First Alarm

A young disciple from the Arcane Barrier Division sprinted into the training grounds, his face pale and chest heaving from exhaustion.

"Elder Garrick! Bad news!" he gasped, nearly collapsing as he struggled to catch his breath.

Garrick turned sharply, his eyes narrowing like a hawk ready to strike.

"What happened? Speak."

"The… the first alarm… it's been triggered," the disciple stammered, his voice trembling.

Garrick's expression hardened instantly.

"What?! The first alarm?" His heart skipped a beat as he fought to maintain his composure.

'Could my fears have come true? No… I can't jump to conclusions just yet. This isn't the first time it's gone off,' he reminded himself. 'There were false alarms before—times when nothing was found.'

But something felt different this time. His gut twisted as the memories of past encounters with Shadowveil resurfaced—the way the forest seemed to shift under the moonlight, the whispers of something ancient stirring beneath the trees.

"Where is Elder Lysandra?" Garrick asked, urgency creeping into his tone.

"She's the one who sent me to inform you," the disciple replied, still panting.

"She's waiting at the Shadowveil Barrier Gate. Please, Elder, follow me—I'll lead the way."

Garrick's jaw tightened, his mind racing. "Alright. Lead on."

He motioned for the disciple to move, his usually calm demeanor showing cracks beneath the surface. His heart pounded—not from fear, but from the grim memory of what lay within the forest.

As they departed from the training grounds, the three instructors—who had remained nearby—exchanged uneasy glances. The first instructor leaned toward Instructor Park, lowering his voice.

"Did you see that? Elder Garrick looked… worried. I've never seen him like that before."

The first instructor crossed his arms, brow furrowing.

"He's always so composed. But today? He looked shaken. What could make someone like him, a Mid-Master Tier martial artist, falter?"

Park, his gaze fixed on Garrick's retreating figure, spoke softly, "It's not just worry… it's fear."

The first instructor frowned. "Fear? From Garrick? Come on, what could be serious enough to scare him?"

Park glanced around, his voice hushed as if the wind might carry his words where they shouldn't go.

"It might have something to do with the sealed entity in the forest."

The first instructor raised an eyebrow. "The sealed entity? That old myth? You don't really believe in that, do you?"

"It's not just a myth," Park said, his tone dead serious. "It's real. I'm certain of it."

The first instructor looked skeptical. "How do you know? And why now? What makes you so sure?"

Park cast a sidelong glance at the retreating figures.

"That disciple—he's from the Arcane Barrier Division. They're not called in for just anything. They're the elite when it comes to guarding Shadowveil. Elder Lysandra Valefor herself is their leader. If the first alarm has been triggered, it means whatever is sealed in that forest… it's stirring."

The first instructor shifted uncomfortably. "Stirring? You really think this 'sealed entity' could be waking up?"

"I don't think," Park corrected, his voice low, "I know. Have you noticed the forest lately? The beasts have been acting erratic. Not just in the Outer Wards, but in the Veilwild too. It's not natural."

The first instructor frowned. "Beasts act up all the time. Could just be some wild ones causing trouble. You're jumping to conclusions."

Park's eyes darkened. "It's not just the beasts. There's something off with the air itself tonight. Haven't you felt it? The sudden cold—like the warmth's been drained from the earth itself. And did you see Elder Garrick's face? He's been through enough battles to recognize real danger. Whatever it is, it's not just some false alarm."

The first instructor rubbed his arms, feeling the creeping chill now.

"I did feel the cold, but… it's just a drop in temperature, right? A freak weather change?"

"No." Park's gaze shifted to the darkening horizon. "That kind of chill—it's unnatural. It's like the forest itself is holding its breath. If the sealed entity is waking, this cold might be just the beginning."

The first instructor chuckled nervously, trying to shake off the unease.

"You've really thought this through. Are you sure you're not secretly working for the royal family as some master strategist?"

The second instructor, who had been silent until now, finally spoke, his voice grim.

"If what you're saying is true, then… does that mean the sealed entity is about to break free?"

"I don't think it can break free that easily," Park replied. "It's been sealed for countless years, and there are powerful restrictions in place that can't be undone easily. It's nearly impossible for the entity to escape."

The first instructor shuffled his feet. "So… what do we do? Go back to our patrol? Or call it a night and head in?"

Park shook his head firmly. "We're not going anywhere. We're going to follow Elder Garrick and see what's really happening at the barrier."

The first instructor's eyes widened. "Are you mad? If he catches us trailing him, we'll be finished. You know what he's like."

Park glanced at the shadowed trees. "He won't notice us in the chaos. Trust me. If this is as bad as I think, we need to be there."

The first instructor hesitated, looking to the second for guidance.

"What do you think?"

The second instructor sighed, doubt flickering in his eyes before he nodded reluctantly.

"Well... I'm not sure it's a good idea, but I have to admit, I'm curious too. So let's go!"

They kept low, moving silently, their breaths shallow. The closer they came to the barrier, the more the air seemed to thin, the weight of the forest pressing down on them.

The trees seemed to bend under the weight of the night, their branches shifting as if alive. The air carried a faint, almost imperceptible hum, like the forest was whispering a warning.

The wind rustled through the trees, carrying an unnatural chill as the three instructors quietly followed, their hearts pounding with a mix of dread and curiosity. Ahead of them, the faint glow of the Shadowveil Barrier Gate flickered in the distance, as if bracing for what lay beyond.