
Writer-Farzana Zannat (Tanju)

I fell asleep early at night, but sometimes at night I started to feel something heavy on myself...

It seemed that someone was watching me in meditation,,, the sleep was so deep that I could not open my eyes to look.,,

I felt the touch of someone's hand on my right cheek, someone was applying something cold on the cheek, with utmost care, then he placed a deep lip touch on my forehead, brought his face to my ear and said in a low voice, "You're mine." u soon barbie doll"

The man slowly left, I too fell into a deep sleep.

By now you must have understood who the man was.

In the morning...

Around 10 o'clock,I woke up, I slept very well at night, suddenly I remembered the night, put my hand on my right cheek, how chipped my cheek is, I ran in front of the mirror and saw that the cheek was not marked by yesterday's slap, the swelling has also reduced. Now I am afraid,, who came in anger,,

God,,,some ghost would have taken me,,oh oh oh,,what will happen to me now,, I cried again, "Bhut Babji,, please get rid of me",, I am not a good girl at all,, Ammuuu A ghost has come to your daughter's room," I said and ran out of the room.

Seeing my actions on the laptop, someone is rolling with laughter and saying, "Who am I in love with?", I am younger than so many children, I was very brave that day, today only the thoughts of the ghost have been overcome, whatever it is, you are only my,"

Shut down the laptop and went out to play the sis.


--Riyaz sees Donna in the office and asks Quinn, "What, why didn't Quinn come today??"

--Red Rose says, "He won't come, he's on vacation."

--Riyaz shouts, "what holiday, yes, we don't have any holiday even he doesn't know"

--Red Rose says "You'd better call him and tell him that."

Riyaz gets a little nervous and calls with courage.

--Riaz boldly says, "Queen where are you, why didn't you come to office today"--Queen Kat Kat replied, "What shall I tell you,,I told whoever to tell,,So I am now on leave,,I will not leave you if Fardar calls me and disturbs me,,And I know what to do, ,Or you can't go on without me,,Red rose comes and like my shadow,,What to do and will do,,So don't call again,,OtherwiseSurely you know what can happen."Quinn puts the phone down.

Red Rose looked at Rahul and got back to work.

Rahul also goes to his cabin.


Chowdhury Company...

Megh leans on the chair and closes her eyes, thinking of the first scene of seeing her Barbie Doll,, an irresistible smile on her face,, which will make any girl cringe in an instant,, but not everyone gets a chance to see that smile.,,

Megh was thinking about the rain, then Mihir hurriedly entered the cabin.

Mihir rushes to Megh's cabin and says, "Bro!! I have brought all the details about Queen, justโ€ฆ

--"Just what??? Mihir"

--Mihir bowed his head and said, "Didn't get any picture of him,,,and didn't know anything about the family."

Megh puts her hand on Mihir's shoulder and says, "It doesn't matter, Mihir, just say what you know."

--" Name or nickname Queen,, no one knows the real name,, about 3 years ago Rikhya rape case was handled by this Queen,, and she gave peace too,,, very dangerous girl,,,

Megh turns the chair and says, "Quinn,,,not our friend,,,not a friend anymore,,,then who is he?"

--"Bro and about the rain...

Megh stops Mihir and says in a serious voice, "I am thinking of you, I will call you as I am thinking".

--" ok bro"

--Megh says, "Tell me what information you got."

-- "Bro,, Bhabi Dhaka College Honors second year student,,, very popular face of the college,, singing voice is wonderful,, and fighting will make anyone arrested,, can't tolerate any injustice,, and pink medalist in karate" said in unison. stops

--" Wow!! This is my carbon copy, I have chosen the right queen for my kingdom, now I will play Sanai and welcome her home" Megh says with a crooked smile on his face.

Megh tells Mihir to leave,, Mihir leaves without saying anything.


-- Api asks Chhoya, "Where is the rain from?"

-- Choya while scrolling the phone "Hey sister you know how much time it takes to get ready"

I ran out of the house, I have heard some things from everyone, but I don't remember those words.

I am sitting in one car and you, Surya brother are sitting in one car, rest of the bride and groom are behind.

Today Api is going to her father-in-law's house, so I am going along with Choya, although I had no desire to go because of that Australian father, I agreed with Chhoya and Api.

After 2 hours we entered Chowdhury Villa,, the impossibly beautiful house,, as if entering a royal palace,,, I am looking at the house in fascination,,,,

Choya pushes me and says,

--"Let's go inside"

I also managed myself and went inside,, aunty welcomed you home,, my eyes are only looking for the Australian badr,, I don't even know why.

