As everyone went back to their seats for the start of Secret Santa, Solis couldn't help but notice the multiple sets of eyes on him. He looked at Natsu who, unsurprisingly, was the most messy and even had a few bruises on his face. He then looked at Happy, Gray, Elfman, Loke, Cana, Erza, Mira, Levy, even Jet and Droy, and noticed they succeeded in cleaning most of the food they got covered with, but their clothes and some of their hair was still quite dirty, "Wow~ What happened to you guys~" Solis mocked, a hand in front of his mouth as he held back a laugh with a smug smile on his face
"This is so not fair" Levy complained, "For real, why are you clean and we're not?!" Cana supported the cause of hating, "Sounds like a skill issue to me" Solis replied, deciding to hold some of his jokes back a little after seeing the menacing aura around Erza and Mira in particular, "Say~ Natsu~ What gave you the SMART idea of starting a food fight, hmmm?" Mira interrogated with an 'innocent' smile on her face
"Go on, Natsu, what was it-" Gray spoke up, and came to regret it as Cana smacked him on the back of the head, "HEY!-" Cana communicated with him through her eyes, warning him of the dangers sat beside her. As he looked over Cana's shoulder, he witnessed his worst nightmare in human form: Erza 'Titania' Scarlet
"..." Natsu turned his head, his mouth sealed shut as he refused to speak up or make eye contact with either of them (It's definitely not because he was scared that he would say the wrong thing and get beat up again).
Even Happy, Natsu's own best friend, couldn't help but berate Natsu for his actions, deciding to borrow the top of Solis' head until he forgave the pink-haired boy, "You're head's fluffy, Solomon" Happy complimented as he snuggled up into Solis' hair
"It's Solis" Solis deadpanned. After a few minutes, Makarov stood on top of the stage and clapped his hands, "Now, what you've all been waiting for... Secret Santa will now begin!" The guild cheered, Makarov pointing to the end of the table and calling up one of the members to the stage to pick out their presents. Once they opened their presents, they guessed their Santa and got it wrong, "Ah! But this time, we're going to be doing something a little different! Mira, if you may" Makarov called the girl upon stage.
Once Mira was on stage, she introduced the rules of 'Truth or Dare - Drinking Edition' which got the guild members, Cana in particular, very excited at the game. One by one, each guild member would come up on stage and guess their Santa. Some guessed correctly, some guessed wrong, and many took shots.
"Droy" Now, Makarov was at the middle of the table where Solis and the others sat, with Droy being the first to get called up to the stage. He grabbed 2 presents with his name on it and opened up the smaller one first which consisted of a simple slice of strawberry cake, "Uhhh... not bad, I guess?" Droy laughed awkwardly before opening the bigger gift, revealing a rather beautiful plant, causing the young man to smile as he actually liked this gift, "This is nice, thanks whoever got it!"
He then looked along the tables, having to make his guess, "I'm going to guess..." His eyes stopped at Levy, "Levy!" He called out, the blue-haired girl shaking her head in response, "INCORRECT! Truth or Dare?" Makarov asked, Droy quickly responding with "Dare!" Makarov then turned to the tables and asked, "Anyone have a dare for Droy?"
"Look Erza in the eye while eating the strawberry cake!" Natsu challenged, Droy's face dropping as he looked around for the nearest glass shot and alcohol before swiftly taking a shot, "Are you trying to kill me, Natsu!?" Droy yelled angrily, returning to his seat where he saw Erza eyeing up the strawberry cake, "..." Reluctantly, he silently handed her the strawberry cake and sat back down
"Boooo~! No one's doing their dares!" Natsu groaned in complaint, everyone who's gone up so far and chosen 'Dare' glaring at him as he gave them near-impossible tasks, "Alright, Natsu, from now on you're not allowed to give dares to people" Makarov declared, "WHAT!? THAT'S NOT FAIR, MASTER"
"Too bad, deal with it- Jet, you're up" Jet went up to the stage and picked out a singular wrapped present. He opened it and took out a pair of nice-looking sneakers, "Aw yeah! I needed new shoes!" He exclaimed gratefully before looking to Levy, guessing her as his Santa, "Nope!" The girl shook her head once more. After being asked the question, Jet asked for a truth in which he was asked "Say the name of the person you like" to which he gave a quick glance to Levy before taking a shot
"Haa..." Solis heard the girl sigh disappointingly, wondering if he should talk to her later about the situation or if he should just mind his business, '...Seriously though, why does she have to look so cute in that outfit' [Don't get too excited, darling~ You'll be up on stage soon...] She giggled
"Mira" Makarov called up the white-haired girl on stage. She went to the tree and picked up her singular present. She opened it and saw a rectangular-shaped item wrapped in clothing. Mira unwrapped the clothing to reveal a beautiful light blue dress, which then revealed the cook book underneath, "Aww~ This is cute, I love it!" Mira squealed in joy at the gifts, looking around the tables until her eyes landed on Levy, who was unable to hold eye contact, "Levy~" Mira smiled
"Yep, you're right!" Levy announced, Mira thanking the girl for the gifts before heading back to her seat when Makarov asked Levy "Truth or Dare?", in which she fearlessly chose "Dare"
Instantly, Jet and Droy were quick to pipe up and ask, "Who do you like!?"
