Several thousand riders clad in bright armor approached the edge of the Boundary Domain with light, quick steps, only to be stopped by a twenty-man patrol team.
The patrol team captain stepped forward to meet the approaching cavalry and shouted, "Halt! Ahead is the territory of the Dingxi Military Governor. Who are you and why have you come?"
The cavalry leader replied indifferently, "Are you blind, not recognizing the banner of the Xu family? The day has not yet come when someone dares to stop the Xu family's troops here in the Western Regions. Since your eyes are useless, I'll put them out for good!"
Two Sharp Arrows suddenly shot out, piercing the patrol captain's eyes and penetrating his brain!
The captain fell back, head thrown to the sky, while his bewildered and enraged men instantly split into groups: several fled to report the incident, while the rest prepared for battle and slowly retreated.