Gacha Chapter 8: First Achievement!

A/N: It took me publishing this chapter to realise I made the mistake of chapter names being 'Gacha Chapter...' instead of simply 'Chapter...'. Whoops. Then again though, I feel like that adds a bit of uniqueness so I won't be changing that, even if it was accidental haha


Almost 2 weeks had passed since Christmas Time, and Solis could be seen on his way back to the Fairy Tail Guild after having completed the final 2 E-Rank missions he required to be promoted to D-Rank.

Quite a bit happened during those 11 days, though it mainly consisted of him spending most of his time at the Guild chatting to the main 8 of his friends (Natsu, Gray, Erza, Mira, Cana, Loke, Elfman, and Levy).

Outside of the guild, Solis would complete 2 E-Rank jobs a day which ended up earning him quite a bit of money and ingredients, due to him doing jobs at the farm twice or three times. In total, his money had come up to 420,000 Jewels. Well, after the jobs today, that brought it up to 450,000.

In terms of training, which he also did a lot of during that time, Solis had managed to successfully upgrade the masteries of his Transformation to Initiate, which allowed him to now make perfect partial transformations of who he wanted (Not quite full-body yet); and his Illusion magic to Basic Mastery after finally making his illusion-self be able to walk and perform simple and easy movements such as waving or throwing a punch. After upgrading his Illusion magic, he was now able to create an illusion of anyone, though it was still quite hard and he could only perform 1 human-illusion at once.

Now, he was attempting to not only perfect his human illusion by trying to get it to speak and affect a target's sense of hearing, but he wanted to start making more inanimate objects at the same time which cost a hefty amount of both magic power and brain power - which Solis only had a finite amount of, just like everybody else.

Though, magic training wasn't the only thing he had been doing. For the past week or so, Solis had been sparring with Erza. By 'sparring', it referred to using pure martial arts and fighting skills/techniques rather than magic and weapons. After all, if he tried sparring Erza with magic and weapons, well, he'd be fucked threefold.

Speaking of Erza, he couldn't help but remember how it started: A few days after Christmas, Erza had returned from doing a job which had her gone from the guild. On the day she returned, she called Solis over, "Solis" The boy looked over and saw the red-haired girl tilt her head in the direction of where she wanted to talk,

Seeing that, Solis nodded and walked over to her, "Hey Erza" and they started walking together to where she wanted. After being a little isolated from the rowdy and energetic guild, Solis asked, "What's up?" with a slightly raised brow as he watched Erza's armour disappear for a split second, which gave him the rather nice sight of seeing her naked for the split second, before a new set of clothes appeared in place of her armour,

"What do you think?" Replacing her Heart Kreuz armour, the Christmas outfit Solis had got the girl was on full display, "Wow..." The boy couldn't help but have his mouth slightly agape in amazement, "I (Celeste) really have a good sense of fashion, ay?" Solis joked, rubbing his mouth to hide the perverse smirk unconsciously creeping its way up to not come off as weird, [You're welcome.] Celeste commented monotonously, clearly sarcastic with her words but there were no hard feelings [Images]

"Indeed..." Erza began looking at herself, grabbing the bottom of her slightly oversized jumper as she curiously asked, "Would this look be more suitable, or..." She then tucked it inside of her leather pants, which tightened the jumper around her upper body, "Ah! This is much better!" Erza applauded herself with a cute smile on herself, "Thank you, Solis, I really appreciate this gift" She thanked with a slight bow

"It's no problem..." Solis waved off, but not before getting a little serious with his tone, "Actually, I have somethin' I'd like to ask of you" He said, Erza nodding earnestly, "What is it?" She asked

Thinking of his recent lone training sessions when it came to his martial arts side, he noticed that his MMA (Kickboxing, Muay Thai, BJJ, and a bit of Judo, to be exact) skills started to spiral downwards. Realising that he needed to fight in order to improve both his skills and experience in this world, he couldn't help but think of Erza, who was probably the most skilled in fighting within the guild, who might be able to help him with his small problem,

"I'd like a fight-" Erza's eyes widened a little in surprise, "-But no magic or weapons, purely hand-to-hand" He added, the red-haired girl exhaling in relief, "That makes more sense... no offense, but you probably wouldn't get much out of fighting me with your magic just yet" She was a bit blunt and crude, yes, and her words would offend most, but Solis nodded in agreement and didn't mind her bluntness and honesty - rather, he liked it since she was similar to himself in that regard