-- I hit my head and said, "What happened to me, why am I looking for that badar,, No,, No,, the rain has to be controlled,, now just focus on Masti,, not on anything else."

I am babbling to myself, Auntie comes to my side and asks, "How are you, Bristhi Mamuni?"

--I also smile and say, "good aunty."

I say mischievously, "But I feel better after seeing you, you are becoming so hot day by day, hmm hmm, uncle is giving any special medicine, tell me."

--Aunty pulls my ear and says, "O naughty girl,, just kidding,,, you are too mature, aren't you."

"Come on show me your room"

--"Hmmm,,come on,,dear" I went upstairs holding aunty's hand.

The inside is more royally decorated than the outside, everything has a touch of nobility.

They gave me the room on the right side of the stairs,,my forehead is so bad that the room next to it is the room of that Australian father,,,my hands and feet are getting cold thinking about it,,showed the trailer on the first day,,I have to live from this,,,

I started looking around my room, the room is quite big, there is a nice breeze coming through the balcony, the outside is also very beautiful.

The bed is quite big, there is a cupboard next to it, I was looking around the room, suddenly I heard the sound of chilachilli from below, I went downstairs and saw Mihir and Choya having a heated argument.

Everyone comes there in their chilachilli,,, their quarrel cloud is sitting quietly on the sofa.,,

-- Choya said angrily with her hands on her hips, "You are a very uncivilized person... You walked straight into my room,"

-- Mihir says in a loud voice, "Don't say this rudely, you are in my room, not me."

-- Choya said angrily, "Uhuh!! You're saying big things again by blaming me."

I can't understand anything of their words, I screamed loudly not understanding their quarrel.

-- Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Everyone looks at me,, Meghto looks at me in surprise,,

-- Megh says to herself, "What is this girl doing here,, what is happening,"

-- Chhoya came to me and said, "Don't look, rain, this boy entered my room without permission."

-- Megh says angrily, "Oh, hello, that's my room,"

Now everyone can understand the matter, actually the whole thing is a miss understanding,,, aunty says now,,

-- Mihir, you will stay in the guest room today.

-- Mihir says with a sad face, "But why??"

Meanwhile, the cloud asks,

-- "Why are they here mom??"

-- "Actually, today they will stay, tomorrow after the reception they will leave,"

Megh's eyes sparkled with happiness, but he went to the room keeping his dignity in front of everyone, before leaving he threw a strange look at me, I watched Megh go


--"You don't know Barbie Doll, you entered my cage of your own free will,, from here you are no longer free,, you have to be locked up with me forever" said the words in his mind and left to freshen up with a crooked smile,,

-- "Hello, how far is the job, have you got any news about RK" Megh asks someone in a serious voice.

--Someone on the other end of the phone says, "No King, there is no trace of him after his companions died, but his pet dogs are frantically searching for Quinn."

--" But why in this country,,Oketo would look for Australia,," asks Vru Kuch

-- "Queen came to this country 1 day after King killed the people,,Queen is a Bangladeshi girl,,,I got another news about Boss Queen,"

-- "What, news??"

-- "Boss, we thought for a long time,,Queen is an underworld person,"

-- "Hmmm, then!!"

--"Actually, the truth is, this is why Queen Keno is not from the underworld,"

-- "So who,,Quinn???"

-- "Quinn is Senior ASP of SB (Special Branch) of Police, working as an undercover cop"

-- "What!! Queen policeman,"

--"Yes,,he's out on a mission,,,and as far as I can tell, Quinn gets what she wants and leaves."

--" Hmmm,, he will discuss these things later,, tomorrow but bro's reception, but you will stay,, I don't want to hear anything,, I'm keeping it"

Megh hung up the phone and said to himself, "Let's see what Maharani is doing."


I'm pacing the whole room,,"what can be done,,,how to make that badar sista",,how dare I slap this rain,,,I'll see him,,,saying to myself,,(but When I go in front of him, everyone is out of breath.

I was thinking all this when I heard someone's voice and turned back to see Megh standing at the door with style.

--"What are you doing here???"

--" I thought I would go and see the guest, but I heard that the guest wants to see me."

--"I say in my mind (hey,,,I have eaten a case) but not in my mind,,actually"

-- Megh walks towards me and says, "Yes, tell me what's the matter, tell me what happened."

