
Writer-Farzana Zannat( Tanju)

I am standing with my hands on both cheeks, Megh is standing in anger, I feel bad seeing him, I want to cry, I can't even tell if Sala is an Australian badr or not.


After Meghar left I left,,Aunty has called me many times to eat but the desire to eat has died due to fear,,,I am so angry,,God knows what I will do,,,I did what she forbade.,,

I went to the room and just knocked, then I heard the sound of the door closing and my soul trembled, Megh's blue eyes turned red with anger.

Megh came at the speed of a storm and slapped me on the cheek,, I couldn't manage the rhythm and leaned a little,, again pulled my hand and slapped the other cheek too,, this time I went later,,, sitting down with my hands on both cheeks, ,

flushback end

Megh is standing in front of me and trying to control his anger, I am crying with my hands on both cheeks, slapping my cheeks very hard.

Megh grabbed a lock of my hair and said in an angry voice, "I didn't forbid, what happened I said prohibition"

-- I said nervously, "Yes, Bo...spoke."

--" Then why didn't you listen,, What did you think, I said jokingly,,, Listen Barbie Doll,, I do what I say,, If you make a mistake today, I gave you this small punishment. Next time, I will do something like that. Your whole world will change.

Now go and freshen up, I am bringing food, you will eat it.

-- "I will not eat,"

-- The hair that fell in front of my eyes was tucked behind my ears and said in a calm voice, "I didn't take your permission, I made my decision, now go and wash your face like a good girl, I'll bring food."

I couldn't say anything else, quietly went to the bathroom, and the clouds went down.


-- "Again, that queen made me lose so much money,"

A man smashes glass inside the house and says,

-- "Boss, there is no news about Quinn, no one knows where she comes from and where she goes."

-- "Just get out.. stupids... can't find a girl, I've left a bunch of donkeys," (says)

All the people leave the room.

--"Who,, who is this new show of mine,, that King was low,, now the Queen has come,"

The man dropped the bottle of wine in front of him.


I came out of the washroom and saw Megh sitting with a plate of food.

I was overwhelmed by the amount of food.

I asked in a surprised voice, "Who will eat so much food?"

-- "Who else will you eat, and will feed me,"

-- "Impossible, I can't,"

-- "Neither can,"

-- I said cut cut, "I can't do both, I can't eat so much food, and I am your wife who will feed you, eat with your own hands."

-- Megh pulled me to sit near him and said, "I can't bear two slaps, you are talking too much again, and I am talking about my wife, if you don't listen to me, I can do that too."

Now quietly eat from my hand and feed me too,"

-- "I..."

-- Before saying anything else, he scolded, "Shut up, I don't like disobeying my words,"

Suddenly I had to eat from Megh's hand, I fed him, Megh was biting my hand while feeding.

I couldn't stop him even if I wanted to,,,another feeling was working,,I don't know what that feeling is,,

Two people were watching this scene from a distance.

--Ms. Laizou said with a trembling voice, "I didn't say,,this girl can handle my rude boy,,no matter how happy the smile is in front of us, we know how rude he is,"

--Dhruv Sahib puts his hand on his shoulder and says, "So be it, the boy looks like he's having fun at the prom."


In the afternoon, the wedding takes place among the family members,,, for the evening reception, Api has to be decorated from the parlor,,,

At 7 pm all the guests started arriving one by one.

Megh, Mihir and Bhaiya are busy attending to everyone.

All eyes go to the stairs.

I am coming down with you,,,Surya Bhaiato is looking at you laughingly,,

Api wearing pink work lehenga on black color,,,makeup on face,,diamond and gold bangles on hand,,necklace,,you looked amazing,,

Bro forgot to blink for a few moments.

Api's condition is also the same,, looking at his brother with one look,,, his brother is standing in a black three piece suit with his hands in his pockets,,,

Meanwhile, the cloud is looking at me unblinkingly, as if it has forgotten to look at me.

I have a case too,, I missed the heartbeat when I saw Megh,, day by day my mind has become crazy for her.,,

Megh wearing a chocolate colored blazer, white shirt under it, blue jeans, black wrist watch on hand, spiked hair, that sly smile on his face.

