"Do you remember much more?" I asked.
"I remember… I'd been working on an algorithm to detect small scale electrical activity when my superior called me into a secret meeting. I remember going, but I don't remember the meeting at all. After that…" Roa's voice trailed off and I got the sense that this was where the horror started. "I just remember not being able to move, but also somehow moving. It was like… I was watching a movie of my life, unable to do anything." He shivered.
I wondered if my hosts felt that same level of dread when I possessed them. The seagull I was in immediately disagreed with this, musing that we always had a two-way communication going on at any given moment, not to mention the time shifts. I thanked it internally for allaying my concerns.
"So, do you know more or less what's been going on?" I asked.
"I… guess so?" replied Roa. "Everything's a bit hazy, but I don't think anything's missing…"