I'm twisting,, the cloud is moving,, at some point, Pete knocks on the wall,,

-- Megh says with a devilish smile, "Now where to go?"

-- "Give...see,"

-- "Hmmm, let's see what will happen, I'm waiting"

My face dropped when I heard him.

As I looked into her eyes, all the anger disappeared into the air,, how did I know that I was drowning,, anyone is bound to lose in her deep black blue eyes,,, the hot breath of the cloud is hitting my face,,, fear, shame all surrounded me. Megh put my hair back and said in a serious voice, "Many guests will come tomorrow, you are like boys.If I don't look anywhere, then I will break my arms and legs, so no one can do anything to me, if you understand, Barbie Doll."

Leaving me, he put his hand in his pocket and went out to play sish.

I stand in shock.

--" What,, what did he say,,, why should I listen to him,,, I will do what I want,,, and I will do the opposite of what that father said"

But what did I know that I will suffer for my stubbornness....

I didn't see Megh again after that,,,it was good for me,,,I don't know why, my heart beats fast when I reach her level,,,I think I have a heart problem,,I need to see a doctor,,,


2:30 p.m.

In a dark godown, some people are loading some boxes into a truck,,,, a man says,,,

--" Move your hand quickly, that king will come,"

As he spoke, there was a loud sound,,, smoke filled the surroundings,,, King Na Na Queen entered inside,,,

"Who are you, how dare you come here."

Quinn says normally, "Your Yama."

-- "This is my girl" says Ekjan with a shout.

The fighting starts,,Queen alone is able to catch them,,,everyone is lying down and rolling,,,Queen shouts,,,

--"Red Rose,,,carry these urbajanas"

Red Rose took the boys in the car.

Quinn goes to the truck and pours petrol on it and sets it on fire.

Quinn also disappears.

After Queen's departure, King (Cloud) and his men come out from behind.

--Mihir's surprised voice says, "what a fight,, being a girl and making everyone crazy"

-- "Hmmm, she is a very dangerous girl." Simon (Megh's right hand and best friend) said, "Why don't you talk to Megh?"

--" The girl's eyes seemed very familiar to me, as if I had seen them somewhere."

--" Your mind is wrong bro,"

-- "But it's not Sior and our show,"

Simon says with certainty.

--" It's a good thing,,before we came,,I took a look at them and hid myself Author_Farzana_Jannat_Tanju,,otherwise I wouldn't have been lucky enough to see Queen,,but I couldn't see her face,,only how are her eyes..."

-- "Bro leave those words, think about big bro's reception tomorrow, meanwhile the queen has done the work"

-- "Hmmm, Simon, but you have to come tomorrow."

-- "Ok,,come now,,bye"

-- "Bye" Megh, Mihir says together.

They left that place.


Next morning,

The whole house is being redecorated,,, today is your wedding and reception,,

Many of Surya Bhai's friends, brothers and sisters have come in the morning.

I quickly freshened up and went down to see the whole hall crowded with people, although I didn't know any of them, I went to aunty and said,

-- "Aunty is very hungry"

--"I went to call you then,,, but you were sleeping later,, well, I'll give you a seat,"

I sat at the table and ate a bunch of grapes.

A boy came from somewhere and sat next to me.

--" Hello,,I'm Ryan,,cousin of Surya's brother,,you"

I found the boy very annoying,, how he was mixing with the body,, I wanted to slap him,, I said with annoyance,

-- "Sanjida Islam Rain,,, Jyoti Apu's Sister"

--" Oh!!"

Ryan was chattering non-stop in my ear,,I was so hungry, this chatter on him,,I was getting impatient then I saw the Australian Badar coming here,,,seeing him, I started chatting with Ryan with a devilish smile,,

Rian also started flirting with me when he got the chance,, Sala,,, have to do these things to ignite that Australian badard,, otherwise a girl like Rian doesn't care about this rain,,,

Megh is totally shocked seeing us like this, eyes and face are turning red with anger.

I'm thinking to myself, "Well, I made a mistake by angering him, what will happen if he really breaks my arms and legs?"

I swallowed a dry mouth in fear.

The cloud immediately left there in anger,, before leaving it predicted the storm that would come upon me,,

As he was going, a precious float came to his feet, and the cloud broke the float into 100 pieces with one blow, and went up with a fiery gaze towards me.

I'm looking at the float, thinking about myself.

After a while,

I sit on the floor in my room with my hands on both cheeks,, tears are pouring from my eyes.

I feel more afraid to see the person standing on the same level

To be continued...