"Ugh! I'm going to die looking at this."

I am wearing a dark black saree today, everyone says black saree suits me better, with light makeup on the face, pink lipstick on the lips, dark deep kajal on the eyes,

The black saree looks very attractive on the beautiful body.

All the boys are looking at me with one look,, Megh's eyes turn red after seeing this,, Seeing his eyes, I swallow a dry mouth and slowly move away from there.,,


Chhaya was walking around the whole house looking at the decorations.

Suddenly bumped into someone,

-- "Uff!! Gellore Gelo,,My closet is gone,,Who will marry me now,,,God Gooooo,,,Some hot-faced badarre"

Mihir is looking at him at the same time.

-- Chaya says with her hands on her hips angrily, "Oh, I should have understood that such a thing could be done by such hot-faced bastards, what's your problem, what's your problem, always burning me." for "

Now Mihirar has knowledge and immediately says,

-- "No, I don't have any desire to have any association with the brawlers, and did you walk with your eyes in your hands or didn't you see that such a big man was standing there?"

-- "Yes that,,, standing with a body like a guard, why can't anyone see me,"

--"What,,you told me to watch,",,you know girls are crazy about me,"(with attitude)

--" Yes, those,,, they too have escaped from Pabna's insane asylum,, otherwise why would anyone like such a flamboyant Badar,,,I am not as crazy as them, Mr. Poramukhi Badar did not understand"

Choya walks away saying the touching things, Mihir stands laughing after hearing this about himself.

Mihir says with a crooked smile.

--" I like it,,Miss Ghagrute"


I could hear the sound of the glass inside, so I came out.

There are many people outside too,,I was walking past the old store scrolling my phone,,,suddenly someone grabbed my hand and took me inside the old store,,I couldn't see anything because it was dark,,,

-- "Who are you, how dare you touch me" I said very clearly.

The man didn't say anything, we held his waist with our hands inside the saree, immediately a tingling went through the body, the body was getting paralyzed, by now I was supposed to break the hand that touched me but I couldn't do anything. It was taking,,,the man slowly started moving towards my lips,,,at one stage the manLips merged with mine, for the first time in my life I felt the touch of a boy so closely,,, but I could not get rid of this touch,, I closed my eyes obsessively,,

After 5 minutes without feeling anyone's touch, I opened my eyes and saw that there was no one in front of me.

I went out with a smile,,, as I was leaving, someone came out, said to kiss his lips,,,

--"Believe me Barbie Doll,,I have never touched any girl in my 26 years of life,,,How much they tried to get me for one night,,,But seeing you, everything went wrong for me,,,I got addicted to you,,,and Today, with the touch of a girl for the first time, I got that addiction from my love, many times more.

now you have to be main,,because,#I'm your darkness,"

The sish goes on and on.

So far I have understood who the man was,,,yes,,it was Megha

I left the place and sat in an empty place,,,I already had a hot head,,then from where the trouble came,,,

A boy comes and whispers in his ear.

At one stage, the writer_Farzana_Jannat_Tanju asked if I am willing to be her gossip.

The anger that was on the Vyas cloud fell on the boy.


Megh was standing behind and watching all this,, laughing at the last thing I did, "Wow!! Go outside and become a real cat to me,,,good,,that's why I love you so much,"

Clouds also move in.

I went inside and saw that mom and dad had come, I went and hugged them.

"Why did you come so late, I missed you so much"

- Father patted my head and said, "I came, you were not there for a long time."

Abbu goes to Dhruv uncle and says, "Dhruv, me and Sharmin are going out of town for 1 month for some work,,, Rain can't be left at home alone,, so what will be the problem if I stay at your house for this 1 month too."

-- Aunty said, "Oh, no, no, whatever you say, you will keep the house drunk, and Jyoti will like it too."

Hearing my father's words, the sky broke in my head, "What is 1 month in this house,,,Impossible,, that idiot made my condition worse in 1 day,,,I will not survive in 1 month,"

I swallow a dry mouth as I look up at the cloud and it's looking at me with a devilish smile.

