion like never before had hit him, his muscles pulsating a little which didn't help. But the pain and exhaustion didn't stop him from grinning manically, "I-... I've do-... done it... heh"

[Good job, darling, but please... rest, I don't like seeing you like this] Celeste suggested sadly, watching Solis raise a shaky arm as he gave a pathetic thumbs-up through grit teeth, "I'm fine... really-" He fell onto his back and spread his limbs as far as he could, huffing for air, 'Fuck that, I'm lying like a bitch... I'm never going this hard again' He declared, Celeste responding with a cute giggle, [So, what are you naming your new spell, my love?]

'My love? That's a new one...' Solis replied, [Well, there's something about seeing you drenched in sweat, panting heavily, shirtless... working so hard...] She wishfully emphasised the 'hard' part, [Heheh...] She laughed crazily through quiet, heavy breathes of her own, 'CC, you're malfunctioning' Solis gulped fearfully

[This isn't a malfunction, my dear... no, this is an awakening-] Solis sat up, much more energised compared to a few seconds, "Okay, that's enough. I request a system shutdown, please" [Heheheh...] For the next few seconds, Celeste crazily giggled to herself

'Anyway, I wanna see my status' Solis opened up his status, and looked at the new changes after licensing his new spell with the name 'Chrono Stasis'

[Name: Solis]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Heavenly Winged Dragon (Innate)] 

[Status: Alive]

[Time Magic (Initiate -> Basic)]

[Illusion Magic (Initiate)]

(NEW!) [Transformation Magic (Innate)]

He then recalled all the spells he currently knew, which he did by focusing his gaze on his [Time Magic (Basic)] as that was the only magic he had named-spells for as he didn't have any named-spells for Illusion Magic due to not having proper skill for one yet 

[Chrono Accel (Buff Spell, Single Target) - Speeds up a person's perception of time to make things slower, and make themselves seem faster]

[Chrono Delay (De-Buff Spell, Single Target) - Slows down a person's perception of time to make things faster, and make themselves feel slower]

[Chrono Stasis (Support Spell, Short-Ranged AOE) - By using Chrono Accel as a start-up, it speeds up a person's perception of time so much that things appear frozen] Which he could currently do for 1 second, but the magic consumption was crazy due to the fact he had to output Chrono Accel to the maximum, so there was no way he was able to spam the spell or use it consecutively

'Maybe if I learn to stop time without using Chrono Accel as a start-up, it'll consume less magic power and be better overall' Solis thought to himself, recovering enough energy to stand up and look at the massive body-sized sweat patch with a grim expression on his face, 'Sorry to whoever has to clean that...'

"..." As he kept looking at the marking on the floor, Solis' eyes began to squint in curiosity, -"...Should I try it?" He crouched down and held his hand out, feeling the magic power in his body which caused him to stop himself, "No, I can't, I've got too little magic power to try it safely" With some regret, he left the library and went to his room to shower, washing himself particularly hard today compared to before due to all his sweat from training

'Early Merry Christmas to me, ay?' Solis smiled to himself in joy at his upgrades today, jumping into bed where he kicked his feet up and down a little before turning on his back where he fell asleep




The next morning, Solis woke up with a slight ache in his body but it was nothing he couldn't deal with casually. Plus, it would go away with time due to his enhanced healing factor from his race. As he sat up out of bed and went to shower, he noticed a nicely folded set of clothes was set out for him on a stool in the middle of the room

He walked up to it and held up the piece of paper which read, "Please put this on, everyone will be wearing something similar! - M.J." Realising the M.J. most likely stands for 'Mirajane', he nodded his head and went to shower. Once he was done, he came out of the small bathroom and put on the outfit which consisted of red baggy Santa pants, an aesthetically pleasing white fleece, a nicely knitted red and black scarf and, of course, the Santa hat from before. [Image]

He noticed the presents from under his bed and the fridge were gone, but he assumed that was fine and headed downstairs where, almost instantly, he could hear Fairy Tail being the loudest its ever been since he joined

Solis entered the guild hall, "MERRY CHRISTMAS!" They all yelled, the boy taken aback by the loudness and everyone's joy as everyone was closer than ever, laughing and playing games, talking enthusiastically at the festive occasion - even Natsu and Gray were being all buddy-buddy, without faking it for Erza!