At the question, Levy hummed in thought, "Hmmm..." She then smiled and answered, "I like my friends and family, which is everyone in this guild" Which caused Jet and Droy's mouths to drop, "B-But-" They attempted to refute, but people started backing Levy
"I mean, Levy's technically answered your question so I'd say there's nothing wrong with it" Gray said casually, his arms crossed in front of his bare chest, "True, you didn't specify what kind of 'like'" Solis backed, the two of them earning a loving smile from the girl who silently thanked them for the assist
"Levy" The blue-haired girl was called up on stage and opened up her 3 presents, the most so far. The first gift was a book titled "How to become a man 301!", then second gift was an obviously oversized shirt with the words "Real Manly" on it, and the final gift was a pen with "M.A.N.L.Y." engraved on it causing the girl to break a sweat, "Hahah..." She laughed painfully, "Thanks for the gifts, Elfman"
"What!? How'd you know it was me!?" The manliest man of all asked, completely baffled by how she managed to guess him correctly. After being asked Truth or Dare, he asked for a Dare and was given the relatively easy task of standing up on stage and performing a handstand for 10 seconds. However, once he reached the 9-second mark, Gray yelled, "Push yourself up from the handstand and do a flip!"
And so, Elfman tried it which resulted in his large body clipping the floor and tumbling over on stage, the guild boisterously laughing at his botched attempt, "You were close, man" Solis consoled, patting the manly man's back
"Erza" Makarov called up the red-haired girl who walked up on stage with a happier look on her face after eating a slice of strawberry cake. Eventually, she picked up her two presents, starting with the smaller one, "..." Erza gasped loudly, her eyes glistening as she looked inside the small box to find a whole strawberry cake. She licked her lips and went to eat it, but Makarov reminded her she had another gift to open
She took the second present and opened it, revealing the items of clothing Solis had gotten her, "Wow..." Erza couldn't help but be wowed, nodding in satisfaction as she now made her guess, "Thank you for the gifts... Mira!" She guessed, dramatically pointing an accusatory finger at the white-haired girl
"Uh-Uh" Mira wagged her finger, "You're wrong, Erza!" As a result, the red-haired girl received a ballsy Dare, "FIGHT ME-" Natsu yelled, and was instantly defeated by Erza in one punch - poor boy. 'What a waste of a dare...' The other guild members thought to themselves as they watched "Solis" be called up on stage by Makarov
"Hmm..." The boy scanned underneath the tree for his presents, until his eyes landed on two wrapped presents. One was rather large compared to most, and the other one was on the smaller-side. He started with a smaller present, and excitedly opened it to find it another wrapped present inside, "..." He opened it, and found a smaller wrapped present inside, "You bastard!" He shouted impatiently, causing the guild to break into laughter as Solis filled the stage with wrapping paper from his singular present.
Eventually, he arrived on the final layer "A 30,000 Jewels Gift Card for..." He looked at the gift card and wondered where he could use it, "Any shop in Magnolia, awesome~!" Solis was exhilarated from the gift, then moved on to the second present.
He began opening it, "Please don't be another wrapped gift..." Once he tore off all the wrapping paper, he opened up the rather large box and look inside to find a whole bunch of folded clothes. He took it out one-by-one and truly appreciated and loved each one.