--" What does he need,,,I can stay,,and where alone there are people working at home,,"

-- Mom said in a serious voice, "There is no one at home, I have given everyone a 1-month vacation, and what is your problem if you are here??"

--" Hey, what will happen to my studies,, I have to go to college from tomorrow,,,"

-- "Don't worry about that, princess, I'll take care of that," said Abba.

I understand very well that they have come here, what else do I have to endure the torture of that devil for 1 month, but even thinking about it, I feel good that I can stay with you, I will eat the delicious food from aunty's hands.

I went out with my parents at night, I have to come again tomorrow morning, I dropped Chhaya at her house.

cloud room

--" If you see Barbie Doll, you will stay with me for 1 more month,, so be ready to endure my torture,,,"

My picture on the phone is waving hands and saying with a crooked smile.

I am sitting in the room packing the luggage.

"Allah knows what will happen to me in this 1 month, I have to stay away from that devilter as much as possible,"

Leave the luggage aside and sleep with a toddy.

In the middle of the night, there is no sound outside except the barking of the dog, the atmosphere is silent, at that time a shadowy figure entered my room through the balcony, slowly came to me and sat beside my head, started patting my head. He gently kisses the forehead and says,

--" Are you thinking of staying away from me Barbie Doll,,, but that's not possible,,,you've got involved with me,,every part of me has merged with you,,,see what happens to me,,,tomorrow you're coming like me too I can't stay away from you for one night.

So far, you have understood who the shadow figure is.

A call comes on Megh's phone,,,,

-- "Say what's up,"

-- "I have caught the man, now you go,"

-- "Ok,,,I'm coming,"

He cut the phone and looked at me with a crooked smile,,,kissed my lips and left again through the balcony,,so much happened and I was sleeping later,,

Oh sleep...


A man is tied up in a dark room,,,, the man is shouting,,,

--" Why am I bound like this, I am your man,"

--" That King will come and explain to you why it is tied" Mihir says while pouring wine into the glass.

-- "When will the King come, Mihir," cried Simon.

Megh came before Megh could say anything,,Megh was wearing a black hoodie,,black skinny pants,,,the blue eyes looked very scary,,he was sitting on his throne with revolver in his hand,,,

--" So Raihan,,, now tell me why you were brought here," with wine in hand

--" That's my question, what did I do," in a normal voice.

--"You know Rayhan I can stand anything but betrayal, and you did," said the glass spinning.

Now Raihan cried and said,

--"King forgive me,,,I was greedy and gave them your company details,,,please don't kill me,,,"

--" If I didn't know, maybe I would have left,,,but you committed betrayal,,,this King has no forgiveness for him,,," said with a smile,,, but seeing the smile, any healthy person would have a heart attack,,,

--Megh says to Simon in a serious voice, "Simon, take him to the king, he has not had fresh meat for a long time, let him enjoy his dinner today."

-- "Yes King"

Simon took Ryan's rope to pull him,,,Simon cried, "Leave me, King, I won't make any more mistakes in life, please let me go."

--" This King has no mercy in his heart, take him away," he said loudly.

(Megh is petting a fierce lion, who can't see anyone except him, Mihir, and Simon, Megh is petting this very fearsome animal)

--"Mihir will return home soon,,,I am going,,and take all the responsibilities of Raihan's family,,so that they don't have any problem,,so that his family doesn't get punished for Raihan's mistake,,,"

-- "Ok bro,"

Mihi goes out in style with her own hoodie on her head,,,and the entire room is full of Raihan's breathlessness,,,Megh leaves with a devilish smile,,,after a while everything cools down,,as if nothing happened,,,,


the next day

At 10 in the morning I came to Megh's house,, and father and mother went out for their purpose,,,,

When I came home, I found out that the devil is not at home. He has gone to Cox's Bazar for two days. I went to my room after jumping. A servant had already given the luggage.

As soon as I came to the room I went to freshen up,,,I came out and packed my luggage,,,Suddenly my eyes fell on a paper on the table, I took the paper in my hand and sat down.

--"I'm pissed off,,,"

To be continued...