[22] Eruption

With a final wave, Gojo was gone. The silence that settled around me was almost deafening after being constantly bombarded with his rapid-fire instructions and irritatingly cheerful commentary. Exhaustion threatened to drag me down, but I willed myself to my feet, slinging the bear over my shoulder and headed for the dorms.

The common area was surprisingly not empty when I got there. Kugisaki sat on the couch, an unfamiliar girl with long green hair perched next to her. 

"Hey," I waved a hand at Kugisaki before she had a chance to start in with some snarky comment.

"Hey Kantaro, this is our upperclassman, Maki." 

"Hi Maki, name's Akuma Kantaro," I offered a tired smile. "Nice to meet you."

Maki raised an eyebrow, her gaze flicking between me and the bear. "What's with the bear?"

"Gojo training," I shrugged. Short and sweet explanations were the best defense sometimes.

"Here to make sure his cursed energy doesn't fluctuate," the bear chirped. I stifled a sigh. This damned bear talks too much.

Maki nodded slowly, then a wry smile touched her lips. "So you're the one Nobara's been talking about, huh? The one joining us for the exchange."

"The Kyoto exchange, right?" I confirmed, leaning against the wall. "Yeah, I'll be there."

Her eyes narrowed, assessing me with a calculated intensity. "How about we put those skills to the test? Tomorrow, training grounds, six AM sharp. Let's see if you're as good as they say."

I raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Sounds interesting. It'd be nice to gauge where I stand against normal sorcerers after getting my ass handed to me by Gojo for three weeks straight."

Maki's expression hardened, her jaw clenching. "Normal sorcerers? You think you're above us already?"

"Whoa, easy there," I held up my hands, realizing my misstep. "That's not what I meant. Gojo's just... well, Gojo. Anyone else feels normal in comparison."

But even as I backpedaled, I couldn't help but notice the distinct lack of cursed energy emanating from Maki. Unless my senses were completely off, this fight might not be as challenging as she thought. Still, I kept that observation to myself. No need to add fuel to the fire.

Nobara snorted, breaking the tension. "Don't let it go to your head, pretty boy. Your charm might work on some girls, but Maki's not the type to be impressed by a smooth talker."

I grinned, unable to resist. "Who said anything about charm? I was planning on winning her over with my skills."

"Oh please," Nobara rolled her eyes. "How's that training going, anyway? Still getting tossed around like a rag doll?"

"It's... progressing," I admitted, rubbing the back of my neck. "Gojo's idea of training is basically just finding new and creative ways to kick my ass. But hey, no pain, no gain, right?"

"Sounds rough," Nobara said, a hint of sympathy creeping into her voice. "Maybe you should take a break. Text that cute girl from the boba place, what was her name again?"

I smirked. "Ah, Yumi? Yeah, maybe I should. She did seem pretty interest-"

My words cut off as Nobara's fist connected with my arm, hard enough to sting.

"What was that for?"

"For remembering her name," she replied, but there was a glimmer of amusement in her eyes. "Focus on your training, Casanova. You'll need it if you want to survive Maki tomorrow."

I rubbed my arm, chuckling despite the pain. "Point taken. Though I gotta say, your punch might be scarier than Maki's."

Maki's eyes flashed dangerously. "Care to test that theory?"

"Rain check?" I offered with a grin. "Gotta save some energy for our big showdown tomorrow."

As we continued our banter, I found myself oddly at ease. These people were different from what I was used to - straightforward, passionate, driven by something other than selfish ambition. It was... refreshing.

But a nagging voice in the back of my mind reminded me of my true purpose here. I couldn't afford to get too comfortable, to let my guard down. These people might be potential allies, but they could just as easily become obstacles.

I pushed the thought aside, focusing on the present. "So, any tips for surviving Maki's wrath tomorrow?" I asked, only half-joking.

Nobara's eyes gleamed mischievously. "Just one: pray."

"Great," I deadpanned. "Really feeling the support here, guys."

Megumi, who had been quietly observing until now, spoke up. "Don't underestimate her," he said, his tone serious. "Maki's strength goes beyond cursed energy."

I nodded, taking his words to heart. There was clearly more to Maki than met the eye, and I'd be a fool to take this fight lightly.

As the conversation drifted to other topics, I found myself studying my soon-to-be opponents. Maki's razor-sharp focus, Nobara's fiery determination, Megumi's quiet intensity - they were a formidable group, each in their own way.

Part of me looked forward to testing my skills against theirs, to pushing my limits and seeing how I measured up. But another part, the part that had been forged in the crucible of a life filled with betrayal and survival, remained wary.

These people weren't my enemies, not yet. But they weren't my friends either. They were pieces on a board, potential assets or liabilities in the grand game I was playing.

As the night wore on, the only ones left in the common room were me and Nobara.

"So, how's your training going?" I asked.

"It's going alright, Maki has been training me hard on being able to fight at close range," she paused, then added, "And check this out!"

There was a flicker of concentration on her face, and a second later, a discarded nail on the floor began to levitate. She made it hover forward, back, and even shift slightly sideways, although it wobbled a little precariously.

My eyes widened a bit. I clapped my hands. "Impressive!" I had no idea what she actually did, but with the way Kugisaki beamed this was the least I could do. 

Kugisaki's smile widened into a full-blown grin. "Right?" She went on to explain excitedly about how while using her straw doll technique, she could unconsciously make the nails float as she hit them with her hammer.

