The wind howled and sea spray lashed against the windows and I just sat inside the cabin of the boat and was just glad to have an inside to be in. The boat itself was a bizarre contraption, half-boat half-van and driven like a car with a steering wheel and gear box and everything. This Electric Sea place was more like a dreamscape than I'd been expecting.

I had no way of knowing how long I'd been floating along in this van-boat, and I had a sneaking suspicion that it was going to be for a lot longer. I checked the clock on the dashboard then the watch I kept slung to the curtain railing behind the driver's seat. Both read a different time with the watch seemingly going backwards. Or maybe I was the one going backwards.

There was a kind of sinking insanity about the whole realm, and I could feel its grasp on me grow stronger as the ambiguous minutes ticked by.