Chapter 79: When the memory is lost, what is left behind?

There were no mobs, but the mana suppressors were present all the way to the carved tunnels below the keep. Morris was gripping his axe with one hand and feeling his way down by touching the walls with the other.

Dorian was gripping the berserker's arm. It was better if they were not separated. They, alongside the three archers, were the only ones that could actually deal damage.

Well, Alberta too. Her mace was something no one underestimated. And Alklair was a master of the short sword, but he would need to get close in order to use it. And, as Leander had proven when he had won, the elf's body was simply not sturdy enough for close range combat.

Finally, the faint ray of a candle broke through the darkness, and all eyes locked on it. Dorian let go of Morris and took his spot at the head of the platoon again.

They found the Ice Priest in bed, looking around dreamily.

"Kraedor?" Alklair called. That finally got the priest's attention.