However, he held up one item of clothing for a particularly long time, "Oh... my... god..." Solis had his mouth agape as he held up an oversized panda hoodie, "How did you know I love pandas?!" He shrieked in joy, completely surprising the guild as this was a new side of Solis they had yet to see from him [Image]
After going through all his new clothes, he threw them back in the box before his eyes scanned the tables for his Secret Santa, "...Mira" He guessed based off her body language, plus only her and Levy knew of his current financial situations so it kind of just made sense for it to be her, "Correct!" And his deductions were right, now he didn't have to do a Truth or Dare.
Instead, Mira was given a truth in which she was asked by a curious member of the guild, "How much do you make from one photoshoot over at Sorcerer Magazine!?" In which she answered, "Mmmm... probably a few hundred thousands, maybe more if it's a sponsored photoshoot"
'Fuck being a wizard, let me be a model!' Solis internally cried. Moving on, Cana was the next to be called up and she, unsurprisingly, received some drinking-related items as well as a new deck of cards for her magic. She guessed correctly with Loke and the boy was dared to call over all his girlfriends to the guild, so he instantly took a shot.
The it was Natsu, who received a shirt with a hand flipping him off, the words "Fuck you" on it. So, he squashed the shirt into a ball and proceeded to throw it at Gray who successfully dodged in time, smirking while giving him a middle finger of his own. Unfortunately for Gray, it meant he would earn a Truth or Dare but he was quick to drink as he'd simply rather do that than get asked to answer a question or do something
Then it was Gray's turn, and just like Natsu, he received the exact same shirt with the words "Fuck you" on it. So, he squashed the shirt into a ball and threw it at Natsu, who was unable to dodge it as he was too busy laughing to himself, "HEY!" Natsu shouted angrily
"Natsu." Makarov threatened, the pink-haired boy remaining seated as he received a dare to head up to the second floor and perform as many backflips as he could. Obviously, he did it and successfully performed 6 backflips in a row before misjudging the landing, landing on his head rather than his feet, "Ow..." He winced, returning to his seat
It was then Elfman's turn, who received a beautiful pink dress, "PFFFF-" Cana, who Elfman had correctly guessed as his Santa, couldn't help but muffle a loud laughter, "HAHAHAHA!" She was unable to hold it, and even smacked the table, tears welling up in her eyes as she instantly drank a shot, "I wasn't going to ask anyway" Makarov deadpanned, calling up Loke on stage who received a new pair of sunglasses.
After guessing Solis incorrectly, he received a truth asking him how many girlfriend's he's had, to which he happily answered, "I lost track at 50" causing the women of the guild to look at him in disgust
Once all the gifts were handed out, Secret Santa was complete and the guild members began to talk with one another once more, standing up as they needed to stretch their legs after sitting down for so long.
While standing in groups, they began revealing who they got gifts for now that the game was over, "You got me this?" Erza was surprised that her Santa was Solis, but was extremely thankful and even pulled him into a hug, "Thank you. I'm sure there will be good results with this outfit" She stated, Solis smiling in response at the soft and bouncy response
After speaking with Erza, he walked over to Levy and Mira, "Hey girls" He waved, looking at Mira with his usual warm smile, "Thanks for the gifts, Mira, especially the clothes"
"The panda, you mean?" She replied with a soft giggle, Solis going a bit red from embarrassment as he remembered his reaction, "I didn't know you liked pandas... that's really cute" Mira said, her hands behind her back, slightly looking up at Solis who was a few inches taller than her, "Don't you think, Levy?" She turned to the girl beside her, who nodded in agreement
"Come on~ Guys~ you can stop now~" Solis laughed awkwardly, swinging his arms back and forth, "Awww~ Is someone shy because their love for pandas got exposed~? How adorable~" Levy teased, lifting her right hand as she pat the top of Solis' head, "There there~..."
