He was in pain. He was dying. That was the only explanation for the blistering white that filled his every cell.
Just let it end, he thought. Let me die.
But, whatever it was, it did not loose its grip on him and instead pulled him back with a powerful stroke back to the land of the living.
"He's coming around," said a concerned voice.
"Get out of there then check," said a crackly voice.
He was in pain, yes, but an uncontrollable need filled his mind. He flexed his limbs and forced his eyes open. His vision was blurred, but he could see there was someone in front of him, someone trying to get him up, to carry him.
But even as the sound of his own weak voice reached his ears, the most important realisation hit him: he had control of his body. Strong hands helped him stand.
"He's really awake," said that first voice. "Can you hear me?"