Chapter 71: We will make our own guild! With blackjack and Pumpkin!

Their plan had been good on paper, but bad in practice. Alklair had refused to take them all up on the honor duel, claiming that it was dishonorable to try this tactic with him.

They had tried to tell him that they were going to spread the word that he was a coward, but he had opened the window and shouted it out for the entire Huergaz to hear. Then he had summoned light golems, and they had all retreated.

So, now the swarm of light golems were protecting the entrance of the guild, and the adventurers were gathered in front of it, blinking dumbly at the thin beings which were made from light.

"Lemon cake, we need a new plan," Jean muttered and Leander groaned.

"To Hell with this guild and its quotas!" Leander screamed, loud enough so that his voice could be carried to the open window. Alklair then shut the window loudly, and nervous chuckles were heard from the crowd.