Solis and Mira were quite surprised at the girls upfront-ness, but after seeing her slightly flushed face and hearing her slurred words, they understood that the cup she had on the table did not contain apple juice
"Ah- I almost forgot..." Retracting her hand from Solis' head, Levy walked over to her bag nearby and pulled out a small wrapped gift, handing it to Solis, "For you~" She slurred, her eyes slightly squinted
"Oh?" Curious, Solis opened the gift with Mira looking earnestly in interest. He saw a case for glasses it, and opened it to find beautifully designed glasses with golden temples and large, circular blue lenses, "Woah..." Both he and Mira exhaled in awe, whilst Levy was smiling happily on the side watching their reactions [Image]
"Thanks, you guys!" With excitement taking over his body, Solis opened his arms and pulled the two girls into a big hug, "Kya-!" They squealed in surprise at the sudden gesture - all of a sudden, Levy was now sober and the two girls couldn't help but get a little flustered, "The gifts are amazing, I love them!" Solis shrilled in delight, pulling himself back while keeping his hands on either shoulder of theirs, "I'll make sure to get you guys something too" He stated
"You don't need to do that, Solis..." Mira shook her head, happy enough as is with Solis' excitement, "Yeah, you don't owe us anything" Levy nodded in agreement with Mira's words. Solis hummed, unsatisfied with their responses, "In that case, you guys can have 1 IOU each!"
"An I-O-U...?" Mira and Levy tilted their heads inquisitively, "Basically, if you guys want me to do something, any 1 thing, as long as I can do it, I will!" He answered, the two girls looking at each other before looking back at Solis, nodding their heads, "Sounds good!" Levy said, Mira bobbing her head in agreement
"Pssss- Solis!" Solis turned to look behind him to see Natsu looking as suspicious as ever, 'What's he planning now...' He and the two girls wondered, "What's up, Natsu?- Hey, Happy" Solis asked the boy before looking up at the cat who returned to sitting on his head, "Hello!" He waved adorably.
Natsu, on the other hand, snickered before pulling out a massive snowball from behind him, "Watch this!" The three followed Natsu's movements, and noticed that he was heading towards Gray, "..." They looked at each other, than at Natsu, then back at each other once more before simultaneously nodding in agreement and saying, "We have nothing to do with this"
And so, the three minded their business and walked their separate way, with Solis heading back up to the second floor to chill as he watched the soon-to-erupt madness. His eyes watched Natsu, watching as the boy threw the snowball at Gray who skilfully dodged the surprise attack, "YOU FIRE BASTARD!" Gray yelled and ran outside, picking up some snow with his hand before throwing it towards Natsu.
Elfman, who ended up being hit by the ball Natsu threw, followed Gray and made a snowball of his own before too aiming it at Natsu, "Kehahahaha!" Natsu laughed manically, pulling out another snowball which he threw at the same time as them.
And so, as three snowballs flew through the air, no one had expected the trio of boys to unluckily hit some of, if not THE worst people to hit: Erza, who was hit with a snowball while eating her strawberry cake, causing her to barely save it. Unfortunately, one slice fell onto the floor; Mira, who purposefully avoided the fight but was still dragged into it. Not only that, but the snowball had hit her eye, and she was not a fan of that at all; and finally, Cana, who was already drunk, was hit in the mouth causing her to eat snow rather than drink alcohol,
"YOU'RE DEAD!" The three yelled at once. And so, much to Makarov's dismay, the Fairy Tail guild members ran outside and a massive snowball fight ensued.
"Uwahhh~..." After some time had passed, the bored Solis decided to get up and casually walk outside where he saw the exhausted Fairy Tail members shivering from the cold. The only remaining fighters being the main culprits: Natsu, Gray, Elfman, Mira, Erza, and Cana, "Well damn, what'd I miss?" He questioned, every member turning their head to the completely clean Solis with a hungry gaze, "...Don't even try it" The big 6 reeled their arms back, their sights set on Solis, "...No..." And they threw it, their snowballs flying towards Solis who calmly dodged the projectiles with minimal movements, "I warned you"
"GET HIM!" Erza and Natsu commanded at the same time, the previously exhausted members feeling energised as they all got up and everyone started teaming on the singularity known as Solis, "Come on now! How is this fair!?" He shouted in complaint, still unable to get hit thanks to his Chrono Accel spell
Unfortunately, the numbers started to get overwhelming and he was cornered, "You're cornered!" Gray, Elfman, and Cana yelled simultaneously with smirks on their faces as they thought they had won, "Says who?" Solis grinned in response before freeing his wings and soaring to the sky, "TRY GET ME NOW, BITCHES-!" He challenged, just to see Erza requip into her Heavens Wheel Armour but without the swords which allowed for flight, and Natsu propel himself upwards with his fire, "Oh fuck off" He groaned, flying higher than Natsu could reach before descending back down to land, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhh-" Solis could hear the boy yell
"I've got you, Solis!" Solis looked beneath him to see Erza catching up to him with an intense look on her face and a massive ball made of snow being carried beside her with her Telekinesis Magic.