"I know" He concurred, Erza smiling slightly at his modesty and his ability to take 'harsh' words quite well. After all, if it was someone like Natsu or Gray... oh boy, "I just want to see where I stand with my fighting skills" Solis uttered, looking down at his hands which he opened and closed a few times, Erza smiling proudly at the boy's resolve before walking to the back of the guild, instructing Solis to follow behind her




The two stood opposite each other, by themselves behind the guild as they locked eyes and got into position. Erza, who usually wore her Heart Kreuz armour, decided to requip into something more suitable: Her Robe of Yuen, which consisted of a purple, revealing sleeveless kimono which has the special property of incredible elasticity, allowing for extreme flexibility for the wearer, "Are you ready?" Erza asked sombrely, her stance reminiscent of Rock Lee as her legs were quite far apart, slightly bent and she had one arm out in front of her with an open hand

Solis, on the other hand, his stance was more of a mix between kickboxing and Muay Thai. He was an orthodox, so he had his left foot and hand in the front; his arms were near his head, a little above his neck, and his hands were opened rather than closed fists similar to Hit from Dragon Ball, "Ready" Solis nodded, intense focus on his face as he watched Erza's body tilt forward

*Fwoosh!* The wind snapped, Solis slightly dazed as he saw a flicker of red flash before Erza appeared in front of him, 'Fast!' She pulled her front arm back and opened her right hand, using her hips for momentum as she aimed a deadly palm strike towards Solis' gut.

Although in a usual scenario he would use Chrono Accel, Solis reminded himself that this was a no-magic fight and was quick to respond to Erza's attack. Thanks to his enhanced physical stats from his Heavenly Winged Dragon race, Solis was able to side-step the attack, simultaneously grabbing Erza's wrist in response.

However, Erza retaliated by using her other hand to grab the wrist of the hand which held hers and, before he knew it, Solis was on the floor with a stinging pain on his wrist, leg, and face, "It's my victory" Erza declared, her knee on Solis' back whilst the boy faceplanted the floor beneath them,

"...Again!" He requested in a rather bossy tone through grit teeth, unsatisfied with his disappointing results, "If that's what you want..." The red-haired woman nodded with a calm expression on her face, heading back to her position without helping Solis up as things were truly that serious, "..." The two nodded, signalling their readiness as Erza charged Solis once more

"...How?" In the next few seconds, Solis was thrown onto his back, looking up at Erza who looked down at him with a disheartened look on her face, "Is that it?" She asked, Solis' adrenaline and pride pushing him back up to his two feet before saying, "Again!"

He was dragged onto his face once more "Again!"

This time, Erza had her knee on Solis' back and her hands pulled his arms behind him, capable of breaking them with ease, "Again!"

"Again!" "Again!" "Damn it, Again!" "FUCK! AGAIN!"

"Haaa... Haaa... Haaa..." With bruises, cuts, and heavily stinging pain all over his exhausted body, Solis' chest bounced up and down as he gasped for air, laying on his back as he looked up at the dark sky, 'How many hours have gone by?' He wondered, [About 3] Celeste answered for him

"Let's end it here" In contrast to Solis, Erza was much better off, not even breaking a sweat as she stood above him with a small, soft smile on her face, "You should get those injuries treated" Erza suggested, but Solis stubbornly sat up and shook his head, gritting his teeth as he pushed himself up and stumbled a little, but stabilised himself, holding his injured arm, "I'll heal, don't worry..." He muttered as he walked away, leaving a bewildered Erza who blinked a few times as she watched Solis head back into the guild, walking up to his room




"That was so weird of me..." Solis sighed to himself, standing underneath the shower head with his head against the wall, referring to his rather odd outburst against Erza, [Not really...] Celeste very briefly commented, causing the boy to impatiently raise a brow questioningly "Care to explain?"

[Your pride isn't one of human's, darling... you're a dragon now, a male on top of that, of course you're bound to hate the idea of losing a fight] Celeste explained, Solis contemplating things for a few seconds as he looked at his shaking hands, watching as the small cuts on his body began to slowly heal, [What you're thinking is correct... it is also the reason why you feel the urge to get into another fight after suffering all those losses]

"Haaa... what a drag..." Solis sighed, wishing he was the lazy-type of dragon rather than the prideful and wanting to get into a bunch of fights-type dragon.

The next day, though his body was still aching a little bit and some of his injuries still remained (the heavy bruises and cuts), Solis walked over to Erza once she was alone and challenged her to a fight, "You're starting to sound like Natsu..." Erza groaned a little before smiling politely, heading to their fighting spot, "But if you want to kiss the floor again, be my guest" She mocked.

