The boy had a habit of roaming the perimeter of the island whenever his mind started to fray. Sometimes he would jog or sprint as fast as he could, but he always remembered to keep moving. He forgot who had told him to do this when he felt bad.
The rain was heavy that day, coming down in great buckets, quite different from the usual. The boy, walking this time, slowed and used his sleeve to rub the water from his face. He was chilled to the bone, just how he wanted. He stood for a moment, feeling the stormy air buffet him from all sides. This storm had been going on for a while and would probably be ending soon.
Earlier, he'd even thought he'd heard someone shouting…
A movement far away caught his attention and he looked down the cliffs. There was a shark circling in the water and, while not unusual, was odd given the circumstances. Or would have been were it not for the boat that was bobbing around like a leaf in a draining sink.