Chapter 117: The final moments of a hurt soul

They teleported to the Heart of the World, using the portal ring that Alklair had given Asmodeos five hundred years ago. What they found was a black creature waiting for them.

They did dare to move towards it. They had not taken the guild with them. The reports of the attack on Huergaz had reached them just as they had been preparing to leave, and they knew that most, if not all, of their guild mates were not ready to tackle the thing.

Leander gripped the fake core. There was a way to force a creature into a dungeon contract against their will, but it was hard work. It was just him and Asmodeos in here. They had snuck out like two thieves in the night, not wanting to risk their friends.

"Are you certain that this could work? I can try to swarm it, instead," Asmodeos offered. Leander shook his head.