The Hunt Begins

Aryan pocketed the Rank 1 core, already imagining the possibilities.

"Not a bad haul," he muttered, eyes shifting to the hulking body of the largest Stoneback Wolf a few paces away.

"But let's see what this big one has."

The wolf was unlike the others, its massive body sprawled lifelessly, still emanating residual energy.

Aryan knelt beside it, running his hand over its tough hide, noticing the thick, armored spikes along its back.

'Looks like it was on the verge of advancing to Rank 4… If I'd faced it any later, things could've gone bad. But,' he smirked, 'it's dead now.'

With a sigh of relief, he wiped sweat from his brow.

'Let's collect that core and get out of here.'

He sliced through the thick fur and hide, blood oozing as he reached into its chest. His fingers brushed against the familiar pulse of a monster core. But as he pulled it free, something felt different.

"Whoa..." Aryan whispered, holding the core up to the dim light.

"A Rank 3 core… wait…"

His eyes narrowed, the glow from the core swirling oddly.

"It's… a mutated core!"

Excitement surged through him as he examined the shimmering orb, its surface shifting with strange patterns.

"I hit the jackpot!"

Mutated cores were rare—coveted. They amplified power, granting users unexpected abilities or enhancing existing ones. But the risks were just as high. The volatile energy within could easily backfire if mishandled, causing disastrous side effects.

"This thing could be worth a fortune…" Aryan grinned. "Or I could use it myself. Imagine the boost..."

As he weighed his options, a soft glow caught his attention from the corner of his eye.


His gaze shifted. In the distance, beyond the thick underbrush, a faint crimson light flickered.

Curiosity piqued, Aryan pushed through the foliage, cautiously making his way to a small clearing. There, nestled at the base of a tree, was the source of the glow: a strange, crimson mushroom-like plant.

Its cap pulsed with a deep red light, almost like it was breathing, faint tendrils of smoke curling into the air.

"No way…" He crouched beside the glowing plant.

"The Crimson Ember Bloom!"

A grin spread across his face. "First a mutated core, and now this? Today is really my lucky day!"

The Crimson Ember Bloom was a rare herb, known for temporarily boosting physical and elemental strength. Its fiery essence could flood the body with energy, amplifying power and speed to incredible levels. But it wasn't without risks.

Aryan's excitement dimmed as he remembered the herb's infamous side effects.

''If used wrong, it could cause permanent damage… chakra burns, even cripple cultivation paths.''

He wrapped the herb carefully in cloth.

''But used at the right moment, this could give me a serious edge.''

Satisfied with his haul, Aryan stood, glancing toward the deeper part of the forest—the Veilwild. The trees there loomed ominously, their twisted branches casting deep shadows.

A chill wind howled through the dense foliage, carrying whispers of unknown dangers lurking within. The air was heavier, thicker with the aura of stronger monsters.

'I think that's enough for today,' His body ached, and he could feel exhaustion creeping in.

'Even though this is just the periphery, I'm a mess. No way I can push further in this condition.'

He took one last look toward the Veilwild, shivering at the thought of what might be waiting in its depths.

"Well, that's it for today."

As Aryan turned to leave, a sudden crackling sound pierced the air.


Pain exploded across his back, and he stumbled forward, gasping as fiery agony coursed through him.


His scream echoed through the forest as he clutched his side, warm blood spilling from a fresh claw mark tearing through his cloak. The wound burned, and his vision blurred.

"Fuck!" Aryan gritted his teeth, staggering as he tried to focus. His heart raced, the suddenness of the attack leaving him disoriented.

He spun around, and there it was—crouched low, eyes glowing with deadly intent—a Thunderclaw Wolf. Sparks of electricity crackled along its fur, and its claws glinted in the dim light, still humming with energy.

This wasn't like the other wolves. No, this one was different.

A peak Rank 7 Thunderclaw.

Aryan's pulse quickened as the wolf prowled forward, its yellow eyes locked on him.He could feel the oppressive weight of its presence, like static clinging to the air, thick with danger.

The beast's muscles tensed, ready to strike again.

But something else caught Aryan's eye. A mark—twisted, unnatural—was etched into the wolf's neck, disturbingly similar to the one burned into his own skin. A wave of dread washed over him.

"Damn it… I wasn't careful enough".

Aryan winced, his hand slick with blood as he pressed against his wound. Pain surged through his body, and his breath came in ragged gasps.

He was bleeding badly, and this wolf wasn't giving him any time to recover.

The tension in the air was suffocating, the forest around them eerily silent.

Aryan's mind raced, fear clawing at the edges of his thoughts. He couldn't afford to lose here. Not like this. Not when he had so much to gain.

With a shaky breath, he steadied himself, summoning every bit of focus he had left. His muscles coiled, ready for the wolf's next move.