Chapter 80: Does a limb hurt, if you don’t know it has been cut off?

Kraedor had no idea what he was doing on this farm. Shouldn't he be in his townhouse in Huergaz? And what was with the leprechauns? Why were they ignoring him? He'd love to chat.

Kraedor felt hurt, then, his brain, weakened by the virus and the fever, gave up on him again, and the Ice Priest forgot all about his hurt.

He stared dreamily out into the forest.

Why, this was such a lovely farm. Had a ghost led him here? He didn't remember.

Maybe he should go out and explore? Kraedor stood and walked in the direction of the field, where, to his amazement, was an entire tribe of leprechauns preparing the land for the winter. Halfway there, Kraedor's mind stopped its train of thought, and erased it from existence.