[21] Echoes of the Six Eyes

July 22, 2020

The world blurred, my body moving faster than thought.

Three weeks of relentless training had honed my cursed energy control to a razor's edge. Each day, I pushed further, broke through another limit. The power coursed through me, raw and intoxicating. But true mastery? That remained frustratingly out of reach.

Which brought me here. Facing off against Gojo in the dojo, my heart pounding with equal parts excitement and dread.

"Ready, Akuma-kun?" Gojo's smile was infuriatingly casual, as if we were about to play a friendly game of chess instead of engaging in potentially deadly combat.

I didn't bother responding. Just sank into a fighting stance, channeling cursed energy through my limbs. The familiar rush sang in my veins, but I kept it tightly controlled. No point in telegraphing my moves to the strongest jujutsu sorcerer alive.

Gojo's eyebrow quirked up, amusement dancing in those piercing blue eyes. "Alright then. Let's see what you've learned."

He vanished.

No, not vanished. Moved faster than my eyes could track. I barely had time to throw up a hasty block before his fist connected with my forearm. The impact sent shockwaves through my body, my feet skidding back several inches across the polished floor.

Gritting my teeth, I lashed out with a counter-strike. My fist met empty air as Gojo effortlessly dodged.

"Not bad," he said, reappearing a few feet away. "But you're still thinking too linearly. Cursed energy isn't just about brute force."

I knew that. In theory. But putting it into practice against someone of Gojo's caliber? Easier said than done.

We traded blows for what felt like hours, though it couldn't have been more than a few minutes. Every time I thought I had him cornered, he'd slip away like smoke. His attacks came from impossible angles, testing the limits of my reflexes and perception.

Sweat dripped down my back, my breath coming in ragged gasps. But I refused to yield. I'd come too far, sacrificed too much, to back down now.

Then it happened.

A vision flashed before my eyes: Gojo rushing towards me, a leg sweep aimed perfectly to catch me as I landed. My body reacted before my brain could fully process it. I twisted, flipped, landed back on my feet in a crouch, ready to counter.

And nothing happened.

Gojo stood there, a surprised smile on his lips. "Hmm," he mused, "interesting."

He wasn't attacking. Just... watching. The frustration spiked again, a hot flush threatening to crawl up my neck. I wanted to lash out, to prove I could force a reaction, even just a flinch from him. But even in my anger, I knew that would be a trap. He wanted me to lose control.

"Well?" I finally snapped. "Are we just gonna stand here all day?"

His smile widened. "Nice try. The vision thing. That's new."

I blinked, caught off guard by his casual observation. "What are you talking about?"

"You saw my attack before I made it, didn't you?" Gojo's eyes gleamed with genuine interest. "A form of precognition, maybe? Or something else entirely?"

I hesitated, unsure how to respond. The truth was, I hadn't even realized what I'd done until he pointed it out. "I... I'm not sure. It just happened."

Gojo nodded, as if this confirmed something for him. "Interesting indeed. Your cursed energy manipulation has improved dramatically, but this... this is something else entirely."

"So, what now?" I asked, grabbing a towel to wipe the sweat from my face.

Gojo's expression turned thoughtful. "Now, we figure out exactly what triggered that vision of yours. And more importantly, how to control it."

"You think it could be a new cursed technique?"

"Possibly," Gojo said, his tone carefully neutral. "Or it could be an extension of your existing abilities. Either way, it's something we need to explore carefully."

I nodded, if I could harness this new power, combine it with my existing skills... the potential was staggering.

"When do we start?" I asked, unable to keep the eagerness from my voice.

Gojo's smile turned wolfish. "Right now. But first, let's grab some food. Can't train on an empty stomach, after all."

As we left the dojo, I couldn't shake the feeling that everything was about to change. For better or worse remained to be seen. But one thing was certain: I was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

The ramen shop was buzzing with activity, the savory aroma of broth and spices filling the air. Gojo and I sat at a small table in the corner, our bowls steaming in front of us.

"So," Gojo said between slurps of noodles, "tell me exactly what you experienced during that vision."

I frowned, trying to put the fleeting sensation into words. "It was like... seeing a snapshot of the future. Just for a split second. I saw your attack before you even moved."

Gojo nodded, his expression uncharacteristically serious. "And how did it feel? Physically, I mean."

"Like a jolt of electricity," I said, remembering the strange tingling sensation. "It started at the base of my skull and spread outward. Then everything just... slowed down for a moment."

