Peter found Jones, "Jones, what happened?"
Jones replied, "Come with me. Jimmy and I got here and we split up to scout from both sides. We found a warehouse with people inside. When I was approaching the front door, I bumped into something and made a noise, right here, and people from inside the warehouse came out with guns, and then a gunfight broke out."
Initially, two people came out of the warehouse. They started shooting once they spotted me. After the gunshots, another seven people came out and headed my way. Jimmy, from the side of the warehouse, shouted to draw their attention, and then we began the gunfight."
Jimmy was shooting from the right-hand corner, and I was here. A few gunmen retreated to the left-hand corner, and then Jimmy moved to my position and shifted to the left, killing all of them."
Jones walked the scene with Peter again, pointing out his and Jimmy's positions and their movements throughout the incident.