Before they reached a high enough altitude where they would either freeze to death or lose the ability to breathe oxygen, they came to a standby a few meters opposite each other, "Erza~ My friend~ can't you just let this one go~ for me, the person who got you your gifts~?" Solis forced a smile, his mouth twitching as he hoped his pleading would work
"Sorry, Solis, but this is something I must do-" Erza declared, but suddenly, Solis' wings retracted by themselves, "Eh-?" The boy's mouth gaped in confusion, and he felt his body descend towards land at a fast speed, "Ah... I'm dead" He accepted his fate, a content smile on his face even though he did regret a few things in both this life and his past. Namely: Running out of magic power at the wrong fucking time,
[It's alright, Darling, look up] Celeste spoke, and the boy looked up to see Erza flying towards him with an expression mixed between worry and focus as she swore she would catch him, "I'VE GOT YOU!" She shouted, stretching her arm out towards Solis for him to try and grab.
Meanwhile, the other Fairy Tail guild members gasped in shock as they saw Solis falling towards them at deadly speed, "Shit! Someone catch him!", "Fuck! He's dead! And on Christmas on all days! This isn't a special day, it's a cursed day!"
"Guys! Look!" Levy called out, "Erza's going to catch him!" The guild began to cheer Erza on, fueling her motivation to catch Solis which caused her flight to speed up. Meters away from becoming a splattered winged dragon, Erza had grabbed hold of Solis' hand and lifted him up, catching him in her arms, "Are you alright, Solis?" She asked concerningly, panting quite heavily with sweat dripping down her face, "...Yeah." Solis replied dryly, looking at the position he was currently in: A Princess Carry, 'I'm gonna kill myself' He massaged the bridge of his nose, and hoped no one was seeing this
On the other hand, as the Guild Members awaited the result of the fall, they celebrated Erza's successful catch and watched as she lifted him up into a princess carry, the pair slowly descending from the sky. Their surroundings began to shine and glow ever so brightly, and the guild members couldn't help but be awestruck at the beautiful scene of the damsel in distress (Solis) being saved by Prince Charming (Erza), "Are you alright, Solis...?" Erza, who's voice had deepened slightly in the eyes of the watchers, asked the feminine-looking Solis who nervously nodded his head and replied, "Y-Yes..."
Poor Solis had truly lost his chastity this day. Erza and Solis had successfully made it back to land, and Solis was put back onto his own two feet, using Erza's shoulders as support due to his exhausted body from using so much magic power today (Using Chrono Accel for a long time/consecutively, then flying for quite a while and at full speed - there's also a slight aftermath left from yesterday's training/awakening) struggling to walk, "Thanks-" As Solis thanked Erza for the assist, a snowball had hit her directly in the face, a bit of snow recoiling onto his own.
This caused the spectators to snap out of their imaginary world, and see everything as normal, "HAHAHA! I WIN!-" They turned to a cackling Natsu who earned looks of pity, "Natsu... run" Gray suggested, completely serious as he had called the fire-breather by his proper name, *Gulp* Natsu gulped loudly, looking back at Erza who released Solis, causing him to flop onto the snow with a grunt
Erza then requipped her sword, her face shadowed by her hair which barely hid her scary expression, "..." She walked, and Natsu jogged, then she jogged, and he ran, then she ran, and the guild members watched pitifully as Natsu ran across Magnolia being chased by the monster known as 'Erza'
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH- HELPPPPPPPP-" The yells of Natsu Dragneel could be heard all throughout town. Even from the complete other side of town, Solis, Gray, Makarov, and the others could still hear his screams,
"A little help, guys...?" Solis' muffled voice pleaded for help, and Gray and Elfman quickly ran over to him and picked his weak body up from the snow, taking him back inside the guild with everyone following shortly after,
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Natsu screamed, unknowing of the fact that he would be dreaming of Erza for the next few restless nights
Thanks for Reading
Hope you enjoyed the chapter
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