And that is how Solis began training in his hand-to-hand skill and fighting experience with Erza, drastically improving with each day they sparred (It wasn't everyday, as Erza would go on quests and return days later) thanks to his Physical Growth buff from his dragon race.

Not only was his skill improving, but so was his strength, agility/reflexes, and other physical stats due to his muscles constantly being overworked, breaking down, and then repairing themselves to be much stronger. His senses were also improving, and it was much easier to follow Erza's movements even if she was still holding back slightly

He knew he wasn't near the main characters' physical strength quite yet, but Solis was getting there, and he would get there soon with his hard-work, 'Seriously... how did I end up becoming some training and fighting maniac?' Solis shook his head in disappointment, landing in front of the Fairy Tail Guild as he retracted his wings.

He opened the doors, greeting any guild member who spoke to him as he made his way to the bar where he saw an excited Mira waving at him with a smile on her face, "Have you done it!?" She asked, Solis nodding with a big smile on his face as he pulled out the 2 jobs he completed today, "All 30"

"Master's in his office upstairs... take those 2 posters with you and speak to him about his promotion. Once you're done, come back down and tell us the good news" Mira urged passionately, happy for the boy she and the others had grown quite close to since he's joined the guild

"See you in a bit then!" Solis saluted and ran to the second floor eagerly, arriving in Makarov's office where he sat down and started speaking to the guild master about his promotion. After pulling out and confirming all 30 E-Rank jobs the boy had completed, Makarov handed Solis a fancy letter which required his signature to officialise his promotion to D-Rank

'Wow...' Solis looked at the paper with a surprised look, grabbing the pen which Makarov handed to him, 'They take this promotion stuff really serious, huh?' He pondered to himself as he connected the pen to the paper and began signing the letter

"Congratulations on becoming a D-Rank Mage, Solis" Makarov congratulated with a familial smile on his face, Solis smiling as he thanked the elderly man for the praise before heading back downstairs.

But not before he came to a halt, the system's robotic voice entering his ears, [Congratulations on successfully achieving your first rank promotion! As a result, you have been rewarded with 1 World Gacha Ticket!] It spoke, Solis' face beaming as he stopped himself from jumping up and shouting in joy.

Without waiting for the system to offer him to open the ticket, 'Open it!' He requested, the World Gacha Wheel appearing in front of him, "Give me something good, please..." Solis silently pleaded before stepping forward and spinning the wheel, [Good luck] Celeste wished him well as he watched the wheel spin

And spin, and spin, and spin... until, it started slowing down, eventually stopping at his reward: [Congratulations! You have obtained Sound Magic!]

'Sound Magic? Hmm...' The boy rubbed his chin in thought, thinking about what he could do with this- 'Ohhhh, fuck yeah!' He silently jumped up and cheered to himself, a whole bunch of inspiration coming to mind for how he would develop this magic

To be more specific, he thought of Sinbad (His Dijinn, Zepar) and Inumaki, who have the abilities to basically tell people what to do and they would do it. There were also other approaches he could take, 'I can burst people's eardrums; I can command then; I can manipulate soundwaves- Ah, the potential's almost limitless!' He cried in joy, opening his status

[Name: Solis]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Heavenly Winged Dragon (Innate)] 

[Status: Alive]

[Time Magic (Basic)]

[Illusion Magic (Basic)]

[Transformation Magic (Initiate)]

(NEW!) [Sound Magic (Innate)]

As he looked at his Status, Solis couldn't help but wince a little, '4 different types of magic... I should really decide what I want to prioritise in training' He thought to himself, but he pushed it aside for now as he arrived back down at the guildhall. But, not before looking at the description of his Sound Magic

[Sound Magic (Innate) - Magic that allows Control over Sound and Soundwaves] Brief and straightforward just like the others, very nice.

"Yo, Solis!" Solis looked ahead to find Natsu, Elfman, and Gray on one table looking at him, calling him over, "Wassup?" Arriving at their table, he greeted them all while standing at the end of the table

"We heard from Mira you completed 30 E-Rank jobs... how'd it go with Master?" Gray questioned, the three guys looking at Solis who frowned sadly, "Well..." He muttered in a low tone, the three looking at each other slightly worried

"I'm a D-Rank now, so it went amazingly!" Solis said with a grin, giving a thumbs-up as Natsu jumped up, wrapping an arm around his neck, nudging the top of his head with his knuckles, "Don't scare us like that, man! Congrats though!" He laughed, Solis slipping out of the headlock

"A promotion, how manly!" Elfman cheered, "This calls for celebration!" He exclaimed, slamming the table as he stood up and looked towards his sister at the bar, "Big sis! Bring us some drinks, will you?!"