"Interesting," Gojo murmured, more to himself than to me. "It sounds similar to some accounts of the Six Eyes technique. But that's impossible..."

My chopsticks froze halfway to my mouth. "The Six Eyes? You mean like yours?"

Gojo waved a hand dismissively. "No, no. The Six Eyes are unique to my bloodline. What you experienced is something different. But potentially just as powerful, in its own way."

I leaned forward, my food forgotten. "So how do we figure out what it is? And more importantly, how to control it?"

"Patience, Akuma-kun," Gojo said, his usual grin returning. "First, we need to recreate the conditions that triggered it in the first place. Which means more sparring."

I couldn't suppress a groan. "Great. More bruises."

Gojo's laugh echoed through the small shop. "Oh, come on. Where's that fighting spirit? Besides, you've improved enough that I might actually have to try this time."

Despite myself, I felt a grin tugging at the corners of my mouth. "Is that a challenge, sensei?"

"Maybe," Gojo said, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "But finish your ramen first. Can't have you passing out from hunger in the middle of training."

I rolled my eyes but complied, digging into my bowl with renewed vigor. As I ate, my mind raced with possibilities. If I could master this new ability, combine it with my existing skills... the potential was staggering.

As we finished our meal and headed back to the dojo, I couldn't shake the feeling that everything was about to change. For better or worse remained to be seen. But one thing was certain: I was ready for whatever came next.

The dojo felt different as we re-entered, charged with an electric anticipation. Gojo's usual laid-back demeanor had shifted, replaced by an intense focus that sent a shiver down my spine.

"Alright, Akuma-kun," he said, rolling his shoulders. "This time, we're not holding back. I want you to come at me with everything you've got."

I nodded, sinking into a fighting stance. Cursed energy thrummed through my body, coiling like a spring ready to release.

"Begin," Gojo said softly.

I exploded into motion, channeling cursed energy into my legs for a burst of speed. My fist lashed out, aiming for Gojo's solar plexus. He dodged, of course, but I was ready. I pivoted, following up with a roundhouse kick.

Gojo blocked, the impact sending shockwaves up my leg. But I didn't let up. I pressed forward, unleashing a flurry of strikes. Jab, cross, elbow, knee. Each attack flowed into the next, fueled by cursed energy and sheer determination.

For a moment, I thought I might actually be pushing him back. Then Gojo's hand shot out, faster than I could track. His palm connected with my chest, sending me flying across the dojo.

I hit the wall hard, the air driven from my lungs. But even as I gasped for breath, I was already moving. Rolling to my feet, hands up, ready for the next exchange.

Gojo stood in the center of the room, that infuriating smile still on his face. "Not bad," he said. "But you're still telegraphing your moves. You need to be more unpredictable."

Frustration burned in my gut. I knew he was right, but knowing and doing were two very different things. Especially against someone of Gojo's caliber.

"Again," I growled, charging forward.

We traded blows for what felt like hours, though it couldn't have been more than a few minutes. Every time I thought I had him cornered, he'd slip away like smoke. His attacks came from impossible angles, testing the limits of my reflexes and perception.

Sweat dripped down my back, my breath coming in ragged gasps. But I refused to yield. I'd come too far, sacrificed too much, to back down now.

Then it happened again.

The world slowed, a strange tingling sensation spreading from the base of my skull. I saw Gojo's next move with perfect clarity: a feint to the left, followed by a devastating right hook.

My body moved before my mind could fully process the information. I ducked under the feint, then twisted to the side, narrowly avoiding the hook. As Gojo's fist whistled past my ear, I countered with an uppercut that actually looked like it would connect.

For a split second, I thought I might have actually caught him off guard.

Then his hand closed around my wrist, and the world spun. I hit the mat hard, the air driven from my lungs.

"There it is again," Gojo said, his voice tinged with excitement. "You saw it coming, didn't you?"

I nodded, still trying to catch my breath. "Yeah. Just like before. But this time... this time I was ready for it."

Gojo helped me to my feet. "Fascinating. It seems to activate under intense pressure. A survival instinct, perhaps?"

I shrugged, unsure how to respond. The truth was, I didn't understand it any better than he did. "Maybe. But how do I control it? Make it happen when I want it to?"

Gojo held up his hands. "We'll figure that out tomorrow. I've got a meeting to attend to, so take the rest of the day off. Also," he added, a smirk curving his lips, "don't stay here too long before Kugisaki comes looking for you again."

"Yeah, yeah." I muttered, more resigned than annoyed. He could be insufferably smug sometimes.