The Shrouded Abyss

Early morning at Fortress Academy...

The soft glow of dawn filtered through the tall windows, casting long, pale beams of light that stretched across the stone corridors.

The academy, normally serene at this hour, stirred with the first signs of life. A distant breeze whispered through the halls, carrying with it a strange chill, unusual for this time of year. Yet, most dismissed it as nothing more than a passing change in weather.

Footsteps echoed sharply, breaking the stillness. They were hurried, uneven.

A man rushed through the corridors, his breathing labored, his expression marked with panic. Sweat beaded on his brow, his heart pounding louder with every step. He had to get to the headmaster—immediately.

As he neared his destination, his pace quickened, the sense of urgency pushing him forward.

He skidded to a stop before the imposing door of the headmaster's office, hesitated only for a fraction of a second, and then burst through with a loud—


"H-Headmaster… b-bad news…"

The man gasped, bent over and clutching his chest as he struggled to catch his breath.

"The… Abyss… it's gone!"

The calm inside the office stood in stark contrast to the man's panic.

Before him sat Alaric Valen, the headmaster of Fortress Academy, his expression calm but his piercing eyes narrowing at the intrusion. The grand window behind him cast a solemn light over his silver hair, which fell neatly past his shoulders.

A twisted tree, the academy's symbol, loomed large in the window's design, silhouetted against the morning sky. His well-maintained figure, despite his late fifties, carried the weight of decades of responsibility.

For a moment, Alaric said nothing. His expression remained calm, though his eyes narrowed slightly. The room itself seemed to hold its breath.

"Instructor Park," Alaric's voice, though steady, carried a sharpness that cut through the tension.

"What's the matter? Why do you look so distressed?"

Instructor Park stood, still panting, his face pale as he tried to find the right words.

"Huff… huff… That…"

Alaric leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapping lightly on the armrest.

"Control your breathing, Instructor," he said, his tone firmer now.

"You're at Fortress Academy, not some back-alley outpost. Calm yourself, then tell me what has happened. Panic serves no one."

For a brief moment, the only sound in the room was Park's labored breathing as he tried to steady himself.

He swallowed hard and finally spoke.

"The… restrictions of the Shrouded Abyss… have disappeared."

Alaric's fingers stilled, his expression hardening. For the first time, a flicker of shock crossed his normally composed face.

"What did you just say?" His voice, though measured, carried an unmistakable edge.

"The Abyss's restrictions… gone? Explain yourself."

Taking another deep breath, Park nodded, his voice trembling slightly as he recounted what had happened.

"It started last night. During our usual patrols, we noticed strange behavior from the beasts in the Outer Wards. At first, we thought it was nothing more than a routine disturbance, but… then the higher-ranked beasts near the Veilwild started acting erratically too. It was as if… something had terrified them."

Alaric's eyes narrowed further, a storm brewing beneath his calm exterior.

"And you're certain of this?"

"Yes, Headmaster. The creatures in the Outer Wards have been skittish before, but this… this was different. It wasn't just one or two of them—all of the beasts, even the stronger ones near the Veilwild, reacted. That's when we knew something was wrong."

Park's face grew more serious as he continued.

"We immediately contacted Enforcement Elder Garrick. We told him everything."

The previous night…

Under the faint light of the academy's torches, the training grounds were eerily quiet. A soft breeze rustled the trees beyond the walls, but tonight, it felt colder than usual.

Standing tall with his arms crossed, Elder Garrick stared intently at Instructor Park and the two other instructors before him. His sharp eyes, though calm, bore the weight of years of experience.

"So," he began, his deep voice low but steady.

"You're telling me that the beasts… are behaving strangely?"

"Yes, Elder," Park replied, his tone more composed now but still carrying a hint of unease.

"At first, we thought it was a minor disturbance. The lesser-ranked creatures in the Outer Wards often behave erratically, but this... this was different. Even the creatures near the Veilwild were affected."

Garrick's brows furrowed, his mind turning over the possibilities. His outward composure remained intact, but the subtle clench of his jaw hinted at deeper concern.

'Something's off,' he thought.

The muscles in his arms tensed beneath his robes, betraying a tension he did not show on his face.

"And what of the Abyss? Did any of you sense anything unusual coming from the deeper sections of the forest?"

A brief pause. Park shifted on his feet, uneasy.

"We… we didn't dare venture that far, Elder. The Abyss is too dangerous for any of us."

Garrick's eyes darkened for a moment.

"Something has disturbed the beasts," he muttered under his breath. "But what?"

For a long moment, silence reigned, save for the wind rustling the leaves outside. Garrick's eyes flickered with thought.

''Could it be connected to… that? No. Perhaps I'm overthinking,'' he mused, though the doubt lingered in his mind.

Park exchanged uneasy glances with the other instructors.

"Elder, what do you mean by 'that'?"

Garrick shook his head, "Nothing that concerns you. Not yet."

His response was firm, but the tension in his posture—his arms now crossed tighter, his eyes slightly narrowed—revealed that the situation weighed heavily on him.

'If it truly was related to that, we would've heard from the Arcane Barrier Division by now.'

The Arcane Barrier Division was the elite group responsible for maintaining the protective wards around the Shrouded Abyss and other dangerous areas. Their mastery of protective and sealing techniques ensured the safety of the academy and the kingdom itself.

They were known for their meticulous vigilance, employing ancient techniques passed down through generations to safeguard against threats that normal guards couldn't comprehend.

If the Abyss's restrictions had indeed fallen, they would be the first to notice and report any abnormalities. Their expertise went beyond ordinary warding spells; they were trained to detect even the slightest shifts in the realm's mystical fabric, alerting them to threats long before they manifested.

Just as Garrick was about to dismiss them, there was a commotion at the entrance to the training grounds.

A disciple of the Arcane Barrier Division burst through, his face pale with panic. He was dressed in the division's official robes, marked by a gleaming silver badge with the emblem of an intricate barrier.

"E-Elder Garrick! Bad news!"

The disciple stammered, his chest heaving from the run.

Garrick's eyes darkened further. He knew at that moment—something big was coming.

Turning back to Park and the others, he said, "It's late. You all can go. I will handle whatever is happening."

But as he looked at the panic-stricken disciple, his instincts told him that this was not a matter that could wait until morning.

Whatever was happening in the Shrouded Abyss would require immediate action.