Whispers in the Dark

The broker scurried away, the door clicking shut behind him, leaving Darius and Kane alone in the dimly lit room.

Silence filled the space, but the tension between them remained thick.

Kane's hand lingered near the hilt of his blade as his sharp gaze remained locked on Darius.

"Young master," he said, his voice low and simmering with frustration, "why did you stop me? We could've finished him off. What if he betrays us and leaks what we're doing with Devan Agni?"

Darius leaned back, crossing his arms with an air of confidence. A knowing smirk tugged at his lips. "Relax, Kane. He won't say a word. Not even if he wanted to."

Kane's eyes narrowed. "Why's that?"

"Because of the Moonlight Inn's secret technique: the 'Oath of Loyalty,'" Darius explained. His voice was calm but carried the weight of knowledge. "It's more than just words—it's a parasite. Every member of the Inn ingests the 'Sable Parasite.' The moment they betray a client or spill classified information, it activates."

"What happens?" Kane asked, though the answer was already forming in his mind.

Darius leaned forward slightly, the smirk widening. "Their heart explodes from the inside."

Kane blinked, the full realization dawning on him. His grip eased on his sword. "I see," he murmured, understanding now why Darius was untroubled. "Even if the broker wanted to betray us, he couldn't."

"Exactly." Darius's voice dropped to a near whisper, his tone dripping with certainty. "He's as good as dead if he tries."

Kane nodded but still couldn't shake the remnants of doubt. "But why let him live? What's stopping us from taking him out for good?"

"The Inn's owner, Nyra Calden," Darius replied, his voice taking on a darker edge. "She's not someone we can afford to provoke. Not yet."

Kane furrowed his brow. "Nyra Calden? I've heard whispers about her... But is she really that dangerous?"

Darius chuckled coldly. "More dangerous than the rumors say. Her cultivation level is rumored to be High Master Tier, possibly even Peak Master Tier. If we cross her, we'll bring the entire Moonlight Inn down on us."

Kane frowned, weighing the risks. "So it's about timing."

Darius nodded, his gaze growing sharper. "Exactly. Our family is moving toward something bigger, Kane. The Atasha Kingdom is standing on the brink of chaos. The seven great families are circling each other, and soon, the struggle for power will break into the open. We need to be smart. We can't afford unnecessary enemies right now."

The gravity of Darius's words settled over Kane, and a newfound respect glinted in his eyes.

"You're thinking ahead. Alliances, enemies… I understand, young master. I'll remember this."

"Good," Darius said, satisfied with Kane's response.

His expression darkened further as he spoke again, his voice dropping to a near growl.

"The Agni family won't remain at peace for much longer. They're weak now, vulnerable. It's only a matter of time before everyone comes after them."

A cruel glint sparkled in Darius's eyes as he continued. "Their fall will be our rise. The Ironhart family will crush them, and when they're gone, everything they possess will be ours. They're just another stepping stone to greater power."

Kane straightened, awaiting his next orders, though the weight of Darius's ambition wasn't lost on him.

"Go," Darius commanded, his voice cold. "Tell my grandfather everything we've learned. Leave nothing out."

Kane's reply was sharp and precise.

"Understood." Without another word, his figure blurred and vanished, leaving the room empty except for Darius.

Darius turned toward the window, gazing at the moonlit horizon.

A slow, malevolent grin spread across his face, his thoughts already drifting to future conquests.

"And you, Aryan Agni…" he muttered under his breath, venom coating each word. "When we meet at the Grand Tournament three months from now, I'll make sure you die. I'll make sure everyone watches you suffer."

His laughter filled the room, a dark and triumphant sound that echoed with the promise of bloodshed.

Far from the scheming and shadows of the Moonlight Inn, a different kind of silence fell over the grounds of Fortress Academy.

The moon hung low in the sky, casting its pale light across the silent grounds of Fortress Academy. Most of the disciples had long since retired to their quarters, leaving only the occasional guard patrolling the eerily still campus.

But in the midst of the calm, a figure slipped quietly through the shadows.

Aryan Agni moved with practiced grace, his steps swift yet deliberate as he made his way toward the academy's edge. Sneaking out was risky, but the pull of Shadowveil Forest had become too strong to ignore.

He crouched near the stone wall, scanning the area for any movement.

The layout of the academy was imprinted in his mind—a map he had studied countless times. The dormitories stood to his left, their windows dark. Ahead lay the vast training grounds, and beyond them, the mess hall, where a few stragglers might still linger. The imposing Shadowveil Barrier Wall loomed in the distance, separating the academy from the forest's dense, mysterious trees.

Aryan took a deep breath and moved forward, keeping to the shadows as he passed the Master's Hall. He paused by the Elemental Sanctum, where a faint glow escaped from the cracks in the doors.

He felt the lingering power from within, but he kept moving. He could sense the presence of guards nearby and waited until their footsteps faded before continuing.

Once clear, Aryan moved quickly across the training grounds, careful not to disturb any stones that might betray his position.

The air grew colder as he crouched behind a stack of old training dummies, his eyes fixed on the Barrier Wall. Beyond that wall lay the forest—dangerous, forbidden, but irresistible.

As he neared the wall, Aryan found the section he'd scouted earlier, less guarded and easy to slip through.

The moonlight dimmed as the towering trees of the forest cast their long shadows. He was almost free, his heart pounding with anticipation.

But just as he was about to disappear into the undergrowth, he sensed movement from the shadows. A figure darted past, making Aryan freeze in place. 'Was it a guard? A spy?' His heart raced, but he held his breath, watching as the figure moved closer. Whoever it was, they seemed… suspicious.

'Who the hell is that?' Aryan thought, narrowing his eyes. 'A spy from another kingdom? Or maybe… a cult member?' His mind ran wild for a moment. 'An underwear thief?'

Aryan almost laughed at his own absurd thought. 'Wait… no…' he shook his head, annoyed with himself. 'What kind of pervert would sneak into the academy to steal underwear of all things?'


A voice echoed in his mind, startling him. Oh! So it's Aryan. Not some suspicious underwear thief.

Out loud, Aryan snapped, his voice barely above a whisper, "I said I'm not an underwear thief!"

Unfortunately, his outburst drew attention.

"Who's there?" came a gruff voice from behind, and Aryan felt his heart skip a beat. A security guard. Of all the worst times…