Chapter 24: Training and new ideas

"Switch," Dorian yelled as he dodged an arrow barrage. The three arrows splintered on the ground, the mana sizzling on the stone.

Morris rushed towards the barrier, and Leander aimed his bow at his partner's chest. He fired just one arrow, which Morris managed to swat away with his axe.

Morris jumped in the air, ready to crack the barrier. But Leander aimed an arrow at his ankle next. It hit, splintering inside of Morris, and dropping him, together with his axe, to the ground, paralyzed.

Dorian looked between the aimed bow and Morris, who was grinning like a loon, and raised his hands in defeat. If this was a normal fight and Leander had been a mob, he would have been charging right now. But this spar had been to see if Leander could hold them back for an hour. And the hour had passed fifteen minutes ago.

Leander blinked and lowered his bow, then he jumped in the air and began to laugh.