In the third chamber from the entrance, they found a dying gnome. The poor man was delirious with fever, and there was a pool of vomit next to him.
Both Leander and Valerie stepped in to help him. They found that he had bacterial gastroenteritis, which had caused the gnome to be dehydrated.
The two healers took turns giving him small sips of water, and, after a while, the gnome opened his eyes.
"Healers?" He crocked and the two nodded. "Will I live?"
"This is just bacterial gastroenteritis. You need a bit more water and some magnesium and salt," Valerie assured him, and the man nodded.
"The tarot deck. It is in here, I know it," the gnome pointed at a dark corridor and then pulled out a key from his bag. It was not a bottomless one, and the picture became clear for everyone.