"But Panda got me thinking," she continued, "was that all part of one technique, or could it be separated? So I tried, and it works! It's shaky for now, but if I keep at it..." Her eyes gleamed. "I could use some of my extension techniques without the hammer, maybe even use both hands in a fight, or wield another weapon!"

"So what if you used this..." I hesitated, trying to find the right words, "...levitating power to control the hammer itself? Like, instead of relying on just brute force, you could guide it even after the initial hit!"

Kugisaki's eyes went wide. "Holy shit, that would be awesome," she breathed, already lost in thought. "Not sure it would work though, for now it looks like I can only do it to the nails..."

"Well… imagine if you get that perfect control, you could even coordinate a whole swarm of nails, like a barrage attack!"

We spent the next few minutes riffing on possibilities, brainstorming combinations of her abilities in a way that felt almost...fun. It was the first time since everything went to hell that I wasn't just focused on training. It felt good, and for a little while, I forgot how tired I was, how far ahead Gojo was, and how hopeless the journey sometimes seemed. Was this what Gojo meant when he said to enjoy life?

My heart gave a little thump. Weird. I forced my focus back to the present, but a sudden shift to my left caught my attention. Muscle memory took over, and I blocked the punch with my hand.

"Yeah, yeah, I know it fluctuated."

(That Night)

Ijichi navigated the sleek car along the quiet mountainside road, the engine's soft hum the only sound breaking the tranquil silence. From time to time, he'd glance in the rearview mirror, catching a glimpse of Gojo, his usual easygoing aura replaced with a pensive stare.

"You have some time before your appointment with the school principal," Ijichi broke the quiet, a note of caution slipping into his otherwise formal tone. "Would you like to pass by somewhere?"

Gojo leaned back in his seat, contemplating the offer. "Nah," he finally replied, a casual shrug masking the weight of his thoughts. "Let's be early for once."

The car continued its ascent, the winding road mirroring the tangle of concerns in Gojo's mind. Yuji's training was progressing, the boy's raw power and natural resilience starting to find focus. Yet, it was Kaito's progress that consumed his thoughts. The demands placed on him by Gojo and himself were brutal, pushing him relentlessly to the edge of exhaustion. Sometimes, Gojo questioned if he was pushing too hard, too fast, but the intensity he showed made it hard to ease up.

His thoughts drifted towards a darker possibility, one that clawed at the corners of his mind. Sukuna. The King of Curses was no fool. The binding vow that had resurrected Yuji was not offered out of some twisted benevolence. No, there was a price, a catch, and Gojo's instincts screamed that it was only a matter of time before the bill came due.

What vow had Sukuna twisted into those final moments? What sort of hold did it give him over Yuji?

Gojo's senses, honed to pick up even the slightest shift in cursed energy, flared. He snapped out of his contemplation, gaze locking onto a point on the road ahead. "Stop the car," he instructed Ijichi.

Ijichi's brow furrowed. "What? Why?" 

"Go without me," Gojo stated, no room for argument. The source of that oppressive energy growing closer with each passing second.

Ijichi's eyes widened, panic flashing across his face. "Are you... testing me?" he managed, the hope that this was just one of Gojo's bizarre games clinging to his words.

A mischievous smile touched Gojo's lips, a flicker of his usual self amidst the rising tension. "What do you take me for?" he countered, but there was no real amusement behind it. This was not a test; this was a threat.

He waited no longer, striding from the now-still car with a grim determination that would have chilled those who knew him better. The car sped away, leaving Gojo alone on the deserted road. His gaze never wavered from the spot where the energy peaked. "Now then," he murmured, half to himself, half in challenge to whatever was about to emerge.

The asphalt cracked, buckled, then exploded as a form tore its way into view. It dropped to the ground, creating a crater where Gojo had stood seconds before. 

Gojo didn't blink. "Who are you?" His question wasn't born of fear or confusion, but a cold assessment. Every move the creature made, every shift in its cursed energy, was a piece of information to be analyzed.

A toothy grin split the curse spirit's face, and it answered with a swift, brutal attack. A wave of destructive energy rippled outwards, aimed squarely at Gojo. He moved without hesitation, not in retreat, but in a fluid shift that placed him just outside the blast radius.

The shockwave ripped through the air, and something new exploded into being. From the very wall to his left, a volcano materialized, its searing mouth belching lava and smoke. The ground shook, the air became a haze of heat and ash, yet Gojo walked forward. An invisible barrier shielded him, pushing back the inferno, and his eyes never wavered from his opponent.

"Contrary to my expectations, he was nothing much," the curse spirit croaked, shaking its hand dismissively. 

"Who are you saying is nothing much?" Gojo countered, amusement sparking in his tone.

The spirit clicked its tongue, the sound oddly clear over the roar of the flames. Gojo's analysis continued even as he goaded it. This wasn't just some rampaging beast – it was intelligent, communicating with ease. "An unregistered special grade," he noted, a cold thrill running down his spine. "Right now, this guy...might even be stronger than Sukuna."

The creature sensed his scrutiny, mirrored his smirk. "Did I hurt your pride?" 

Gojo chuckled, the sound surprisingly genuine. "Nah," he admitted. "I'm starting to have some fun." It was the truth. Despite the chaos, the threat, a dark excitement sparked within him. Strong, smart, and utterly unknown – this wasn't a fight for survival; it was a challenge tailor-made for the strongest.