Shadows in the Flame

The Moonlight Inn sat quietly at the edge of the bustling market square, its modest exterior giving little away about its true nature. To the average passerby, it was nothing more than a place to eat, drink, and rest after a long day of travel.

The dimly lit tavern area on the ground floor buzzed with quiet chatter, the clink of glasses, and the occasional laugh from those enjoying a meal. But beyond the surface, the inn was far more than it seemed.

For those in the know, the Moonlight Inn was the heart of the kingdom's shadowy underworld—a place where secrets were traded as easily as coin. Information, not food, was the true currency here. And for the right price, you could learn anything, even the most closely guarded secrets of the royal family.

Those who sought something specific could make a request—if they had the coin to back it up.

Two days had passed since Aryan's collapse at the academy, and while the world moved on, certain figures continued their pursuits in the shadows. In a private chamber above the inn's main floor, the flickering light of a single candle cast long shadows across the stone walls.

Seated in the center of the room was Darius Ironhart, his expression unreadable, his patience wearing thin. Kane Ashford stood silently behind him, his sharp eyes trained on the figure sitting opposite them—one of the inn's information brokers.

Darius leaned forward, his voice a cold whisper. "Did you find the information I requested?"

The broker, a wiry man with a thin mustache, smiled nervously and replied, "Yes, but the payment first, young master."

Darius clicked his tongue, irritation flashing in his eyes. "Alright. Kane, give him the remaining amount."


The weighty sound of a money bag dropping onto the wooden table filled the room.

Kane's face remained impassive as he placed the bag in front of the broker, who wasted no time in snatching it up with quick, greedy fingers.

"Here's the promised amount," Darius said, his tone icy. "Now, can you give me the information I want, or do you need more encouragement?"

The broker chuckled nervously, clutching the money bag tightly. "No, no, no! You misunderstand me, young master! Why would I take extra from you? I don't have a death wish!"


Darius' fist hit the table, causing the broker to flinch. "Then spit it out quickly. Don't waste my time. Or is a death wish exactly what you've got?"

"Alright, alright!" the broker stammered, his smile now strained. "No need to get so tense. You're no fun at all, young master."

Darius' glare deepened, and the broker cleared his throat, quickly continuing. "The person you're looking for… what was his name again? Oh, right! Devan Agn—"


Before he could finish, Kane's blade was out in a flash, its cold edge pressed against the broker's throat.

The man's eyes widened in terror as Kane's voice, calm but filled with threat, cut through the tension.

"Don't say that name out loud. Unless you want your head to part ways with your neck."


The broker swallowed hard, his voice barely above a whisper. "I… I… I understand, young master. Please, tell your guard to put the blade away. It's… it's dangerous."

Kane remained still, the blade unmoving, until Darius gave a slight nod.

Reluctantly, Kane sheathed his weapon, though his sharp gaze never left the broker.

Taking a long, shaky breath, the broker continued. "According to the information we've gathered, the person you're searching for isn't in Atasha Kingdom… at least, not right now."

Darius' face darkened, his voice simmering with anger. "Are you saying he's in another kingdom? Are you seriously fucking with me right now!? If he left Atasha, we would have tracked his movements by now. If you're lying to me—"

"I'm not lying!" the broker yelped, hands trembling. "Please, young master! Hear me out!"

Darius leaned back slightly, still fuming but allowing the man to speak.

"I mean he's not in Atasha, and… not in this world anymore."

Darius' eyes narrowed. "What do you mean, 'not in this world anymore'?"

The broker took another steadying breath, his voice more controlled now. "I'll explain. First, you know about the three restricted areas in the Atasha Kingdom, don't you?"

Darius' eyes flickered with recognition. "Yes, I know. The Shadowveil Forest, the Ancient Battlefield, and the Land of Fire—Eternal Flame."

The broker nodded quickly. "Exactly. The person you're looking for, Devan Ag—"

Kane's sharp glare cut him off.

"—I mean, the person… he's in one of those places. More specifically, 'The Land of Fire.'"

Darius raised an eyebrow. "The Land of Fire? That cursed place is forbidden for a reason."

The broker continued, choosing his words carefully. "Yes, it is. More specifically, the 'Blazing Realm' within the Land of Fire. It's a mysterious place, hidden deep within that region, and its location changes every time it opens. No one can predict when or where it will appear, and because of that, we couldn't confirm whether the person you're seeking is alive or dead."

Darius clenched his fists. "So what you're telling me is that I'm supposed to wait for some random door to open, with no guarantee of finding him?"

The broker winced at the sharp tone in Darius' voice. "Yes, that's… unfortunately the case. The Blazing Realm is unpredictable, young master. Many have tried to enter before, and many have never returned."

A heavy silence filled the room as Darius processed the information. His anger simmered beneath the surface, but for now, he held it in check.

"Find a way to get me more information about when the Blazing Realm will open next," Darius ordered. "And make sure this time, you don't waste my time."

The broker nodded hastily, eager to avoid any further threats. "Of course, young master. I'll start right away."