Although a few guild members looked at the group of boys confusingly, Mira smiled before nodding and going to prepare drinks for the four of them, "Coming~!" She walked over to the table, 5 mugs in hand each filled with alcohol, "Who's the other one for?" Gray asked, grabbing himself a mug whilst the other boys, Solis included even if he wasn't a fan of drinking at all, doing the same

"For me of course!" Mira answered with a cute smile, holding her mug up high, "Cheers to Solis' promotion to D-Rank!" She enthusiastically gave a quick toast, the boys raising their mugs as they each yelled out, "CHEERS!", their mugs connecting in the middle before all 5 of them chugged down the alcohol

"Blegh!" Solis spat, slamming his empty mug onto the table as he saw the other four's cheeks flush a little, "What percentage was that?" He asked Mira who was a little slow to reply, "Abou~t... 70%, I think?"

'No wonder you guys look like you're on the verge of passing out already' Solis chuckled awkwardly, thankful for his enhanced poison resistance which seemed to affect his alcohol intake as well

"Hey! There's no such thing as a cheers without me!" Cana intruded the group, a barrel of alcohol in hand, "What are we cheers'ing to anyway?!" She questioned, looking at each of them for a quick answer, "Solis got promoted to D-Rank" Natsu answered, a small hiccup at the end of his words,

"Ayyy~ Congrats, dude!" Cana pat Solis' back before tilting her barrel above everyone's mugs, pouring more alcohol into each one, "Cheers!" They connected their mugs, and barrel, once more and chugged some more alcohol, "Ahhh...!" Cana licked her lips in satisfaction, looking at Solis in surprise, "Nice tolerance!... Drink off?" She offered with a smug expression

"Absolutely not-" Solis spat once more in disgust of the taste, unsure if he hated or liked the fact that he was kind of getting used to the taste of the beverage, "LEVY! ERZA! COME JOIN!" Cana beckoned the two girls, who were sat together on a table reading some kind of book together, over to them

"What happened here...?" Levy wondered worrisomely, looking at Natsu who had his head on the table in defeat, with Mira matching his posture beside him; Elfman who stood on the table with his shirt off yelling about 'Manly this! Manly that!' (Then again, that was kind of normal of him); Gray and Cana who stood up and linked an arm over their shoulders.

She looked to Solis, who was the only sober one, for an answer, "They found out about my promotion, we cheers'd a few times, and this happened"

"Ah! Congratulations, Solis!" Levy clapped her hands in joy for the boy, smiling cutely which quickly dropped as a mug of alcohol magically appeared in hand, "Congratulations are due, Solis... but you seem completely fine-" Similar to Levy, Erza was surprised to find a mug of alcohol magically appear in her hand

"CHEERS!" Cana and Gray yelled once again, Levy and Erza joining those two, Elfman, and Solis in hitting their mugs together, "Umm... I'm not sure-" Levy had hesitated, but Cana's tipsy wrath was too much for her as Cana had grabbed the drink and forced it down Levy's throat

And so, a mini party had been thrown on the group's table - Loke had also joined in at some point, somehow ending up in a state worse than Natsu and Mira. Hours passed, with Solis having finally gotten tipsy.

"I really love you guys..." It was this moment that Solis would find out from Celeste that he was the sentimental drunk, hugging everyone he could while telling them how much he loved them and how much they meant to him. Currently, he had pulled the unconscious Natsu, Loke, and Mira into one massive hug, telling each of them one by one how much he appreciated their friendship

"Sooo... hic-" Elfman had finally succumbed to the alcohol, falling off of the table and landing on the floor where he proceeded to snore loudly whilst half naked. Gray, Erza, Levy, and Cana were still conscious, but they were completely out of their minds and they were guaranteed to have horrible hangovers the next morning,

[This is great] Celeste laughed as she watched and heard everything through Solis, "I love you too, CC... you're the best" Solis poured out while looking up to the ceiling with closed eyes, [...Thank you, Solis] Celeste said warmly, thankful on Solis' behalf that the guild was empty except for these lot - Makarov, seeing them having fun and their reasoning for it allowed it to happen (There was also the fact that he knew they were too drunk to break anything, so he was happy to leave them be)

Well, that was what Makarov had thought, not expecting Elfman to be a sleepwalker, standing up with his fists held up high as he yelled, "LISANNAA!" He smashed the table and punched the floor, which caused the benches to shake, sending the group to the floor in defeat, "*Snoreeee*..." Elfman fell onto his back once more, going back to snoring. And so, the group had spent the night on the guildhall floor


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Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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