Chapter 25: Power difference

When Baleg called them to the front desk, they were worried. Was Armaros discovered? Were they getting kicked out of the guild for only taking easy quests?

They walked towards the half-orc like prisoners on death row. He chuckled when he saw them.

"Relax, I have good news," Baleg pulled out three badges and handed them over. "You were busy bees, and the guild master thought you needed a reward."

"D rank?" Leander said in amazement. Dorian grinned and proudly showed off his C rank badge. Morris was also grinning, for he was now A rank.

"How did we manage that?" Dorian croaked out, not believing what he was seeing.

"You did the quota for ranking up. We took your injuries into account. Healer, you nearly made it to C too, but that one hospital stay where you had both your leg and arm broken took you out of the running," Leander nodded. He was not disappointed in the slightest. D was better than F by far.