"Guess who!" Solis' vision had darkened, a pair of soft hands over his two eyes. Based off the voice and the nice feeling on his back, Solis was confident it was "Merry Christmas to you too, Mira" He said, a small smirk on his face as the small game had instantly brought his mood up

"Correct!" Solis turned around and was stunned, "Merry Christmas, Solis!" She said with a large smile, but it was slightly figured out to Solis who rubbed his face to play-off his shock. Currently, Mira wore a Santa-themed skirt and threadbare crop top which exposed her legs, shoulders, and part of her breasts. Around her neck rested a bow-tie with a bell, and on the top of her head she wore an antler headband. Additionally, her white-hair was styled in pigtails, 'Jesus... forgive for my sinful thoughts, amen' [Image]

"You're wearing the outfit I prepared for you!" Mira exclaimed happily, Solis nodding in response with a smile on his face, "I knew it would look really good on you"

"Thanks, you look good too" He flashed a thumbs-up, "I really like the hair, it's cute" ['The Hair'~, sure~...] Celeste mocked, laughing at his excuse, 'Shut up!'

"Thank you!" Mira replied excitedly, grabbing Solis by the wrist as she urged, "Come on! We're going to start eating soon, and then we'll do Secret Santa!" She informed him, Solis not resisting her rather forceful act. He saw her look at Makarov, who was wearing a Santa Outfit, and nodded at him

"Help me move the tables and chairs, will you?" Mira asked Solis with a smile, who was slightly confused but after Makarov clapped his hands and got everyone's attention, he understood the assignment, "Sure" As he and Mira started pushing and stacking the tables and chairs next to the walls to free up more space, Makarov instructed everyone else to help neatly clear off the tables and chairs with Mira and Solis

After some time, all the tables and chairs were gone, leaving only the benches and long tables in the centre of the guildhall, directly in front of the stage which held the large Christmas tree in the middle of it, dozens of wrapped presents underneath it. The guild members then worked together to shuffle the benches and long tables closer together.

Once they were finished, everyone sat down and began chatting away as they awaited their food, 'Shame, looks like Christmas Crackers aren't a thing here' Solis noticed that the tables were quite barren except for the slight decorations such as the blankets placed neatly over each table, the candles, and the mini Christmas tree in the middle of each table.

"Merry Christmas, Solis!" Levy excitingly greeted, taking a seat to Solis' left. The boy smiled at the girl, and couldn't help but look at her cute outfit in amazement as they dapped each other up, "Merry Christmas to you too, Levy! Nice outfit!" Her outfit consisted of a threadbare crop top just like Mira, except the top had a bow-tie at the front of it. For her lower half, she wore a short red skirt, red boots and white thigh-high socks. Overall, very cute and attractive! [Image]

"Thanks!" Levy flashed a bright smile, a hint of redness on her cheeks, "Woah, your outfits so nice!" She raised a hand and touched his fleece, "And soft" After playing with his fleece for a while longer, Levy pulled her arm back and turned to speak to Jet (Sitting on her right) and Droy (Sitting in front of her) who glared at Solis for a split second before chatting to her

"Ayyy~! Merry Christmas or whatever, Solis!" As enthusiastic as ever, Natsu wrapped an arm around Solis' shoulders and sat to his left, grinning ear to ear with his other arm stretched up high, barely wrapping around Elfman's shoulder who sat to his left, "Real men celebrate Christmas as hard as they can! Come on, Solis, put more passion into it! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" Elfman yelled enthusiastically

Natsu was wearing a regular Christmas jumper and Santa hat, whilst Elfman, similar to Makarov, was wearing a Santa outfit except the top buttons were unbuttoned which exposed his buff chest muscles, "When did Santa get so buff and loud?" Solis questioned aloud, a shirtless Gray wearing Santa shorts sitting in front of him answering, "Who knows, but Santa should really cover up a little" He huffed with his arms crossed in front of his chest [Image]

"..." Solis looked at Natsu, then Elfman, then Levy, and even Jet and Droy, and all looked at each other with blank expressions before turning to Gray, "SAYS YOU!" They shouted in unison, causing Gray to fall backwards off of his seat before realising, "AH! MY SHIRT! Damn it, where is it!?" He then ran off in pursuit of his lost shirt, [If he had one to begin with...] Celeste spoke dryly

"We'll be taking these seats" Cana and Erza came and sat down, the brown-haired drinker in front of Solis and Erza to her right, sitting in front of Natsu. In terms of outfits, Erza was one of the more reserved girls surprisingly, even if her threadbare short dress and thigh high leggings were still quite revealing. As for Cana, kind of like the others she wore a threadbare crop-top, just slightly in style, and short shorts, "Merry Christmas, you guys" Erza said [Images]

"Hey guys, I'm here too!" Poking his head out from beside Elfman's large body, the orange-haired playboy, Loke, waved at the group, looking around worriedly before requesting, "If any girls come here asking for me, say that I'm on a job or something, will you!?" He asked of everyone present.

"Merry Christmas! Hope you don't mind me joining you all!" Mira had now made her arrival, sitting beside Erza strangely enough as Solis and the others were fairly sure Droy was sitting there. But after seeing him in the seat beside her, opposite Jet, with a frightened look on his face, 'Ah... I see' They understood the situation and didn't bring it up.

