Chapter 116: The tarot deck has spoken!

At the insistence of the gnome, Leander had to send some golems to shift the rubble and retrieve the tarot deck that the gnome was sure was in an ivory chest.

The golems had to dig deep, but they managed to get the chest out. It had minor burn marks but was otherwise undamaged. A good payment for their flight back.

They opened it, and saw a faded velvet cushioning inside, and a deck in a glass case laying on top of it.

"All my life, I have searched for this," the gnome said, eyes misty. "Now, I can find out what the future holds."

"Hey, read ours too," Morris piped in. He wanted for them to take something more than the chest out of this quest.

"I will. As thanks for saving my life. Let me see, we start with the first step," the gnome took the glass case and opened it after a bit of fumbling. Then, with shaky hands, he took the tarot deck out. The green-haired creature poured mana inside the cards, and they flew in the air.