Chapter 26: The snow vine

They had left Armaros at the inn with the order not to go anywhere but to the library and the zoo, and they had left for the snow vine. What was a snow vine doing at Lone Hill, and so far away from the heart of the world, was beyond the three. But they needed to get rid of it before someone died.

They made it to the coast in two days, and they rested on the beach for a day so that they could be rested for the battle. On the fourth day, they made it to Lone Hill. It was a small hill that was surrounded by rocks, hence, the name.

The snow vine was in the middle. It was a peony flower with roots sprouting at its base. Bright blue with white undertones. The surrounding grass was frozen, and it seems to be guarding something.

"Ok, game plan," Dorian said as they did their group huddle. "I will start a fire, and Leander will focus his arrow barrages on its eyes and roots. Morris, you and I will keep the vine off Leander and into the flaming hill."