Inferno in the Forest

The air was thick with the damp, earthy scent of Shadowveil Forest, and Aryan moved cautiously through the underbrush. His senses were on high alert, every rustle of leaves and snap of twigs setting him on edge. Suddenly, a low growl broke the eerie silence.


Aryan's muscles tensed. Out of the shadows, a hulking form emerged-its eyes gleaming with hunger and malice.

A Stoneback Wolf, its gray fur matted and spiked like armor, slowly circled him.

Then, two more wolves appeared from the darkness, one of them larger and far more menacing, its aura clearly stronger.

"A pack… but only three?" Aryan muttered, gripping the hilt of his family sword.

"Guess I'm lucky today." His eyes narrowed as the wolves crept closer. "Still… these guys aren't easy to deal with. What tough bastards."


Without warning, one of the smaller wolves, a Rank 2 beast, lunged at him, jaws wide, aiming straight for his throat.

Aryan's eyes flickered with fire. "Oh! Are you that eager to die? Huh?"

With a burst of speed, Aryan shot forward, gathering fiery energy in his palm.

As the wolf came within inches of his neck, he thrust his hand into its side.


The fire erupted, sending the wolf crashing against a nearby tree.


The beast yelped as it hit the trunk with a sickening thud, collapsing to the ground in a heap.

Aryan smirked, his body pulsing with energy as he glanced at the fallen creature.

"You think just because I'm alone, I'm easy prey?" he taunted, stepping toward the twitching wolf.

"You'll regret underestimating me. I'm not going down to a wild dog like-"


Before Aryan could finish, the largest wolf, a Rank 3 beast, barreled toward him from behind, its massive claws aiming for his back.


The sharp clash of metal and claws echoed as Aryan spun around just in time, his sword raised in defense. The force of the impact sent a tremor through his arms.

"Damn, you're not like the others," Aryan grunted, pushing back against the wolf's immense strength.

His family sword shimmered in the dim light of the forest, flames licking the blade, while sparks of electricity crackled along its edge.

The weapon resonated with Aryan's fiery spirit and his lightning attribute, eager to unleash its full potential.

"I'll show you the true power of this blade!"

Aryan declared. With a surge of energy, he forced the wolf back, sending it skidding across the forest floor.

But the wolf was relentless. Growling fiercely, its eyes burned with fury as it lunged again, faster and more aggressive.

Aryan smirked, his sword pulsing with fire and lightning.

"Bring it on."

Steadying his breathing, he tightened his grip on the sword hilt. The Rank 3 wolf snarled, its claws scraping the earth as it circled him.

'This one's different', Aryan thought, eyeing the wolf's muscular build and the intelligence behind its gaze.

'It's stronger. More dangerous than the others. I need to end this quickly.'

He could feel the dull ache In his shoulder intensifying. If he took another hit, it might be over. His mind raced.

'Alright… focus. Just one clean strike.'

Lowering his stance, Aryan gathered his strength, his sword ablaze with fiery energy. Sparks of lightning crackled in the air around him as he prepared to strike. Coiling his muscles like a spring, he took a step back and-


In a blur of motion, Aryan leaped forward, his sword cutting through the air, glowing with a fierce combination of fire and lightning as it descended in a powerful arc.


The blade struck the wolf with immense force, flames erupting on impact. The ground beneath them trembled as the energy from Aryan's strike exploded outward, sending the wolf crashing to the ground.


The wolf let out a final whimper before collapsing, its body motionless, steam rising from its scorched fur.

"Tsk tsk… Was that it?" Aryan scoffed, flicking the blood from his blade.

He stood over the fallen creature, his voice dripping with smug satisfaction.

"You couldn't even handle one strike."

Wiping the sweat from his brow, he turned his gaze to the last remaining wolf-the Rank 2 beast that had kept its distance.

"And you…!" Aryan shouted, eyes locking onto the trembling creature.


The wolf flinched, trembling under Aryan's fierce gaze. Its ears flattened, tail tucked between its legs, it took a hesitant step back, clearly terrified.

"What's the matter?" Aryan taunted, a dangerous smile playing on his lips.

"Why aren't you running? Or… do you want to fight too?"

The wolf whimpered again before turning and bolting into the shadows of the forest.

Shaking his head, "Smart move. You wouldn't have stood a chance."

He sheathed his sword, letting out a deep breath. The adrenaline was fading, and the pain in his shoulder returned, throbbing with each heartbeat.

His body was worn and battered, but he had won.

"Whew, it worked," Aryan muttered, breathing heavily.

'That wolf finally left. I don't know what the outcome would've been if we continued to fight… even if I won, I wouldn't have come out unscathed in this condition.'

Exhausted but triumphant, he glanced at the two fallen wolves, excitement flickering in his eyes.

'Now, let's take a look at these goodies!' His eyes sparkled with greed as he approached the smaller wolf.

"Let's start with you."

Stab! The sound of flesh tearing filled the air as Aryan pierced the wolf's chest with precision, extracting a small, glowing core.

"Wow…" Aryan marveled at the faintly pulsing object in his hand, no larger than a marble.

"A Rank 1 Lesser Core!"

Monster cores were a valuable resource in the world of cultivation, concentrated energy crystals formed within the bodies of beasts.

The strength and rank of the core were determined by the beast's power, and they could be used to enhance one's cultivation, forge weapons, or be sold for a hefty price.

But Aryan wasn't too impressed.

"Hmph. It's just a low-level core. I don't really need it", he muttered, tossing it back and forth in his hand.

'What should I do with this?'

He pondered for a moment before a sly grin spread across his face.

''Oh right! I can sell it at the academy's marketplace''.

At Fortress Academy, the marketplace was a bustling hub where disciples could trade or sell all sorts of rare items, monster cores being one of the most common yet highly sought-after materials.

Even a lower-ranked core like this could fetch a decent amount of coins, especially for the younger or less experienced disciples.

Aryan pocketed the core, already imagining what he could trade it for. Maybe some medicinal herbs to help him recover faster or some new weaponry to prepare for his next fight. Either way, he wasn't about to let this opportunity go to waste.