Chapter 72: The whole guild is watching, Leander!

Now that Leander was before the guild master in the sparring ring, he felt a bit of fear. His old words came back to him. There was no way out. Leander had to prove himself, he had to defeat Alklair. An SS ranked adventurer with a thousand years of experience and a mage. A mage against a healer.

Leander slapped his cheeks.

"Are you going to sing again, Leander?" Alklair teased, as he pulled his short sword from its scabbard. "Something mournful, to showcase how badly you are about to lose?"

"You can't lose, lemon cake," Jean shouted.

"Yes, Leander! If you lose, I will never ask you out on a date," Armaros gave his input and Leander blinked.

"Wait, what?" Leander stammered and the Try Hard Party turned to stare at Armaros.