"So, none of the others showed up?" Erza asked Mira in a mildly harsh tone, her arms crossed as she frowned. Mira shook her head with a low sigh, "It's a no show... I asked them through the Lacrimas, but they rejected"

Whether it was conscious or not, Solis was able to eavesdrop due to his enhanced hearing and couldn't help but curiously chime in and ask, "Who didn't show up?" Thankfully, neither Mira and Erza seemed to mind him butting in the conversation as Mira answered, "The other guild members... namely the master's grandson and his team, as well as 2 S-Rank members of the guild"

"An S-Rank member, huh...? How many S-Ranks does the guild have?" Solis asked with a slight tilt of his head, Mira and Erza looking at each other with small smiles on their faces, this time the red-haired woman answering his curiosity, "There are 4 of us, technically 5 if you include the Master, but that doesn't count usually... there's me, the master's grandson, Laxus, a man named Gildarts" At the mention of 'Gildarts', Cana couldn't help but reveal a sad frown which went unnoticed to all but Solis, "And last but not least-" Erza looked to Mira who waved at Solis

"Oh wow, you're both S-Rank mages?! That's amazing!" Solis exclaimed, feigning ignorance to the fact he already knew, "Well..." Mira chuckled awkwardly, sheepishly scratching her chin as her circumstance was a bit more... complicated than the other S-Ranks.

Before more could be said, however, a loud dinging sound rang throughout the guildhall. Makarov stood up and gave a quick toast, "Today, we have been blessed to be able to spend this joyous occasion once more as one massive family! May this beautiful journey of love and magic never end, TOGETHER AS FAIRY TAIL!" As he finished, he raised his right hand and pointed his index finger to the sky

The guild members joined him, and at the same time cheered, "FAIRY TAIL!" Before multiple people entered the guild with plates and utensils, setting it nicely at the table. Shortly after, they came back but with trays of food this time. Seeing the food, Solis couldn't help but get excited, "OH YEAH! BRING IN THE FOOD!" Natsu cheered, having to get held down by Elfman with one hand so he didn't jump onto the table and eat everything 

Once all the food was set, Makarov hit his fork against the glass cup in front of him, signalling the start of the Christmas buffet, "THAT'S MINE!" Natsu and Gray yelled at the same time, grabbing two different parts of a massive turkey, "...You better let go, you overgrown lizard..." Gray threated, glaring at Natsu with neither of them letting go of the turkey

"Why don't you let go instead, Ice Princess?" Natsu challenge, his eye twitching impatiently as still neither of them were to let go. The fire user glanced at the mashed potatoes beside the turkey and reached out towards it, grabbing a handful of potatoes before throwing it at Gray's face, "YOU BASTARD!" Gray yelled, grabbing the plate from underneath the turkey, bringing it up in the air, and hitting Natsu in the head with it, shattering the plate into many pieces

"FOOD FIGHTTT!" Loke yelled enthusiastically, one leg on the table before getting sent back down by both Gray and Natsu who quickly recovered and punched him in the face with a fist full of cranberry sauce, "HELL YEAHHH!" Some other members of the guild began to rave and create a massive domino effect which caused a massive food fight

"I'm just tryna eat man..." Solis sighed, hiding up on the second floor after successfully escaping, stuffing his face with pigs in blankets from his plate that he managed to fill up before all the food was thrown around. He peeked back down at the first floor to see that the food fight was still going, with everyone but him being covered in food, even the unfortunate ones that didn't want to join the food fight such as Levy and Happy, "Sorry guys, but at least it's not me..." Solis smirked, turning back round just to find himself looking up at a devious Natsu who held a handful of stuffing,

"Don't think you're safe, Solis!" Natsu yelled, stretching his arm out to smother Solis' face with the stuffing. However, Solis wasn't going to have it. He used Chrono Accel and quickly stood up, stepping forward while slowly turning his body, grabbing Natsu's arm and shirt and then using the boy's own momentum to send him flying back down to the first floor with a beautiful judo throw, "AHHHHHHHHH!" Natsu yelled, flying towards a furious, food-covered Erza

"...Natsu..." Realising who was coming towards her, Erza requipped a hammer and used said hammer to hit Natsu in the face, changing his destination to a wall which he collided with. Finally, after deciding too much time had passed and too much of a mess was made, Makarov stepped up by transforming into his Giant form, "THAT'S ENOUGH!" His voice boomed, and his magic power erupted, the Fairy Tail members coming to a halt to look at Makarov, "HAAA..." His large body sighed, "EVERYONE HELP WITH CLEANING UP, SECRET SANTA WILL SOON BEGIN!"

"A-Aye...!" At that moment, a majority of the guild seemed to impersonate the blue flying cat known as Happy as they began cleaning up the mess they left. Solis, on the other hand, remained upstairs without a care in the world. After all, he wasn't going to clean up someone else's mess


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